01 | The Heretics

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Chapter One

Three Years From Now:

"Just get it over with.." I breathed, struggling against the vervain and wolfsbane laced ropes restricting my ankles and wrists.

The woman torturing me let out a maniacal laugh, kneeling down inches away from my face. "Now, why would I kill you, when we haven't completed our tests?" she furrowed her eyebrows. "And don't forget..you're still being used as bait. If you're dead, he has no incentive to show up."

"Yes he does. He'll want to murder your ass for beating mine." I weakly spoke, as my eyes fluttered open.

"Oh, I'd love to see him try." she added.

I attempted to move my hands once more, only for them to be singed by the ropes, causing me to let out another groan in pain.

"Just give up. You call yourself the strongest supernatural being? Honey, you might need a new title." the woman barked.

"Why- why do you need him?" I panted, before she grabbed my cheeks, pinching them close together, gathering the blood that sat in my mouth.

"Lorenzo St. John, happens to be extremely important to us." the woman glared.

I spat my blood in her face, causing her mouth to fall open in disgust as she backed up a step towards the open metal door. "Yeah, well, he's pretty damn important to me too. So you're gonna have to get in line." I affirmed.

As she stood still in shock with my blood covering her face, I flipped over in my chair, breaking the ropes. I let out a hiss as they burned, before they fell to the floor. I stood up, flashing my yellow eyes and vampire fangs.

Present Day:

"Dear Elena.." I trailed off, before immediately scratching away at the writing, letting out a groan in annoyance. "Hey, Elena. I'm sorry that I didn't get a final memory from you. That was my loss, and will haunt 'til the day you wake up. But, you always told me to keep a diary so-"

I stopped, staring down at the page before ripping it out, crumpling it into a ball. I threw the paper ball accross the room, chucking my now-empty journal along with it.

The journal hit the wall with a thud, causing Stefan to rush upstairs. "Hey, everything okay?" he worried.

Stefan, along with everyone else, has been overly-protective lately. I haven't spoken to anyone in weeks since Elena went into her coma. After I cried with Kai the night of Jo's death, I didn't go home. I compelled myself a room at a hotel, and repeatedly drained employees of their blood.

"Why yes, Stefan. Everything is fine and dandy." I perked, faking a smile, causing Stefan's eyes to widen. "My sister is in a coma for about seventy years or so, my boyfriend was murdered by your brother, and everyone's asking me if I'm fine."

"Well, that's the most you've said in weeks." Stefan shrugged, causing me to narrow my eyes. "Usually all I get is an 'ugh'." he mocked.

I run a hand through my hair, hopping off of my bed.

"Wha- where are you going?" Stefan held out his arm.

"Out." I growled.

"Very specific.." Stefan jokingly nodded.

"Goodbye." I intoned, grabbing my phone from my side-table, strolling out of my bedroom.

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