Chapter Five

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I leaned my head on the window and continued silently crying. "Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it" Carter asked sounding worried.

I wiped my eyes. And sat up straight. "He uh... Promise not to tell anybody" I asked looking at him. "I promise" he nodded and we pulled up to their house. "He uh... He um..." I said starting to cry again. He scooted to the middle seat and pulled me into his lap.

"I'm so sorry M" he said sounding pissed off. I heard a car door open. "Carter what do you think your doing with Mia" Hazel asked. "Haze this is the girl I'm taking to the dance" Carter said.

I got off Carter's lap careful not to hurt myself even more. "Please tell me you don't plan on going back" Carter said. "I'm staying here until Friday" I said drying my eyes again.

"Hold on I'll help you" Carter said and got out. He grabbed my hand and I hissed at the pain as I got out.

A few tears fell down my face. "It hurts" I cried and Carter picked me up. He carried me to the door and Hazel opened it. "Where do you wanna go" Carter asked.

"Mia what happened" Betty said but I think she figured it out. "We need to get you cleaned up" Betty said. "Thanks mom but I'm fine" I mumbled. "Carter can you put me down" I asked.

Carter carefully set me on my feet. "Hazel walk with me please" I asked and she nodded. We walked up the stairs and into the bathroom.

She shut the door behind her. "You're dating Carter and you didn't tell me" she asked sounding pissed off. "He didn't want me to and I agreed. I'm sorry I should have told you" I said turning on the water.

I put my wrists under the water and hissed at the pain. I pulled my wrists away fast. "It's fine M" she said grabbing a washcloth and put water on it.

"Let me see your wrists" she said and held out her hand. "No Haze it hurts" I whined and she carefully grabbed my arm.

She started cleaning my wrists. "Anywhere else" she asked "That I can clean" she said. "I'll clean my ankles" I said and she nodded wetting the cloth again and handing it to me.

"Girls dinners ready" I heard Betty say. "Thanks mom" Hazel and I said. I finished cleaning up and we walked out. "Mom do you have any pain killers" I asked when I got to the kitchen. "Ya hun in that cupboard" she said pointing at the cupboard above the dishwasher.

I walked over and opened it. I found the pain killer and took some. I sat down at the table and ate dinner with them. "So mum and dad Carter has a date for the dance" Hazel smirked. "Wow Carter who'd you trick into going to the dance with you" Jacob laughed.

"Mia Johnson" he said and Betty and Jacob looked at me with wide eyes. I put my head down and started eating.

"I swear to all things holy you better treat her right" Betty treated and I giggled quietly. "You better show her how a real man should treat a lady" Jacob said.

"Mom dad I'll treat her right" he smiled holding his hands up in defense. "Good" Betty muttered.

We finished eating dinner and I stood up. "Haze will you take me to the police station" I asked her. "Isn't your mom working right now" she asked. "Oh yeah" I mumbled.

There was a knock on the door and Hazel looked out the peep hole. "It's your mom and dad" Hazel whisper yelled.

"Carter take her somewhere" Betty whispered. "Let's go" he said and we walked out the back door. "M calm down your ok" he said as we got in his truck. "No I knew that your house would be the first place they would cheek" I said panicked with my breathing uneven.

"Well go get a hotel and stay there if it would make you feel better" he said. "I don't know what are your parents gonna think" I asked calming down my breathing.

"That I'm keeping you safe" he said pulling into a hotel parking lot. "I'll be back lock the doors just in case" he said before turning off the car and getting out. I locked the doors and put my hoodie on.

I pulled out my phone. Putting in ear buds I turned on music. I laid my head on the window and listened to fallen angels by black veil brides. I heard a knock on the window and I jumped.

I looked at the window and saw Carter. I unlocked the doors and pulled one of them out of my ears. "Are you ready" he asked smiling.

"Yeah" I sighed and I opened my door getting out. He walked over to my side and he carefully interlocked our hands. "Your safe now" he mumbled as he unlocked a hotel door. "Let's hope" I muttered

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