23 | It's Love And War

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Chapter Twenty-Three

We pulled up to a shop in Huntsville, Alabama.

Apparently, Rayna got a lead on some more vampires, bringing us to where we are now.

"Let's get 'er done." Damon announced, as we stormed into the building.

Every vampire in the room immediately looked up, causing Damon to launch two small stakes at multiple vampires, both landing perfectly in their chests, killing them. They fell to the floor as Enzo sped over to another vampire.

He stabbed him in the chest, twisting the stake, holding the vampire by his throat. "Lorenzo, don't. I'm a friend." the vampire pleaded, as Enzo pinned him to the table.

"Sorry. I don't know you." Enzo shrugged, as Damon and I cautiously walked through the room, inspecting the other bodies.

"Of course you don't recognize me in this body. It's me..Beau." the vampire clarified.

Enzo tore the stake from his chest, holding it high in his hand as we surrounded him.

"Beau the heretic? Wow. Small world." Damon chimed in, until he swiped the stake from Enzo's grasp. "Well, welcome back. And good-bye."

"Don't kill him." I argued, holding Damon's arm back as he rose it to stab Beau.

"He's on the list, Cassidy. It's not up for debate." Damon bickered.

"He helped save Caroline's life. And her kids. I'm not gonna let you murder him." I avowed, snatching the stake from his hand.

"Oh, come on. Really?" Damon questioned, earning a glare.

My eyes met with Enzo's before I began walking away.

"Wait- whoa, whoa..take a walk, get a half-caf soy.." Damon trailed off, pausing.

"And you still don't even know my drink." I contorted my face.

"-And by the time you get back, Old Yeller will already be taken out to the barn." Damon concluded.

"This is so like you." I lightly tapped his chest with the stake, narrowing my eyes.

"Which part? Classic analogies?" he smirked, before he vamp-sped over to Beau, swiftly tearing his heart from his chest. "Or that I don't ask permission to do what needs to be done?"

Damon tossed Beau's heart on a plate, causing my jaw to tighten before he brushed past my shoulder.

I shot Enzo a look, to which he shrugged.

Enzo was tossing the bodies in the dumpster as he argued with Damon, while I remained leaning against his car, on the phone with Bonnie.

"He isn't listening, Bon. If I called up Caroline and told her everything, I guarantee you she'd tell me that Damon is acting like her three year old daughters.." I sighed, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Maybe he just wants you to forgive him already.." Bonnie suggested, receiving a scoff.

"Well, if that's the only reason he's helping at all, he'll surely be disappointed once he realizes that's not gonna happen." I faked a smile, letting out a frustrated growl. "God, why does this have to happen to me?"

"You think you've got it bad? For the past few days all I've done is listen to Rayna Cruz talk to herself, and scream. That's literally all she does. On repeat." Bonnie complained.

"When this is all over, we need to take a vacation far away from Mystic Falls. Just me, you, and Caroline. No boys allowed." I declared, running a hand through my hair.

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