12- Hit the club

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LOOOOOL I'll probably write all day today so don''t complain if I keep updating every three to five hours:P

12- Hit the club

For the past three days, I've been babysitting and taking care of this guy that I'm attracted to yet is gonna be my step brother pretty soon and it was a mission. I mostly got to know him better and it was fun talking to him while his sick because he gets to be serious even for just a while before his flirty side come out .

Thankfully Lloyd has gotten well after I soaked him in cold water again the third day he was sick and his temperature dropped back to normal and now, he's in his usual self again. I told him to take another Tylenol just in case he feels sick and he did what he was told. I could be a doctor! No, not really.

"I'm glad Lloyd is better and I can have you back again," Warren smirked as he put his car on park outside his club. Tonight there will be lots of touching and grinding, I assure you that since he brought me to the club.  

"So why'd you bring me here again?" I asked, not that I don't wanna go to the club, it's just that I don't really like going on a date in a club. It's a bit cheap and it's not considered as a date, just hanging out. 

"Don't worry Lexie, I'll just introduce you to my friends and dance a few then we'll go on our date," he winked at me, flashing me his attractive smile in a beam, I grinned. Awe! He wants me to meet his friends! How cute is that?!

The bouncer let us in without a problem and Warren held my hand, softly caressing my skin with his thumb as we walked through the hallway. Is he nervous? No, I doubt it.

He pushed the metal doors open and we were greeted out by a server holding a tray full off shot glass and tequila bottle that Warren almost ran to. Most people were dancing and the music was on blast, shaking the walls of the club. Oh, this place has a lot of memories... 

Warren smiled at me as we head towards the VIP area upstairs. Of course his friends are in VIP.

"Aye! It's Jacobs!" A guy greeted out. My date reached out a hand to give him a bro hug but he hasn't let go of my hand yet.

"And who is this fine piece of meat?!" One of his friends eyed me closely, whistling and I offered them a smile as my cheeks rose temperature. I think I caught Lloyd's flu.

"This fine piece of meat is off limits, she's mine." Warren hissed, holding my waist protectively and they all raised their hands in surrender, making me smirk.

"Okay dude! Calm!" A blond sexy piece of meat said. They all have sluts in their arms and I wonder if Warren acts like them when I'm not around. Not that I care since he's not really my boyfriend yet but the thought stung but I don't really like him that bad, as a friend yes but a boyfriend...? I'm not sure so I don't know why I feel like this. Maybe because he likes me and I'm being protective? What? That doesn't make sense whatsoever. 

"Guys, meet Lexie Vanderbilt, Lexie, meet the guys: Travis, Ron, Dean, Elijah, Zachary, Roland, Daniel, Keaton, Brad and Tommy." He pointed out every guy in the table and I each gave them a sup nod. Damn! That's a huge group of hot guys! I think I'm melting!

"Wait! Aren't you a model?" One of the girl asked curiously that was around, I believe Roland and they all turned their attention to me.

"I used to model but not anymore," I told them and they frowned in confusion. I glanced at Warren and he grinned at me cause he knows that I'm into acting now since I told him that on our last date.

"Why not?" Zachary asked me curiously. This has been the guy who's been checking me out since we got here but since he's a hottie, I don't mind him much checking me out. Lloyd's better though, still. Wait! I'm here with Warren! Why am I thinking about him?

"Cause I'm into acting now," I explained and their eyes grew wide, looking impressed.

Warren snatched two shots of vodka from Elijah and he handed me one, I took it and tipped my head back as I take the shot. My throat burned and I masked on a sour face as I bit my tongue.

"You wanna dance for a bit before we go?" He said beside my ears and I nodded. Now that I got my boost, I need a little dancing to do. He was leading me away when his friends stopped him.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?!" They shouted over the music.

"We're not staying. I'm taking her out on a date," he smirked at them and a frown appeared on each of their faces. Travis threw a wedge of lime towards Warren which he dodged and it made me chuckle as they continue while chanting 'boo...!'

"They're losers, c'mon," he lead me downstairs and I smiled.

I pulled him to a space which wasn't crowded much and he grabbed my waist, pressing me against him as he wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands gripped on my hip and I'm gonna say we're dangerously close.

We danced with the music which was upbeat than the last time I came here. A new song played on and that's when it got heated up.

I jumped around and started grinding against Warren as his hands wandered over my body before resting back on my hips, only a bit lower as he guide me. He breathed heavily against my open skin on my shoulder and it made me shiver. I tilted my head to the side to give him better access and I hope he got the idea.

He began to nuzzle the curve of my neck and I smiled, giggling. His hands snaked to my abdomen as he crushed my back against his front, holding me tightly. I felt him planting small kisses along my shoulder and a pleasant sound escaped me.

"I think we should head out before I loose control," he murmured beside my ear as he softly bit on my skin. That made me want to go crazy. You don't tease a girl like that!

"Okay," I said breathless. Turning around to see the grin on his face made me smile.

Warren pushed through the crowd to get us out of his hectic club and out to the streets of New York City. We started walking but not towards his car but the opposite way of the parking lot.

"Don't we need your car?" I asked curiously, he probably forgot about his car but he just shook his head.

"No, since you told me you don't like restaurants anymore, I'll bring you some place else," he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and I smiled as he pressed me against him almost possessively.

We stopped by a Chinese restaurant to buy take out then Warren pulled me to a tall building that looked like its for business purposes only and not people walking around like us.

The front doors wasn't lock but its already late at night. There were barely anyone except for the sleeping security guard by the front lobby. We sneaked in the elevator and he pressed the 96th floor which was the top floor of the building.

"Would you like to explain why're were sneaking in this building?" I said with a quirk brow and he just smirked.

"You'll find out," he said boyishly, winking at me.

The elevator ride was slow but when we reached our floor, there was only one door. Warren laced his hands through mine and lead the way, pushing the door open. A cool breeze struck my body and a shiver ran through my spine, making me shudder.

I looked around and we were at the rooftop. I glanced at Warren and he had a grin on his face as he walked over to the generator box, setting down the food as we sat down.

"Why're we- ohmigawd!" I gasped. The entire city was on full view and it was a beautiful scene. The lights were on all over the city and it was pretty amazing. "This is so cool Warren!" I grinned at him, jumping up and down and he nodded, staring at me.

"I know, that's why I brought you here," he teased. I took a dumpling and bite on it as I was mesmerized by the view in front of me. Mom never really took me anywhere to see the entire New York at night because I did want to see it but now it's right here and I finally saw it, thanks to my boy Warren.

I grabbed the carton of fried noodles and plastic fork and started with dinner. I began to grow curious as to how Warren take out his dates. Are they more like me? Does he always bring them here? I shook my head and brushed of the idea.

"What's wrong?" He asked, I was probably frowning at my own thought that he noticed.

"Nothing's wrong, I was just thinking," I forked down my noodles and twirled the fork around.

"Thinking about what?" He followed up. He's not gonna let this go would he?

"I was just curious if you always do this, like bring out your dates here," I shrugged nonchalantly as I bit on the spring rolls. A smile formed in his face and he shook his head.

"I never brought anyone here with me, my dad doesn't even know I go here," he shoved the whole spring roll in his mouth and I giggled.

"Your dad?" I asked. What does this have to do with his dad?

"This is my dad's building, Jacobs corporation," he pointed down the building and my eyes widen in realization. Of course!

"Oh true!" I grinned widely.

"As to my old dates, I bring them to restaurants and all those places you don't like," he ate a forkful of his noodles and I pressed my mouth in a thin line, nodding.

"So why not just bring me out in a restaurant like the others?" I questioned him and he smiled charmingly.

"Cause you're not like the others and you don't like restaurants," he answered, staring at me and I chuckled at how cheesy he sounded.

"Yeah right," I scoffed, looking away from him and into the bright lights of the city.

Warren played a playlist off his phone and most of the songs were... Romantic. I can't swipe the grin of my face because he really put a lot of effort on this dates even if we're just on the roof top of his dad's building, he made it feel so special and I hate to tell him that I just want us to be friends.

"So business is your major huh?" I smirked, glancing over at him and brushing all my thoughts away. We finished dinner and we were just sitting here comfortably as we watched the entire city.

"Yep, Ima business man," he beamed widely at me. "And you miss gorgeous has a major in film," he nudged me teasingly and smiled, looking down my lap.

"Yeah, so what?" I was grinning at him and he just stared at me with this bright smile on his face.

"So what?! This is a big deal Lexie!" He said exasperated, "are you going to Hollywood or something?" Warren poked my arm and I pressed my lips in a thin line.

"Yeah probably," I shrugged like this happens usually. "I auditioned but I don't know, I haven't heard from them yet," one corner of my lip tugged up but fell down instantly.

My mom got me Vanessa, my manager and one of her good friends in California. She sent me an audition package for this movie and I filmed my audition tape when I was still in London but till now, I haven't been informed about how I did so I doubt I'll get the part.

"I'm pretty sure you'll get the part, just wait for it," he said with certainty and I looked at him weirdly.

"How do you know that?" I asked with a quirk brow and he smirked.

"Because I do, and when you hit it big, I'll be the one walking you down the red carpet," Warren said positively and I chuckled at him.

"I haven't even started yet," I continued giggling and he gave me a shrug.

"Why did you decide to just act now? Why not when you were younger?" He asked curiously.

"When I was younger, I modelled for my moms children's line and other brands too-" I paused when Warren typed in something in his phone. What the hell?

"Continue," he told me and I peeked over the phone but it was still loading.

"What're you doing?" I gave him a cautious look and he beamed at me. He moved his attention back to his phone and he scrolled through google images.

"You looked so cute," he smiled, sliding the screen to switch through pictures and my eyes widened. I snatched his phone away and 'Lexie Vanderbilt model' was typed in the search bar.

"You searched me up?" I raised my eyebrows in amusement and he smiled shyly.

"I was curious okay," he took his phone back and continued to look through my pictures when I was still a model. "I think you should continue modelling too," he suggested, gancing over at me and I sighed.

"Maybe," I chewed on my bottom lip.

"Continue with your story!" Warren persisted and I smiled.

"Yeah I was saying, I was mom's model as you looked me up then my parents got divorced when I was ten, my dad moved to London and since then I stopped modelling because I've been going back and fort from England to America," I explained and he looked at me closely.
"So you go back and fort every time?" He tried to understand and I nodded.

"Yeah, I can spend a year here and then the other year at my dad's," I said and he nodded in realization.

"Why did you stop?" He asked and I shrugged.

"My schedule was too busy I guess, I've been doing lots of things and I'm into sports varsities, I don't have much time and when college rolled in, I decided I wanted to act cause a lot of people are saying that I could be a great actress," I grinned and he mirrored my expression.

"I was second guessing film too but my dad insisted that I took business, so I did," he sighed and my eyes grew.

"What?! You could've took cinematic film! We could've been starring in the same movie one day!" I exclaimed, turning to face him and his grin deeper.

"We could make our own movie if you want," he said suggestively and I knew what he was talking about. I masked on a serious face and I shoved him away. He's so nasty!

"Pervert," I snickered and he chuckled at me.

"Oh well, at least I'm running my own club now," he said with a sigh and I agreed with him.

"Yeah, that's a plus," I nodded. He looked back down his phone and smiled.

"I could use this as my lock screen," he smirked, flashing me a photo of my younger self when I modelled for Abercrombie kids and I laughed.

"Why would you that?" I said, shaking my head.

"Cause you look so adorable," he saved the picture in his photos then he changed his background instantly, showing me his lock screen and I burst out laughing.

"Thanks but that's a bit weird," I told him honestly and he quirk his brows.

"How is it weird? I'm using my girlfriends modelling picture as my lock screen," he smiled and my brows rose up. I'm his girlfriend? I gulped.

"I'm your girlfriend?" I said and he glanced at me, his cheeks turning slightly red.

"Haha yeah, aren't you?" He said shyly and I beamed.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat," I shrugged, grinning widely.

"Or if you don't want, I can take a picture of you right now and use that," I stifled a giggle and shook my head.

"Nah, that's good, at least I was still cute," I pointed over to his phone and his old demeanour was back, no hint of shyness was visible.

"And now you're gorgeous and hot and sexy..." Warren continued with his list and I covered his mouth.

"Okay I get it!" I said but he dodged my palm, continuing on as he leaned back.

"And funny and amazing and beautiful and awesome and..." He said loudly for everyone to hear until he was lying back on the generator box.

"Shut up Warren!" I finally covered his mouth with my palms as I reached out for it with my hand from my sitting spot. He caught my waist and tugged me down, I lost balance and fell on top of his sexy body. My breath caught as I stared in his dreamy eyes. I don't want to hurt him.

"And now, she's mine," he levered up slightly to reach for my lips, kissing me softly, my mouth curved into a smile as I kissed him back. My body was combusting as he kissed me deeply that made me forget about everything. What if he hurts me? That's why I just have to keep our relationship as friends, nothing more.


(A/N) Warren! He's nothing like Lucas... I think:P Loooool I think they're the same... Nah they're not. I don't know. Wait I'm confussed, what was I talking about? Oh yeah! Lucas and Warren! But you'll get to know Warren more in the following chapters and I wonder if we'll see his true identity:$ Yeah, as I said, I'm writing all day cause I have nothing better to do today:(! Yaaaay

Warren and Lexie-------------------->

SOTC: Sail- Awolnation (??? It's a weird but good song:))


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