Chapter Twelve

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He looked from Derek to me. I shook my head knowing he wouldn't help. I started running down the hall. Jake caught up to me and pulled me to an exit. We stopped and he looked around.

"My cars this way" he said pulling my arm. "Why are we going to your car" I asked. "You said you wanted to get away from him so... I'm helping you now get in" he said getting into the driver side of his car.

I got in the passenger side and buckled up. He backed out of the parking spot and speed out of the lot. I pulled out my phone and texted Carter

-I'm with Jake... Derek came back and I didn't know what to do.

-That's ok I'll see you later

-Ok love you

-Love you too

I read the text and put my phone in my back pocket. "Where are we going" I asked. "Somewhere" he smirked at me. "Eyes on the road I don't want to die" I said. His smirk dropped and he looked back at the road.

He turned on the radio and Doing it righ by Jack and Jack played threw the car.

"Okay your mom is talking to you saying clean up the basement, while the money's talking to me that's personification. Paper in my hand till the day that I'm finished. And yeah, a haters just a fan that is scared to admit it. But I get it, a preconceived notion that you can't like us cuz your friends don't. Your generic like a number two pencil. Eventually you'd be blowin on the whistle, That YMCA leaves every Sunday" I rapped but couldn't finish cuz he turned the car off.

"Hey I was singing" I glared at him. "No you were rapping and it was hot as hell... But we're here" he smirked at me. I looked in front of us and saw the beach.

"Why did you bring me here" I asked. "Cuz I wanna show you something" he said before getting out. I got out after him. He started walking and I had to jog over to him.

"Your gonna have to climb a little" he smirked at me. "Ok" I shrugged. He interlaced our hands and I pulled my hand out of his. "Right I forgot your with... Carter" he said his name with distaste. I looked up at him amused.

"What's so bad about Carter" I asked smirking at him. "Nothing" he shrugged. I giggled and he smiled at me. "Well here's where the climbing begins" Jake said and I looked up from the ground.

"Ladies first" he said holding out his hand. "Why do I feel like that's just a nice way of saying 'Let me look at your ass while you climb up these rocks'" I asked him. "Cuz it is" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and started climbing up the rocks.

*Time skip 10 minutes*

"Holy fuck how much more do I have to climb" I mumbled under my breath. "We should be about there" Jake said as I reached the top. He climbed onto the top after me and I looked out.

"It's beautiful" I said quietly. He walked over and stood by me. "I know something that's more beautiful" he said looking at me. "I highly doubt something is as beautiful as this... Let alone more beautiful" I shook my head.

He turned me and pulled him towards him. Before I could do anything his lips were on mine. I pulled away and looked at him with wide eyes. I started slowly backing away.

"Mia I'm sorry" he said grabbing my arm. "Don't touch me" I said before starting to climb down. When I got to the bottom I ran in the direction of Nick's house.

I stopped when I realized none of these streets were familiar to me. I ran my hand through my hair and looked around. I pulled my phone out and texted Hazel.

-Come get me please
-Where are you
I sent her the address and sat down. I pulled my knees to my chest and put my head on my knees.

"I didn't need his help" I muttered. "I could have gotten away myself" I said as a car pulled up. "Who are you" I asked not looking up. "Just get in" he said.



So the guy at the top is Jake.
This is by far my shortest chapter but I wanted to update for you guys.

I really hope your enjoying this book. I think I'm gonna end this book soon and start a new one where it's her kid.

What do you guys think? Should I?

Thanks for reading don't forget to vote!


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