24-Hop off the guilt trip

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24-Hop off the guilt trip

"Lexie's home!!!" Wesley shouted out as soon as he saw me in front if the doors.

"Hey Wes," I ruffled up his hair but he gave me a big hug instead. I actually missed him cause Wes is my favourite cousin out of how many? 10 other cousin I don't care about. I'm kidding! I like them all but Wesley is my favourite and he's closest to me.

"Did you get me something?" He asked and I chuckled, peeling his arms off my waist and pulling away from him. This kid can stick like a starfish.

"Yeah, ask Lloyd for it," I glanced back and he was watching us closely with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh hey Lloyd!" Wesley moved over onto hugging Lloyd and I grinned, taking my duffel off the floor.

"Is my mom home?" I asked but my cousin shook his head.

"My mom and dad are the only ones here but they're still in bed," yeah right. I wonder what they're still doing in bed at this time of the day.

"So you're alone," I asked, he pulled away from Lloyd and nodded.

"Yeah, I went swimming the other day but its not the same with you guys not being around," Wesley pouted out and I smiled, pinching his cheeks. Oh damn he's cute!

"Awe, poor thing! But at least were back," I told him an he nodded giddily.

"Can we go to the movies sometime this week Lexie?" He asked with his huge grey eyes that he got from his dad. How can I say no.

"Sure, of course we can go," I replied, walking towards the living room and dumping my duffel bag by the sofa.

"Are you tired?" I thought Wesley was asking me but when I looked over, he was asking Lloyd who was slumped down against the sofa with his eyes closed.

"Yes Wesley, we had to take the plane from Toronto to New York," Lloyd answered tiredly while yawning.

"Me too, I had to take the plane from California when we came here," he said and I pressed my mouth in a thin line. Chatterbox, no one asked about that.

"Oh yeah? Was it fun?" Lloyd tried sounding amused and Wesley nodded eagerly as he sat down beside him. Awe! look at these two idiots.

"So what else did you do when we were away?" I interrogated him and he tapped his chin, looking like he was thinking.

"Mommy brought me to the park the other day then Warren and Cynthia came over with her boyfriend to visit aunt Janet last week and we went swimming in the backyard and your mom made barbecue," Warren came here to go swimming with my cousin? Awe! I owe him big time for doing that. And Cynthia can come over when I'm gone but when I'm away, she's at work, okay I see.

"That's it?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah that's mostly it then Warren came over yesterday and we watched some movies in the movie room," he said and I smiled. That guy, you can mostly depend on him with almost everything, I'm glad he's one of my good friends.

"That's good," I nodded.

"How about you guys? How was Bahamas?" He asked, turning his attention to us with a knowing smirk. Uh...

"Good..." Lloyd and I said in unison, exchanging looks with each other but he he grinned over to me.

"Mhmm," Wesley suspected something with an interrogating look but I kept my mouth shut closed. He already knew we were hooking up so I know that he knows that something happened in Bahamas.

"Lexie!!!" Jackie screeched as soon as she saw me from the door way. I stood up walked over to her, giving her a tight hug. Lloyd have us a weird look but stayed in place anyways.

"Hey!" I beamed but she pulled me over the kitchen, greeting Lloyd before we disappeared out from their view.

"Tell me everything that happened between you two," she asked in anticipation and I looked at her closely. Has she been smoking weed? I sniffed the air but she still smells like her Burberry perfume. Nope, Jackie's not high. How the hell did she know that something is up between me and Lloyd though?! Right, she caught us flirting.

"What do you mean...?" I tried playing dumb but she rolled her eyes. Aunt Jackie can read me like a book and I can never lie to her, she's like one of my best friends.

"Don't play coy with me Lexie, you know what I mean," she stated in a duh tone and I chewed on the corner of my lip. Jackie grabbed a can of coke from the fridge and handed me one, I took a huge gulp before looking back at her.

"Nothing happened..." My cheeks instantly heat up, remembering everything that happened in Bahamas and yesterday and I can't help but smile widely.

"Why do I not believe you?" She gave me this crazy eye and I shrugged, taking a sip from my can. "Did you guys had sex...?" Jackie asked cautiously and I had a spit take. What the hell! Can she read minds now too?! I choked on my soda but she didn't help and just stared at me. Even before we left, we had sex, no one just knew a out it except Wesley.

"Jackie!" I said, pretending to be shock by her speculations. She gave me a deadpan look and I had nothing else in my sleeves but just to confess and tell her. "Don't tell mom," I said in defeat with a sigh then her eyes grew a million times bigger.

"Holy shit! I knew it!" She said out loud and I face palmed myself. "Don't worry, I won't tell my sister but damn! How did I know that it will happen!?" It looks like she hit a jackpot and I just stood there, not knowing what to say or do.

"Everything alright here?" Lloyd popped his head inside the kitchen and my cheeks grew hotter. I'm probably red as a tomato right now and I can't hide the blush away. Aunt Jackie beamed at him and nodded.

"Yes dear, everything is fine," I kept my head low when Lloyd walked all the way in, taking the sit beside me and my tummy twisted into knots.

"So, you guys had fun in Bahamas?" My aunt asked but I didn't comment, keeping my gaze on the island. I saw Lloyd nod in the corner of my eye then he glanced over at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked concern, placing a comforting hand on my arm and it burned right through. Okay, we're so obvious right now. I nodded again and glanced up to see Jackie grinning like a mad men.

"How was it?" She asked randomly and of course Lloyd didn't know what were talking about.

"How was what? Bahamas?" He asked confused and I pursed y lips, taking another sip to cool my burning cheeks down.

"The sex, silly," he froze beside me like someone stopped the time and his hand heat up pretty quickly. We're on the spot right now and we can't do anything about it. I glanced over to him and he had a hunted look on his face.

"You told her?" He asked me with huge eyes but I shook my head.

"She didn't and your secret is safe with me, now answer my question," Jackie demanded and I sighed. We both stuttered for a while before Lloyd spoke.

"It was amazing," he said proudly and I quirk a brow. He didn't have to answer the question literally.

"That's good, remember kids, that pleasure important in a healthy relationship," I don't know why aunt Jackie is siding with us when she's supposed to be scolding us for hooking up and making us feel guilty since my mom is getting married to Lloyd's dad which is not happening soon I'm guessing.

"Okay..." We both said awkwardly and everything just became awkward. Aunty just made everything feel uncomfortable.


"You're aunt is very..." He trailed off and I let out a breath.

"Awkward, I know," I finished his sentence for him and he smirked.

"I was gonna say bold but awkward works too," he replied, pulling my waist closer to him and I sighed. I dumped all my clothes from my duffel to the hamper since it was all dirty, even the clean ones because I'm too lazy to sort it out and were just chilling in Lloyd's room at this moment.

"Ugh! I can't believe she asked us that!" I ran my hand through my face in embarrassment cause it was quite humiliating. Lloyd pressed a kiss on the nape of my neck, rubbing the side of my thighs.

"It wasn't that bad, at least she knows about us and she's not against it," he told me and I nodded. Well that's a plus at least.

"I'm scared mom will find out," I looked at him in the eyes which was worry free and I calmed down a bit. He always knows what to do in times like this.

"Stop stressing about it," he cupped my chin and pulled my face closer, pressing a kiss on my lips.

"Okay," I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him feverishly. I should not care what mom will think about us but I do and I'm scared she'll think I'm worthless and sadly, I care about my moms opinion.

Lloyd rubbed on my hip bone that eased me down completely as he kissed me passionately with pure emotions. It wasn't the same when I first came here when we made out for the first time, a lot of things has changed between us and he became one of the most important person in my life, I wouldn't survive if I lose him.

"Lloyd?" I heard mom's voice when she knocked through the door and I jumped away from him, wiping my lip and running my hand through my locks to fix myself. He sighed beside me scratched his head.

Lloyd walked towards the door and unlocked it, opening it slightly to see mom on the other side who looked worn and tired. Guilt filled the pit of my stomach immediately and I swallowed deeply.

"Hey mom," I squeaked out then she moved her gaze over to me. Her eyes lit up before pulling me in for a hug. It's almost midnight and she just came home, mom can be a workaholic and she works too much sometimes.

"Hey sweetie, I was looking for you, I hope you had fun," she said told me tiredly and I pulled away. If this house wasn't that big, you could've found me ages ago mother.

"I did," I told her and she nodded.

"That's great, you guys get some rest I know you're tired from the flight, I just came to check up on you both," she yawned and I can't help but yawn too. It's contagious.

"You go get some rest too mom, we'll just finish our game then I'll go to sleep," thank goodness she didn't bother to look inside the room cause the TV was off and she looks like she's about to pass out any moment now.

"Night guys," she yawned again before walking off down the stairs. Lloyd shut the door back close and I feel bad.

"Lexie," Lloyd cupped both my cheeks and stared at me deeply. "It's okay," he pulled me in a comforting hug and I inhaled his scent. He knows what I'm feeling and I'm glad he could read my emotions.

"I feel bad," I said with all honesty and I knew I would feel like this when we come back here.

"Babe, don't be, please." He held me an arm length away and I looked at his eyes deeply. "It'll be much worst if you feel bad or guilty, just trust me on this one, it's gonna be okay," he said and I nodded. Everything will be okay as he said it would.


I fell asleep into Lloyd's arm who was holding me protectively as I slept comfortably. I snuggled closer to his bare chest and inhaled his dreamy musk scent that I can never get enough. It was still dark and when I looked at the clock, it says three in the morning.

I stretched out my legs and arms and made a baby dinosaur noise as I'm sure I wouldn't fall asleep any time soon because I never do if I wake up in the middle of the night. Then the sudden feeling of horniness dawn on me. Oh my fuck.

What the hell!? Its like my hormones attacked me all in once and I just need to ease it down a bit since there's other people home and we can't be hardcore on this one. Wait, what am I saying? I'm by myself right now because Lloyd is deeply sleeping and I don't like to wake him up for a booty call. Gosh I'm such a slut and its all his fault.

Damn! I need Lloyd right now. Where is he at when I need him the most, oh yeah, in dream land with his fantasies. Well maybe I can touch myself but that'll make me a thirsty ass bitch but who cares right now? I mean touching yourself is natural.

It's like Lloyd wasn't even sleeping since he's not snoring or anything and he's the only guy I know who doesn't snore, or is he even sleeping... But I can hear his even breaths so I'm pretty sure he's alive.

I cautiously slid my hand down under my panties and chewed on my bottom lip. I only touch myself when I'm really desperate and when I really need to pleasure myself if no ones available and right now, that's the case. I slowly rubbed on myself and moaned out at the sensation.

"Damn! What're you doing?" Lloyd's voice boomed out in the dark and I froze. He's awake after all, great I just wasted my time thinking he's asleep and not in service.

He snaked his hand over to my hip bone and caught my wrist, great I'm busted. But I give no fucks and I really need this so bad so he better fill me in or I'll take care of it myself.

"Mmm, there's nothing sexier than a woman touching herself," he whispered huskily right beside my ear and I shivered.

"Well I thought you were asleep so..." I pulled my hand away then the side lamp flicked on the night stand. He gave me a sexy look and u think I just wet myself even more.

"I've been awake for two hours now, I couldn't sleep cause of the time difference," he leaned on his elbow, staring at me closely as he trailed a finger over to my cheek down to my neck and chest that was almost bare with my bra on.

"I need you," I told him and I didn't mean to sound thirsty and just using him for sex but I really need him badly. Lloyd smirked at me but his gaze was locked on my lips, biting his own, seductively. What am I supposed to do with him?!

"Well why didn't you say so?" His hand slid over my waist, caressing my skin smoothly and it burned. He skimmed my sides up behind my neck and pulled me closer, locking his lips with mine.

I crawled over to his abdomen and leaned all the way down to deepen the kiss as he trace circles around my thighs. I let out a moan when he pulled my neck lower down, kissing me to the point that I couldn't breathe any longer. I pulled for a second to catch my breath and he smirked at me mischievously.

"I like being sneaky," he grinned, grasping my ass in his hand that made me gasp. I pulled back but he flipped over, making us switch spots. Now I'm lying flat on the bed with him on top of me as he trace my body with his lips.

When he reached my waist line, Lloyd slid my panties off with his teeth, tugging it down pass my thighs that got my teeth and guts clenching.

"Ah fuck! Stop teasing me!" I whispered loudly and he smirked at me, trailing a finger from my belly button down to my middle, I let out a strangled scream as the anticipation was killing me.

Lloyd spread out my legs wide as he positioned himself in front of me, giving me the look of assurance which I nodded onto. He locked eyes with me before slowly thrusting inside that made me squeeze my eyes shut as I chewed on my bottom lip.

Oh yes that feels so good. I fist up my palms on the sheets and moaned out loudly as the sensation was coursing through my body. Lloyd unfurled my fingers and locked it with his, placing both hands on each side of my head. I felt connected and more closer to him than before and it was a new odd feeling.

"Look at me Lexie," he demanded and I peeled my lids open, looking at his smouldering bronze gaze that was filled with lust at the current moment. His hips crashed harder against mine and I inhaled in a sharp breath, gritting my teeth as his eyes wasn't wavering from mine.

"Ahhhhh!" I moaned, not caring if anyone could hear it. He placed a finger on my lips to shush me out and I immediately clung my hand onto his back, letting my nails run through his smooth skin as he groan.

"Damn!" His breath was becoming laboured as he pumped harder against me. Lloyd let out a growl when he released inside of me the same time my core clenched and I came, letting out a sigh as I was in serenity again.

I was covered in sweat but Lloyd just stared down at me, not pulling himself away from me yet. His thumb ran through my bottom lip and I smiled.

"You're amazing baby," he said, looking at me deeply, caressing my cheeks smoothly. It looks like he wants to say something but I don't know what it is.

"You too," I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Lloyd slowly grind against my hip and I can't help but whimper. We just can't stop.

(A/N) I downloaded iOS7 guys!!!! So for everyone who has an iPhone and hasn't downloaded it yet... it's amazing!!!!!:p

And back to the story! psh, of course there should be a sexy scene in this chapter! What, you thought it's all drama? well where's the fun in that you little cheeky readers:P I'll update this weekend since I have a lot of work to do and I'm also looking for a "guy friend" like legit:P no seriously guys are fun to hang around with and my best guy friend is gone to boarding school so I'm lonely:(

hit me up in my tumblr tho if you know anyone:) hyp3rventilate.tumblr.com

More drama to come! keep updated:) C/S/V


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