6- Every girl has her best friend

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So Yeah I'm just here sitting down so I decided to write... I'm in vaca but there's nothing to do at the moment... Yeah... LOOOL Okay! Early update!:) Lexie and Lloyd! Yaay!

6- Every girl has her best friend

My head pounded and it felt like someone was staring at me. I blinked my eyes open and saw Lloyd sitting beside me on my bed while he gawked at my face early this morning. Creep. I'm sorry but I have to hate him.

"What're you doing here?" I said irritated but he stared... Am I dreaming or what? At least I can have him in my dreams and I'm good with that.

"Making sure you're okay, you were knocked up last night," he said with a smile but I didn't return it.

"Can you stop checking on me! I'm not a kid, I can handle myself." I said bitterly and I didn't look at his face because that smile probably was gone. I didn't mean to be rude or anything but I hate it when he all cares and stuff, I just like him even more and I'm trying to prevent that.

"Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," he said flatly and I groaned.

"Because you were on the wrong side of the bed." I spat annoyed and that's when his face turned blank. I looked at the time and it was almost lunch, oh gosh. I woke up late.

"Fine. I'm just trying to be nice and you're being rude." Lloyd said irritated by my attitude before standing up and slamming my door shut after him. Good. But I did feel bad cause all he has been was nice to me since I came here and I treated him like that. Gosh I'm such a bitch.

I pushed myself up and I was still wearing my outfit from last night. My purse and heels were sprawled over the floor and I bend down to pick it up which shot head aches to my head.

I reached for the zipper of my bustier top and slid it down, taking off my skirt too while I head over to my closet. I grabbed a tank top and didn't bother to wear a bra and a pyjama shorts since I decided I'm staying here in my room all day, putting my curly hair that I inherit from my dad in a bun before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning," I mumbled when I found mom and Lloyd on the coffee table, eating breakfast. Mom glanced at me but Lloyd tensed up. I took a sit across from him and didn't make eye contact because I'm trying to push him far away.

"Oh sweetie, I'll be gone for a week, I'm heading to Paris for fashion week in two days," mom announced and I froze. Fashion week? Away? Mom?

"But Ben would be staying right?" I asked carefully but I'm horrified, she shook her head.

"He has a business trip in New Mexico and will be gone for a week as well, I told Jeffrey he could have a week off and also Susan and Fernando. Henrietta will drop by to cook you guys meals." This is like my nightmare. I can't be alone with Lloyd for a week! Who knows what will happen?! My eyes bulged out and I froze as I was crunching on my bacon slowly.

"What will I do in a week without you?!" I exasperated. Why would mom send off our butler and maids? At least I could hang out with them instead of this hot guy I can't control myself around.

I sneak a glanced at Lloyd who was grinning down his plate but not looking at me. Oh I know what he's thinking alright.

"You and Lloyd could bond and hang out," mom nodded over to him and shrugged. If she only knew what hanging out he had planned in that tiny head of his.

"Can you just take me to fashion week with you, I'll behave, I promise," I told mom and she shook her head while her attention was on the news paper she's reading.

"Sorry sweetie but I can't, I have to look after you and I have to focus on my clothe line, I can't do both, it'll stress me out, besides, you just came here to New York." She scoffed, looking at me.

"But you don't have to look after me," I pleaded and she thought about it for a moment. Yes! Please say yes!

"What about Lloyd?" She moved her gaze to him, looking at him with concern. He's 24! He can handle himself! 

"He's good by himself." I snickered and he glared coldly, making me swallow. Okay I'm being too mean now.

"I don't know Lexie, you said it yourself, you're not responsible enough." Oh fuck. And she brings that up now. My face straightened and I gave mom a bored look.

"Mom. Please." I said but it sounded like I was demanding for her to take me. Yes I'm desperate. I wanted to say I couldn't be left here alone because Lloyd would rape me or something but I didn't say anything.

"I'm going through my schedule Lexie and if I make one change, I'll have to change everything so no, you can't come. End of discussion." She's treating me like a little kid and I pouted. I didn't push the subject and just continued eating my omelet and bacon as I sighed.

Lloyd didn't really look at me all through brunch but I kept glancing at him from the corner of my eye. I just can't help myself and I can't imagine how our week is gonna go. I'm not gonna lie but my mind is racing on some thoughts...

He excused his self after he finished eating, leaving me and mom alone in the table as he made his way to wherever he was going.

"What's wrong with you guys? Had a fight?" Mom moved her attention to me, pulling out her glasses and placing it on the table.

"No, nothing's wrong," I was finishing up too, taking a sip of my coffee.

"You sure sweetie? There was tension in here and I sure did feel it," she said, glancing down her Blackberry when she received a text.

"Yeah, we're probably just are tired from last night," I said. I wonder if Lloyd hold grudges cause I hate to he in his bad side, but that will push him away, that's what I want right? Deep inside, no, not really.

"Alright if you say so, hey I gotta go, Lana told me I have a meeting in Broadway," she gathered all her things and kissed my forehead before sauntering out the kitchen and leaving me alone in the dining area.

I ate the last bite and finished down my coffee. I walked up the stairs and thought of apologizing to dear Lloyd for hurting his feelings and deflating his ego but I wasn't sure what room he's in so I went upstairs to my room.

I paused when I heard footsteps in the room next to mine and cracked the door open to see if- oh my gosh! He just showered and I saw him walking around his room... Naked. I closed the door shut immediately and leaned on the wall, squeezing my eyes shut. What did I just see? Gosh Lexie! 

Maybe that's why people say knock first before you just bust inside the damn room. I walked over to my own and slammed the door shut. I saw his bare sexy ass promenading around  and I never knew he could be more hot than he is.

I need to take my mind off him because he's the only one I think about and I hate it so damn much.

I laid down on my bed and thought about stuff. I can't focus as much because his ass keeps flashing in my head and I just can't think straight. My head got problems. I just really need to tell him that I'm sorry cause I can't take it that he's mad at me.

I pushed myself up and walked over to his room, knocking this time.

"Come in," he said in monotone and I turned the doorknob open. Lloyd glanced up at me without emotion but when his eyes travelled down my body, a smirk appeared.

I stayed by the doorway and didn't bother on walking towards his bed because first, he was shirtless, wearing only his basketball shorts and second, he looks alluring and I'll kiss him for sure if I get any closer.

Wait, should I really have to apologize? I mean I'm trying to push him away so this was a wrong idea. Lloyd cleared his throat and I snapped out of my trance to find myself staring at his glorious body. Great. Now he thinks I'm ogling his body.

"Forget it." I said before shutting the door closed and walking back to my room.

Disappointment flooded through me when I snuggled underneath the comforters. Maybe because I have been expecting him to stop me and force out what I have to say, but he didn't. Or hoping he would come after me when I shut his door closed, but again, he did not.

My phone ring in my purse that was still on the floor and I grabbed it. I swear, if this is Max again, I will throw this device over the wall- but it wasn't. Cynthia's name flashed through the screen and I gladly answered, pressing the phone on my ears.

"Bitch! You came back to New York and you didn't dare to call me or at least tell me!" She greeted out emphatetically and I smiled.

"Hey C," I said, "sorry, totally forgot," I apologize but I know it wasn't an exception.

"What?! You forgot about your best friend?!" She exaggerated and I chuckled.

"Of course not, I was planning on calling you just when you called me." Lie. I was thinking about my future step brother when you called me.

"Mhmmm, yeah right." She scoffed and I felt instantly guilty. Cynthia has been my best friend since we were in diapers and I actually miss her whenever I'm in London and I'm missing her now.

"Sorry, my head is just somewhere else," I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my tongue.

"Well that's okay, I feel you since your mom is getting married and all, we should hang out and go to the club," she suggested and I got excited. Cynthia is like a sister to me, she knows all the in and outs and all my secrets, even what's happening in London.

"Yes! That sounds good right now, tomorrow night?" I said.

"Yeah tomorrow night sounds awesome!" She chirped giddily. "Can you meet me up somewhere? We need to catch up!" I have nothing better to do but I feel sick right now and don't feel like going out.

"How about you come over, I'll tell you everything," Cynthia will get my mind off things and I'm happy that I can lean on my best friend.

"Be there in five," then she hung up without saying bye. I tossed my phone over the nightstand and just lied down. Lloyd! Get the fuck off my head! I buried my face on the pillow and groaned

Ten minutes has passed by and that's when the doorbell all the way to the first floor rang. I bolted downstairs to find Lloyd already flirting with my blushing best friend as he greeted her by the door.

"Cynthia!" I squealed then all was forgotten when she shoved Lloyd aside to run over to me, giving me a tight hug.

"Oh my gosh Lexie! Every time you come back you just get prettier! I'm jelly," she tossed her hair behind her shoulder and I chuckled. "How'd you been girlfriend?!" She asked brightly and I grinned.

"I've been great," I smiled, moving my gaze behind her to find Lloyd staring at me as he leaned by the closed door. Cynthia caught me off guard and glanced back to where he was standing.

"Oh, nice to meet you Lloyd," she said in a sweet tone and of course, he flirted, winking at her with a smirk which made my stomach churn. Not jealous.

"You too, Cynthia," I can't handle this any longer.

"C'mon," I tugged on my friends arm as I threw daggers at Lloyd and pulled her upstairs to my bedroom just like old times when we used to play Barbie dolls and dress up. She's this pretty blond with blue eyes and she can turn heads as she walk by so I wouldn't blame it if Lloyd flirted with her.

"Who the hell was that?!" She whispered interested as soon as I shut my door closed.

"Lloyd," I bluntly said as I turn on my music.

"Duh! I know that but what is he? Your mom likes to hire hot guys around here," she smirked, grabbing a butterscotch candy from the jar on my vanity table before jumping on my bed. I thought mom hired him too at first.

"Future step brother." I said in monotone, not looking at her.

"Oh my bitch! He's fucking hot!" Cynthia said loudly as she shook my shoulders and I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Shut up!" I covered her face with a pillow and she muffled a scream. "He's off limits," I warned her and she frowned.

"Why? He has a girlfriend?" She asked curiously but I pursed my lips, nodding. I was gonna tell her the truth that he's single but that would be suspicious. She looked at me closely but of course she could see through me.

"Don't tell me you have hots for him!" Her eyes widen in excitement and my nose scrunched up. "You do!" She chided and I shoved my hand in her mouth to shut her up. I love you Cynthia but sometimes she just have a huge mouth.

"Now keep your pretty mouth shit and don't tell anyone!" I said through clenched teeth and she nodded, grinning.

"That's fucking bad Lexie, he's gonna be your step brother. That's weird liking your step brother." She rambled on and I rolled my eyes. You think I don't know that?

"Can we not talk about him, I brought you here so I can get my mind off him, not gush about him even more." I said and she nodded in understanding. I didn't tell her about our heated make out sessions because that is private, even to my best friend.

"Okay so how's London?" She changed the topic and I groaned. Not the best thing to talk about either.

"Good, I guess," I shrugged and her face frowned.

"What's wrong sweet cheeks?" She pinched both my cheeks and I slapped her hands away. "Oh shit. Did you and Max broke up?!" She said in realization and I sighed, nodding.

"Yep," I said easily.

"Are you okay? I mean I wasn't there to make sure you had Haagen Daz when it happened," Cynthia pouted and I chuckled at her expression.

"I'm fine C, I moved on," I smirked and her lips turn up.

"To your future step brother," she scoffed and I swatted her arms. Gosh! She will always tease me about this.

"Well London was great, but I missed you though," I poked her tummy and she grinned.

"I know right, I sometimes miss myself too," she flipped her hair and I laugh. She always brightens up the mood.

"How about you? How're you and Hunter?" I switched the subject and her mind drifted off somewhere as she smugly smiled. Oh...

"We're good, he's being a hunter," she smirked at me and I know she's talking about their sexual activities that I didn't need to know about.

"Well that's great that you guys worked everything out, you're lucky you're not having boy problems," I breathed out and she gathered me under her arms.

"Awe! I'm sure you'll work it out Lexie, tomorrow we'll have a great time for sure," he held me within arms length and I smiled.

"I'm sure too," I nodded. Tomorrow I will party hard and forget about all my problems, including Lloyd.


(A/N) Okay!!!! Hahahahaha She found him butt naked in his room!XD And damn! She should stop pushing him away cause it'll just attract her to him:/ Don't you agree? Also! I'm planning on changing Lexie to Chanel Iman! She's real pretty and yeah I'm changing her and Janet Laurel or her mom is gonna be Tyra! Aye! Well Yeah I'll change the cast around because Rosie looks so innocent and Chanel looks perfect as Lexie meaning I'll fix her appearance in the previous chapters:P Anyways! I'll write till I have to go to the beach or something:) Comment/Vote/Share:)

Cynthia the cheery best friend:)-------------------->

Song for the chapter: Lost at sea- Zedd


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