18- Lovers Quarrel

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18- Lovers Quarrel

"So how was your mom's dinner?" I asked Warren and he looked at me confused. I thought about what I said for a moment then realized I said it right cause he said he has to go his mom's dinner the other day or I heard it wrong.

"What dinner?" He stuffed his face with a California roll before his eyes widen when he remembered. "Oh! That dinner! Well it was a family dinner," he took a sip off his drink before swallowing. "It was okay I guess, my dad didn't show up and my sister brought her husband, nothing special," Warren shrugged before glancing at me.

"How about your photo shoot? How was it?" Warren asked me and I licked my front teeth.

"It was okay," I said nonchalantly, playing around with the soy sauce and chopstick.

"Okay? Well aren't you excited that you're back to modelling?" he asked me curiously, finishing his set of sushi.

"I am, it's just I'm having a bad day today," I sighed, drinking my root beer.

"Lloyd," he stated and I nodded. "Well I'm heading to the club after this, you wanna come?" he said with concern in his voice but I shook my head.

"No, just drop me off to my house, maybe next time," I forced out a smile and he nodded, slinging his arms around my shoulder, pulling me closer.

"Okay, let's get you home princess," my face turned sour when he called me that and my lips scrunched up. "What?" He smirked at me, tossing a couple dollars on the counter before we made our way out the sushi bar.

"Calling me babe is far enough, please don't call me princess," I teasingly glared and he chuckled at me. What's so funny?

"Alright, sorry babe," he grinned deeply and I sighed heavily, shaking my head. Boys.


As soon as I opened the front door, I wanted to run back out after Warren an stay with him instead of being stuck here in this house. I'll just ignore Lloyd since he's probably gonna do the same thing to me. I walked silently against the tiled floor and tiptoed towards the staircase as quietly as I can, looking like a robber.

"What are you doing?" Lloyd asked sceptical, I froze on my spot and heat rushed through my neck immediately. Fuck. He caught me.

"I was just going upstairs," I turned slowly on my heels and looked at him, pointing upstairs. He was sitting on the ottoman as he looked at me closely.

"And why do you look like you just broke in and is about to steal something?" he quirk a brow and I pursed my lips shut.

"Uh..." and I bolted straight upstairs without answering his question. He knows I'm trying I avoid him but that's not possible when he's always around me. Lloyd was on my tail as he went after me and when I reached the third floor, he tackled me down like we're playing football. Damn you three flights of stairs!

"Stop running away from me," his knees were planted beside my hips as he pinned both my arms up above my head.

"Let go Lloyd!" I sneered, squirming under his toned physic but he didn't and just stared down at me as I struggled under his grasp.

"Stop squirming, you know I'm not gonna let you go easily," he said with a coolly voice and I stopped, looking up at him with a blank expression. Why was I running from him again? I even forgot the reason why because I'm so childish and just won't let go of things. All I know us he pissed me off.

"Fine. What do you want?" I spat, sounding annoyed and he grimaced.

"I want you to listen," he stated clearly and I let out a breath. "I don't like us fighting and I hate it when you ignore me," Lloyd continued and my brows rose up. Wow, he's real mature more than I am.

"Then you would've never called me a bitch in the first place." I sneered, trying to pull my wrist free from his death grip. Well it's not just that he called me a bitch, I careless about that, its just that he needs to stop playing around with me so much cause its really annoying.

"I never called you a bitch anyways!" he retorted back and my brows puckered.

"I don't give a damn!" This fight is very childish. We're fighting about something stupid and I know I should just let it slide but it keeps the things heated up between us so I think it's good.

"Look, I'm very sorry alright? I'm serious Lexie when I said I don't like us fighting," he said seriously and he was waiting for me to say something, anything, but all I did was blink up at him. I don't like it when we fight either but I wanted to know how it would be like to have a verbal fight with Walters for future reference. It's fun seeing him desperate for forgiveness that is. I stared deeply into his eyes and he did the same, my heart skipped a beat and I took in a breath. I can never last being mad at him, I'll always forgive him at the end.

Someone cleared their throat by the stairs and aunt Jackie was standing their with her brows quirk. Oh fuck. Busted. I glanced over at Lloyd with wide eyes and he mirrored my expression.

"Hey Jackie," I tried to sound cheery but it sounded forced, my eyes were still locked with Lloyd's and he gave me an assuring smile that it'll be fine, oh I hope so.

"What're you guys doing on the floor?" she looked at our tangled bodies and I pulled my wrist free, Lloyd let go and stood up, helping me up as well.

"Oh you know, just wrestling," I punched his arms teasingly and he swayed a bit. Shit. Aunt Jackie didn't buy it and I know she knows what's going on between us.

"Wrestling huh?" She smirked and we nodded in unison. "Alright well make sure your mom don't catch y'all wrestling," she warned us before taking a step downstairs. She knows. "Oh and Lexie, tell your mom we're going to Manhattan, were bringing Wesley with us so you don't have to worry," aunt Jackie said and I smiled at her.

"I will, have fun." I called out after her and let out a breath. She never told me she's gonna tell on us nor was she surprised. Did Wesley told her?! Well he swore that he wouldn't tell anyone and I trusted that kid. But he has a huge mouth so what can I say, I couldn't blame him.

"You fucktard! We almost got caught!" I struck Lloyd by the chest and he smirked at me.

"We did get caught and your aunt is surprisingly cool with us flirting around," he slung his arms around my shoulder but I pushed it away, making my way towards my room.

"Well she would've flipped if she knew that we hooked up," I dropped my purse on the floor and laid down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"I don't think she would be surprise if we tell her, your aunt is cool," he flopped down beside me and I sighed. We remained silent for a while before Lloyd spoke out. "Lexie, I'm really sorry-" I had enough of his apologies and I groaned.

"Okay! Fine! Jeez!" I snapped, sitting up on the bed as I gawp at him. He's really persistent and annoying. Mostly annoying.

Lloyd tugged on my arm and I gave in, smiling as I lie my head down on his chest while he comfortably wrapped his arms around me tightly. I inhaled his Calvin Klein cologne and snuggled against him.

"I knew you couldn't resist me," he murmured on top of my head and I grinned, slapping his abdomen. He's so cocky like damn!

"Whatever Lloyd." I scoffed, moving my leg on top of his as my eyes started to became heavy. Today was a hectic day, a lot if things happened and I just want to put this behind me.


"Lexie!" Mom's voice boomed downstairs and it woke me up instantly. Lloyd was gone and when I looked at the clock, it's almost morning. What could my mother want now at this time?! "Lexie!!!" she shouted, not caring if she wakes anyone up. I scratched my head and turned to my side, ignoring her but then she called again.

I forced myself up and flung the door open, marching downstairs with a scowl on my face. Who wouldn't be if you're rudely woken up?

"What do you want mother!?" I spat, standing by the top stairs. She looked me over and frowned. I was wearing the outfit from my photoshoot yesterday and I haven't changed yet since I fell asleep.

"Is that my fall line?" She asked curiously and I rolled my eyes, nodding. No mom, it's my fall line, I thought.

"Yes mom, now what is so important that you wake me up from my beauty sleep?" I asked bluntly, rubbing my crusty eyes. I'm starting to be like Lloyd when he talks to his dad but mom didn't notice much because she's excited right now to notice that I'm being rude.

"Okay! Betsy Johnson called me and she said she wants you to model for her!" She said excitedly and I stared at her in disbelief. Betsy Johnson...!?

"Uhm alright," I don't know what to say. I thought I would only model for my mom and thats it but I wasn't expecting for agents and designers to want me to model for their clothing line.

"Yeah sweetie! Isn't that great?!" Mom was jumping in excitement and I nodded again. Her blackberry beeped and she glanced at it with a huge grin on her face. "And Brandy Melville wants you too!" She gave me a proud look and I was speechless.

"Er... Wow," I murmured. "That's amazing, when is it?" I asked interested and she scrolled through her phone.

"That would be next week, Betsy Johnson is on Friday, it would be a photoshoot and there would be a gala that you would be attending to in Bahamas and Brandy Melville would be the week after that in Toronto so it would be busy," mom told me and I nodded.

"Awesome, when do I have to be there?" I asked curiously.

"On Monday. So you'll do it?" She asked hopeful and I nodded, running down the stairs to give my mom a hug.

"Of course I'm doing it!" I said excitedly, jumping on the balls of my feet.

"Great, I'll confirm it to both and I'll book your tickets." Mom instantly composed a new mail and I smiled. I'm so excited!

"Hey... what's going on?" Lloyd strutted downstairs with a confused look on his face.he was probably woken up by mom too.

"Oh Lloyd will be coming with you too," mom piped in and we both looked at her lost.

"Coming to where?" he asked, his brows quirk up and I smirked at how cute he looks when he just woke up.

"Lexie is modelling and has to travel around and since you guys have been getting along just fine, I'm trusting you with my daughters life if anything happens," mom said and I looked at her with wide eyes. "Of course if that's fine with you Lloyd," mom said lastly and I gave her a deadpan look.

"It's totally fine! It's not like I do anything here anyways without Lexie," Lloyd shrugged, glancing at me with a smirk and sneaking a wink when mom wasn't looking.

"Okay well I'm booking your flight on Sunday, that's two days from now so you better pack up soon," she informed us and we nodded in agreement. Her phone rang and excused herself from us.

"So I'm going to be your personal body guard for the next few weeks," Lloyd nudged me and I rolled my eyes, giggling.

"I guess," I grinned widely. If he's coming with me, that means I'll be alone with him most of the time and you know what happens when were alone together; zoo gone wild.

"That means I'll be guarding your body very well, like a hawk," he said sexually, biting his lip as he gazed down my body which tingled.

"You're not sexy." I tried to sound serious it ended up chuckling at this goofball.

"Of course I am, and I will definitely take advantage of the weeks we'll be out of here," he said it like it was his mission and I smirked.

"Looking forward to it," I winked at him before sauntering towards the kitchen for breakfast since I'll probably have a hard time going back to sleep. Now I'm anticipating for Sunday to come so I can leave this house and not be related to anyone for a few weeks and do what the hell I want.


(A/N) here comes the fun part! where there will be no interruptions and they will be alone:$$$ I wonder what will happen!;)

SOTC: Right there- Ariana Grande:) It's catchy


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