Chapter Six

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We walked to the room and Carter opened the door. It had white walls a small TV and one queen size bed. "I hope you don't mind... But I only had a little bit of money with me" he said after we walked in. I closed the door behind me and locked it.

"Carter" I asked turning towards him. He looked up at me with those brown eyes which one day would be the death of me. "I'm scared" I said for the first time in 9 years. His eyes widened then went back to normal.

"Your gonna be ok" he said quietly. "But what if you're wrong Carter what if my 'parents' find me and something worse happens" I asked panicking. "I won't let them hurt you" he said trying to calm me down.

"Now I'm being annoying" I sighed frustrated. "You not being annoying... Mia you and Hazel have been best friends since only god knows how long" he said. "And I've had to deal with you since you got comfortable around us" he said and I sighed getting up "5th grade you broke up with Alex and you were heart broken. I watched you cry your heart out with my sister. I ended up beating the kid up after school. Then when you found out you yelled at me for hours then wouldn't talk to me for three days" he said pulling me back down so I sat next to him.

"7th grade when Avery told you that you were to fat to be on the volleyball team and you started cutting my sister was out of town so you cried for hours with me. If you were annoying anytime it would be the times I tried putting you back together when you were falling apart" he said.

"Carter I'm falling apart now!!!" I yelled. I opened the door and walked outside. I put my hands on the metal railing as tears ran down my face. "God I'm an idiot" I muttered wiping my eyes.

"Yea you are get in the car now" my dad said "Carter?!?!" I said loudly and he walked out. He looked at my dad and grabbed my hand. We turned around and ran.

Across the street from the hotel was nothing but a forest type thing. We ran into all of the trees for a while then stopped. We were both breathing heavy. "I told you I wouldn't let them hurt you" he panted.

One of my favorite things about Hazel and Carter: They both had an Australian accent. Their parents were Australian also.

"Oh my god" I mumbled looking at him. "What" he asked. "Have I told you how hot your accent was" I said without thinking. He walked closer and my eyes went wide. He put his hands on each side of my face.

I flinched and he started leaning in. I did as well and our lips meet. "Eww" I heard a familiar voice say and we pulled away. "Hey Hazel" I said shyly and her nose was wrinkled up in disgust.

"Again... Ew... I did not track your phone to find you two playing tonsil hockey" she said. "You tracked me" I asked. "Really out of all of that, that's the one thing you decide to hear" she asked.

"Yeah pretty much" I shrugged. "Of course you did" she said shaking her head. Carter wrapped his arm around my waist. "Anyway my mom has arranged it so you can move in with me... I'm going to go look at a house later today if you wanna come" she said.

"Sure I'd love to" I smiled weakly at her. She turned around and started walking out of the trees with us following behind her. I felt someone grab my hair and pull me back.

Carter turned around fast. "Mia" he yelled chasing after us. Hazel turned around and threw something at the person pulling me. Then I stopped moving. The grip on my hair didn't loosen.

Carter ran over and got the hand out of my hair. He stood me up and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so so sorry" he said quietly.

"It's fine a lot of people don't keep their promises" I said before running in the direction we started walking. When I saw the road I untied my hoodie from my waist and put it on.

I started walking alongside the road with my hood over my head. Then it started raining. And my head filled with thoughts.

You idiot your pushing him away.

Do you really want to lose him.

Your gonna lose Hazel to Dumb fuck.

Wow your best friend and your boyfriend are back there and you run away like a fucking coward.

Your parents are gonna find you and be so mad and their gonna take it out on you.

What would Tay do if he knew your pushing people away.

At least Carter tried. Give him another chance. DON'T BE A IDIOT.

"Stop just stop" I cried out. A familiar truck pulled up next to me. The truck stopped and I stopped walking. The window rolled down and I saw Carter.

"Please don't leave I really didn't mean for that to happen" he said sounding like he was gonna cry. "Well" I trailed off.

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