1- Just one night

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EH! Chapter 1! I am posting every weekend and yeah:P But sometimes if I couldn't stop, I'll have a writing marathon and just write till I get tired:) Get to the reading!

1- Just one night

I stared at a blank space while I try to process everything in my head. So basically, Lloyd is Ben's son and he'll become my step brother... Yeah I repeated this thought a million times in my head and I can't still accept it.

I've been sitting here on my bed for an hour now, my music on blast with my headphones plugged in my ears. Maybe this is all just a dream and in reality Lloyd is really just a body guard. Ugh! Don't be stupid Lexie! He's going to be your step sibling in two months.

Why do I have to like wrong guys? They always say there's a lot of fish in the ocean so why do I always fall for the wrong ones? This is infuriating me!

I didn't hear a knock but Lloyd entered my room and shut it closed behind him. Great. I glanced at him before moving my attention back to the blank space I've been staring at for a while now. At least the wall gets me.

My bed sank down when he sat down beside me but I didn't acknowledge him. He knows my headphones are on, meaning I've completely shut the world out and he can get the hell out of my room, but we're not in the same page here. 

"Lexie," he said softly like he's scared I'll break and pulled out one of my earplug. He have seen me snap on Max before earlier so I doubt he'll push my buttons around nor get on my bad side.

"Leave me alone, I'm tired." I said without a hint of emotion as I pressed paused on my iPod.

"I'm sorry if I didn't tell you-" and here came the apologies. I'm tired of hearing sorry from people since Max had said enough of them since I landed today and my ears were ringing out of them.

"Just leave." I said flatly, pulling out the blanket and tucking myself in bed even of its only 9 at night but this the only thing I want to do, sleep my problems away.

"I thought you said tonight?" He said confused and I looked at him incredulously. What the hell!?

"Are you that stupid, or are you deaf?" I said annoyed and his face fell. Good, he better hate me now before we can be even friends cause I like him which is not good, it's good to keep our distance apart.

"Neither, but you promised me tonight," he stared down at me and I shook my head in disbelief. Unbelievable.

"What don't you understand?!" I frowned, sitting up. "Is it that our parents will get married in two months, or the fact that you'll be my family?" I laid it out in front of him and I was irritated but he just stared at me. I doubt he's listening to what I'm saying which made me want to poke his eyes out so he would only listen. 

"But were still not related in anyway right now," he stated and I hate that he got a point.

"Ugh!" I groaned loudly in frustration. I hate my life!

"You look so damn hot when you're pissed," he had the nerve to joke around and flirt! I breathed out sharply and shut my eyes closed to calm myself down. Breathe Lexie.

"You need to get out Lloyd," as bad as I wanted to turn back time and make out with him without knowing that we would be related, I can't; I don't want us to be weird and awkward around each other so I'm pushing him away, far away. I'm gonna snap if he doesn't get out soon.

"Not after you give me what you've promised," he was being stubborn. Fuck. I hate it when people are being like this. Well I've been hating everything lately because this life is so fucked up.

"I'm not giving you shit. I just found out that my future step dad has a son that I made out with and he didn't even tell me, this is mind blowing," I said through clenched teeth, running out of patience but he didn't dare to move and just stare. Do I have something in my face or what? 

"Do you regret it?" He asked curiously and I quirk a brow at his random question.

"Regret what?" I said, looking at him closely.

"Earlier," Lloyd said as he gazed deeply into my eyes.

"What the hell- no I don't regret it but it ended there." I said with pure seriousness but his eyes darted down to my lips after I said it. This guy is not easy.

"Why does it have to end there?" He reached to touch my arm but I slapped his hand away, making him flinch.

"We're you even listening to what I was saying before?!" I spat and he looked at me amused. Ugh! How messed up the situation is, I really want to kiss him again. All the step brother thoughts are forgotten and he's once again a body guard in my head and imagination.

"Will you get mad if I say no?" He said shyly and I growled lowly. Another thing I hate is when people don't pay attention to me but I seemed to capture his attention just not his ears because he's been gawking at me for the past ten minutes.

"Fuck you," I glared at him and reached for my phone, turning it on since I forgot about it.

"Yeah I'm planning to do that but you won't let me," Lloyd said suggestively and I kissed my teeth, annoyed. My screen flashed in front of me and I have 18 voice mails, 30 missed calls and 27 messages, all from Max. I'm fucking done with guys. I give up.

"Everything okay?" He asked concerned, he probably saw the frown on my face but I just nodded.

"Yes but I'm seriously tired Lloyd, I've been up since six this morning and I would like to rest," I said, yawning while I shut off my phone again, placing it on the night stand.

"Not after we--" my jaws and fist clenched and I'm ready to lash out. He already gotten my blood boiling on my first day here. Hell, it's not even my official first day.

"Go fuck yourself cause I'm not fucking nobody tonight!" I lashed out and it didn't seem to affect him which made me even angrier. Help me lawd! This guys I like is just so annoying!

"Just tonight, one night," he said convinced like he was trying to persuade me and my frown deepened. I need to get him out of my room or else I would give in if he just push me a little bit more.

"Lloyd. I. Can't. Sleep. With. You. Do you get that?" I explained slowly for him to understand and he licked down his bottom lips as his brows furrowed.

"Yes. You. Can." He mocked my tone and I gritted my teeth. I feel like punching him by the groin so he would stop.

"How about you go out and find a slut, go sleep with her tonight," I suggested and his lips pressed into a thin line.

"I'm not cheap. And you're the one who made the promise, " he insisted and I plopped down back on my bed, covering my face with a pillow and muffling a scream of irritation. Get him away from me! Please!

"I swear I will cut you if you don't leave," I said, looking at him dead serious.

"Fuck Lexie! Stop making me wait any longer!" He said with same irritation in his voice. What, he thinks I'm playing around?! Well fuck him. Yes, I would like that indeed, screw him up till his limp and can't walk the morning he wakes up.

I ran my hands through my face and my hair before I fist his shirt into my hands and pulled him against me, crashing my lips onto his as I couldn't help myself any longer either. He instantly kissed back and his hands crept inside my shirt, finding the clasp of my bra then brushing his thumb underneath my breast in one second. What a record.

He pulled up my shirt and tossed it away, followed by my bra, leaving me topless. His hands wandered south as he aggressively suck on my jaw that made me moan. My hands skimmed inside his shirt and I ran my fingers through the ridges of his abs that made me wet myself and I cringed. Oh that feels good, so good.

"Sweetie? Lexie?" Mom knocked again for the second time today. Dammit! That woman always interrupts! I shoved Lloyd away with force then covered myself under the blanket, pretending to be asleep but who am I kidding?

Lloyd fell off my bed and the ground thudded as he landed on the floor before mom could open the unlocked door. What if she'd caught us making out?! Oh god! She'll kill me.

"Lexie, are you alright dear?" Mom asked concerned and I twisted around to look at her. She was looking at Lloyd with a frown on her face, looking confused as to probably why he's on the floor.

"Yeah I'm just tired," I assured her and she snapped her gaze to me then back to Lloyd.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him and I glanced down at the floor where he is lying down like he was meant to stay there.

"Just checking up on Lex, making sure she's okay," Lloyd said innocently. And Lex? Wtf. Who said he could make me a nick name?

"Awe, that's sweet of you Lloyd. Well good night sweetie," mom turned to me but before she leaves, I need to make sure Lloyd leaves too cause things can happen if he stays here in my room a little longer.

"Lloyd could you leave as well? I need some rest," I motioned for him to go, widening my eyes. He sighed in defeat, standing up as he looked at me closely. Mom was by the door, waiting for him to follow but he just stared at me then down my chest which was covered by my trustee comforter, he shook his head then his eyes met mine in a challenging look.

"Night Lex," A smirk curled up on his lips as he winked at me before following mom outside my bedroom. My heart skipped a beat and I let out a breath in relief. I'm safe tonight, thank god but how long would I be safe before danger comes and haunt me?

(A/N) Well someone's persistent:& And what if dear momma caught them making out?! :O Oh no! Lexie would be chopped in half:$ Well I finally have the cast thanks to @JazzyYazzy_99! She's awesome and I suggest you follow her cause she's really been helpful to me:D You go gurly!!! And the person she picked to for Lloyd is a hottie:$ Sam Way is kinda like Francisco Lachowski but he's a dad now:'''''''( I know it hurts! He's no longer single D: and Lexie is sooo pretty:* Anyways yeah, Post every weekend:) Wow here's the long author note again. Shut up Franchesca.


Song for the chapter is- Fergie- A little party never killed nobody:)))

Lloyd in the media. GRRR He's hot okay------->


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