Ch10 - Finally Free

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Ch10 - Finally Free

"So how do you think you did?" Kate asked me as we walked out of the English room.

"Honestly, I have no clue, but exams are over so I couldn't care less!" I laughed taking off the down the hall. She started chasing after me before a booming voice made us freeze,

"No running in the halls!"

"Sorry Mr. B!" We chorused, Kate blushed a bit embarrassed but I just smirked knowing it was the last time I would ever get him as a teacher. I had made sure not to take any courses that he was teaching next year after our many yelling matches in English this year.

"You better be! Now get out of my sight!" We both turned around Kate sighing in relief and I rolling my eyes.

"I'm so glad we don't have to see him for the rest of the summer he actually scares me," Kate mumbled.

"He doesn't scare me, he pisses me off, he just likes to spout his opinions and if you don't relay them back he fails you." I smirked mischievously, "Although, I might miss our yelling matches next year. Oh well, I bet he can find another student to hate."

"You know I think he actually liked you as a student, you're the only one who got above a 90% in that course." Kate started, but I'd heard this way too many times before,

"Nice theory, but this is Mr. B we're talking about here."

"Yeah I guess; do you need a ride home? My mom is just over there in the parking lot." The vehicle she pointed to across the lot started honking impatiently.

"No, but I'm going to miss you so much this summer!" I suddenly realized grabbing her in for a hug.

"I know me too, but just think about it this way - while you're off touring the world with two of your best friends I'll be teaching snot nosed brats how to swim!" I burst out laughing,

"I don't even know how you landed that job, you hate kids! Hey, maybe when you have a free weekend you can fly out to wherever we are on tour and hang out for a bit."

"Of course, I still can't believe you guys landed a spot as opening act for One Direction!" She stopped her rant briefly to make the once minute sign at her mom who ignored her and continued honking. "No - I can't even start there; I can't believe you guys are still friends! That's so crazy, your band is going to blow up so much on the tour, and you won't be able to come back to school!"

"Kate you're exaggerating, practically nobody in school even knows I'm in a band! We're more popular on the internet. Imagine people at this school liked me."

"Don't be like that you're a people person, just because you don't get along with some people doesn't mean everyone here doesn't like you."

"Oh my god how am I going to live without you." I pulled her in for another hug and bit my lip to keep from crying.

"Hey! You already said Brooke and I could fly out this summer; you can't get away from me that easily!" Brooke still wasn't speaking to me, so I wasn't sure about that, but I gave Kate a weak smile and she continued. "You especially won't be able to get away from me when the tour comes here, I expect backstage passes! When are you flying out to Mexico to start the tour?"

"I'm coming in to get my marks for exam review tomorrow and then my flight leaves in the afternoon; I'm meeting everyone in Mexico."

"Then it's settled, I have orientation the rest of today, but I will come with you to the airport and say goodbye. See you then?"

"Yeah, Kate you're the best."

"I know!" She winked and ran off towards the still honking car.

I watched as Kate's mom sped out of the parking lot, slowing down slightly for the stop sign before barreling down the street and out of my view. My mum wasn't great at being on time for things so, after checking my phone; I figured I had enough time to go buy a soda from the cafeteria.

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