Catch Fire 3/3

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Ella opens the door and I'm hit with a blast of warm air. 

"Hi Tess," she says, motioning me into her apartment.A huge smile lights up her face. I step inside and she shuts the door after me. The room smells entirely like pizza and is incredibly warm. I'm beginning to regret wearing such a warm flannel.

"The heat is broken," Ella says, walking up behind me. "So it's either deathly hot or deathly cold."

I nod and sit down on the couch, feeling slightly nervous and awkward. I smile up at Ella and lean forward.

"So Ella?" I say, trying to break the ice.

"So Tess?" she replies, copying me. I smile and give a small laugh. 

"Where are you from?"

Ella sits down on the couch next to me, our legs touching. 

"Well I grew up just outside of the city. Then when I turned 18, about five months ago, I moved here with my cousin. It's closer to school, and I have more freedom. What about you?"

"I was born and raised right here. I'll be graduating this year and then staying here for college too," I haven't been accepted to the school yet, but I highly doubt they won't accept me; I've been a straight A student all my life.

Ella nods and smiles at me. She opens her mouth to speak when a timer suddenly starts going off. 

"Oh I really hope it's not burned!" she exclaims, jumping up and running into the kitchen. I laugh and follow her, standing in the doorway as I watch her open the oven door and pull out a smoking pizza. It wasn't a timer that went off but a smoke alarm. Ella shuts the alarm off and then turns to look at me.

"I'm really sorry," she says, her hands flopping to her side. There's a nervous smile on her face. 

"No no, it's okay. I was told there would be burned pizza anyways," I reply, trying to make her feel better. I honestly didn't care. She lets out a laugh.

"I did tell you that, didn't I?" She sighs and looks at the blackened pizza. "I don't know what to do now," she admits.

"You could..." I begin my sentence but trail off. She looks at me and takes a step towards me.

"What could I do?" She says trailing her hand up my arm.

"I...You..." I try to form words but can only manage a stutter.

"I have an idea," she says, putting her other hand on my waist. She leans in slowly, closing the distance between us. My heart speeds up and my breath catches in my throat. Our lips connect. 

My hands go to Ella's shoulders, bringing us closer together. Her hands trace down my sides and to the hem of my shirt. She stops kissing me for a moment, pulling back. Her eyes seem to ask for approval before continuing. I nod, and she starts unbuttoning my shirt.

He lips wander from mine down to my neck. She has my shirt unbuttoned all the way and carefully slides it off my shoulders. We've slowly moved from the kitchen back into the living room. Ella suddenly takes a step back from me and picks me up, laying me down on the couch. She slips her shirt off over her head before sitting on top of my lap. 

She leans down and starts leaving small trails of kisses on my neck and chest. I hold back a gasp when she starts kissing at my collarbone. Ella stops and sits back up to look at me. 

"I believe we are getting very well acquainted right now, don't you think?" She asks. I smirk and sit up, pressing a short kiss to her lips.

"I believe we are," I reply, "but, there is still so much more to know about each other."

Ella smiles and pushes me back down on the couch. 

"Let's get to know each other more then," she says, leaning back down to me. 

Author's Note : Ahhhhhhh I feel like this was a really anti-climactic ending to this! I will try to write better next time, I promise. I might write more smut... but then there is a certain SOMEONE who I know is reading this and I feel embarrassed when I write smut because I know she is reading it *cough cough hi babe cough cough* I should probably be doing my homework right now because I have a lot to do and I'm tired and ugh. I will be posting a lot more, I promise.

xoxo Louise <3

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