Chapter Thirteen

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I tensed hearing his voice. I relaxed after a second and looked up at him. "Hazel told me you were. Are you ok" he asked concern lacing his voice. I stood up and got in.

"No Carter I'm not" I said quietly. He grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers. "Baby girl what's wrong" he asked.

I looked down at our hands and smiled weakly. "I climbed up these rocks with Jake. And I was saying how beautiful it was and he was saying how beautiful I was" I trailed.

I looked up at him and saw anger flash through his eyes. "And" he asked harshly. "A-and he... Kissed me" I said quietly. "Did you like it" he asked hurt and anger flashed through his eyes.

"What no" I said raising my voice a little. "So you're not falling under his spell" Carter asked his eyes softening.

"No... I'm only under your spell" I said and he smiled weakly at me. He leaned over and kissed me. I kissed back. A few seconds later he pulled away.


It's been almost a week since the kiss with Jake. I can't stop thinking about it!

The way his soft lips fit perfectly with mine. The damn zoo that was in my stomach when his lips touched mine.

Ok Mia, shut the fuck up! You love Carter your engaged to Carter!

It's Friday night and I'm laying in bed.

You also have to go to work tomorrow morning.

I know but I want to do something fun for once.

Mia you can't you have to work.

"Hey M" said Nick from the other side of my door. "Come in" I said before sitting up. Pulling my knees up to my chest.

"There's a party tonight, wanna come" he asked, standing in the door way. "No I have to go to work tomorrow morning" I smiled, suddenly feeling really sick.

I got up and pushed Nick out of the way. "M are you ok" he asked after I slammed the door in his face.

I kneeled in front of the toilet. I started coughing before I barfed.

When I was done I flushed. I stood up and washed my mouth out. The door opened and Nick walked in.

"Mia you've been really sick all of today. Are you ok" he asked with wide eyes. I put my hands down on the counter.

How do I tell him? Do I just say it?
Just say it!

"Nick I'm" I trailed closing my eyes. "You're" he asked waiting for me to go on. "I'm pregnant" I said. I slowly opened my eyes. He wrapped his arms around me from the side.

"That's fantastic! I'm gonna be an uncle" he said happily. I smiled. He let my go and turned to face him.

"I plan on telling Carter and Hazel and them tomorrow" I smiled.

"Tell us what" Hazel asked walking into the bathroom. "Ok out I'll tell you now" I said pushing them out. I stood in front of all five of them.

I looked at Carter and smiled. "I'm pregnant" I said. His face lit up and he smiled. He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. I giggled as he spun me around.

God, I love this guy.

"Well that's a nice birthday present" Logan smiled. Carter set me down and looked at me with wide eyes.

It's my birthday? Oh yeah... Forgot.
How can I forget my own birthday?

"Happy birthday baby" Carter smiled. His lips pressed against my forehead and I smiled closing my eyes.

"We should go celebrate" Levi said. "But I can't I have work tomorrow" I said with wide eyes.
"We won't be out to long" Nick said. "Maybe go have some dinner or something" Hazel shrugged.

That sounds amazing! I could really go for some ice cream and steak!

Ice cream and steak? That sounds so gross but so good.

"Maybe a buffet" Carter shrugged. "I could eat" I smiled.

They laughed as did I. I grabbed Carter's hand and we walked out of the house. I got in Carter's truck.

He got into the driver seat and turned the truck on. "So we should think of some names" I said.

"Um" he trailed running his hand through his hair. "How about for a boy, his name will be Andrew Carson" he said. I wrinkled my nose.

"Why Andrew" I asked smiling. "Ok maybe not... How about Drew Carson" he asked. I nodded "That sounds better".

"For a girl, how about... Harper Anne" I asked smiling. "Sounds good" he smiled back.

This is my kinda of fairytale. And he's my prince charming.



So I plan on just ending it here. Then making a second book in their child's POV.

Comment what you think the next book should be called.

What do you think of the names? If you have a better idea please let me know.

I also have a new book called Emo Girl? Here.

You guys should go check it out.

Thanks love you guys.


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