Chapter 3 ✔️

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The house they live in is in the forest. The main hint to that, is we've been driving for hours now, and all I've seen are trees. I wonder what their house is like a bit, but that's not important. This is not an extended stay. As soon as I have an opening I'll run away. Yea that sounds like the best plan someone like me can come up with.

I look ahead of the car a but to see we're now at a drive way, which means we finally pull up to the house and it is HUGE. As I study the extirior design of the place it looks like you could have a giant factory in there. The place is bigger than the house that I use to live in. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to stay here for a while. Besides I can stay safe here, as long as they don't catch me in my human form... Right?

The car stops, and the girl that on the way here that I've come to know as Emily lets out a squeal of excitement. She grabs the cat carrier that I  -as a miserable kitten that's currently being held prisoner in- and hops out of the car, and runs to the door. She jumps onto her tippy toes, before she pushes open the door, and skips in. Instantly I'm hit with a million sents, but there is one that stands out from the rest, and yet I can't seem to put a finger on it..... Werewolves?

Wait. WHAT!?!?! I-I'm in a house of W-Werewolves? Definitely NOT good. I can't die. I don't want to die. I'm not ready to die! I still have to avenge my family...
I'm set down on the floor when we make it into a room full of guys playing... Call-of-Duty? I LOVE THAT GAME..! Wait... Stop thinking like that Raylina! They. Are. your. enemy!!!

"No! The rouges are! Not ALL rouges are bad!!!" Hearing my inner cat -Quartzella- I obviously shut up. She hasn't talked in forever, and now she's defending the enemy? Everything is becoming so confusing now...

"I GOT A NEW PET!!!!!" The high pitch squeal the girl makes causes me to flinch. I was not suspecting that. Although all the guys seem to be use to it, as they sigh and pause their game. They then turn around to look at Emily, and suddenly seem to become extremely 'interested' or at least act like it.

"What did ya get Emmy?" Well that's a cute nickname for the girl. I might just have to use that...

"I Got a Kitty!!!" Emily yells jumping up, and down in excitement. She reaches down to the door, and opens it, while I take the opportunity, and book it out of there running under the couch hoping no one can reach me.

"What!?! Why would you get a cat!!! You know Dogs hate Cats!!!!!" One of the guys screech like a girl, and jump onto the couch.

"Mommy said I could..." Emily pouts a bit as she looks up at the guy, that she looks a lot like. I'm guessing they're brother and sister.

"Did Dad say you could?" He looks down at Emily, and her gaze falls to the floor.

"WHAT!?!" Just on cue theirs a giant man stomping down the stairs looking like the Alpha. I shrink back under the couch further not wanting to die.

"Move!!!" The giant man speaks with a Loud, and deadly tone that I want to get away from. Immediately the guys on that couch jump up, and the Big man lifts up the couch, taking away my only hiding spot, and protection. What he does next shocks not only to everyone else but me to.

All he does is smile down at me and says "You are right. She is cute."

I look up at him in shock... What changed his mind so easily!!! One second he was just about ready to kill me, and now he thinks I'm cute?!? Is he a Bipolar Hulk or SOMETHING!?!


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