Chapter Ten

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"Nick" I asked. "What's up" he asked still playing final fantasy. "Carter" I said turning around facing the door. I wrapped my arms around me.

Before I knew it Nicholas was hugging me. "Todays just fucking fantastic" I threw my arms up and groaned. "He didn't mean to M" Nick said putting his head on my sholder.

"He... He didn't have to tell me! I could have lived without knowing" I said loudly. "No... Mia... You needed to know" he said quietly. "I needed to know that the guy I'm engaged to killed my twin brother. I needed to know that the guy I was gonna spend forever with killed my best friend... I needed to know this?"

"M I know you still love him. And we should both know he didn't mean to... Tay was Carters best friend" he said. I sighed. "But I don't know if I can forgive him" I said quietly.

"M where do you see yourself in ten years" he asked. Without thinking I replied "An actress, married to a wonderful husband with kids and a few dogs" I smiled.

"That sounds amazing... The funny thing is... That's what Carter told me... Well besides the actress thing" he said. There was a short period of silence.

"I'll sleep on it... And decide in the morning" I said before yawning. "Ok get some rest" he said. I walked to the room that was now mine. My phone was resting on a charger on the bedside table.

I laid down and sighed. I grabbed my phone. I stared and the lock screen, which was of me Carter, Logan, and Hazel. I smiled weakly.

Should I call him? I though. I looked at the time 3:17 a.m.
No he's probably sleeping... I'll just text him so he can see it when he wakes up.

I typed my password in. Scrolling threw my contacts and found Carter's which was in there as My Boo. I clicked the green message button. And typed...

Hey Carter, when you see this meet me at Starbucks... Lemme know when you see it tho.

I finished and debated whether or not to send it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My finger pressed against the screen.

I turned my phone off and rolled over. I closed my eyes. I heard the sound of Dean Winchester's voice coming threw my phone. He continued saying Sammy until I opened my phome.

Do you wanna meet now

I read the message from Carter. I sighed. "Come on Mia you have to at least tell him your decision"
I said to myself. I stood up and realized I had changed out of the clothes I was wearing.

I was wearing one of Tay's shirts -Which went to about my knee- and my boy shorts. I put basketball shorts on and put my black combat boots on. I brushed my hair and fixed my makeup.

Yea sure

I sent the text to Carter and put my phone in my pocket.

"Is this really your decision" I asked myself looking in the mirror. I sighed and played with the ring on my finger for a coupe seconds.

"I think it is" I said.
"This is how you wanna live... Knowing this decision was made only by you" I asked myself again.

"Will you stop arguing with me I know what I'm doing" I said looking back in the mirror. "I hope cuz if you ruin my life it'll ruin yours too" I said. "Well thanks captain obvious" I sighed.

"Ok I just need to stop talking to myself and go" I said. I carefully walked out of my room shutting the door behind me. I walked to the front door and unlocked it. I opened it and walked out carefully shutting the door behind me.

I walked down the street to Starbucks and walked in after seeing Carters truck. I saw him at a table with two coffees in front of him.

Your making a good decision don't worry. I though before sitting in front of him.

"Hey" he smiled at me.
"Uh... Hi" I said a little nervous. I played with the ring again. He looked at my hands and frowned. "Your giving the ring back aren't you" he asked as tears were viable in his eyes.

He looked so amazing. Even though he just woke up. His hair was everywhere. He wore a baggy sweat shirt and sweat pants. His usual pajamas.

"Actually" I trailed off and his eyes widened. "I'm not giving the ring back" I said and he smiled. "So... You still wanna marry me" he asked. I stood up and walked to him. I leaned in and kissed him.

Things got a little heated. "No fucking in here" the person said. I pulled away from Carter and we walked to his truck. We drove back to his house and went to his room. Where I ended up falling asleep after what happened.

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