15-Being Sneaky

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15-Being Sneaky 

I was slouching by the couch as I watch some random show off the TV. Wesley was stuffing his face with chocolate pudding as he asked a lot of question I don't even know about since I don't watch this show that often.

"So why is the guy with that brunette again? I thought she was with the other girl?" Wesley asked and I turned my head to look at him.

"No... He's with that girl all along, he just hooked up- why do you care?!" I said incredulously, pulling my neck back as I look at him closely.

"Well we're watching the show, I need to know what's happening," he shrugged nonchalantly, shoving another spoonful in his mouth. I kissed my teeth and grabbed a paper towel, wiping his mouth with it.

I'm basically Wesley's babysitter since Aunt Jackie went with mom in the boutique while his dad was visiting his friends, playing golf and they decided to leave my cousin with me since they notice I have no life and have no better things to do.

The doorbell rang and I groaned, standing up on my feet to get the door. I'm supposed to be hanging out with Cynthia and was supposed to go partying all day this summer but she has a freaking summer job and I'm stuck here.

"Warren?... Warren!" I opened the door to find my 'friend' standing by the patio. I instantly felt self conscious because I wasn't dolled up and my hair was in a messy bun, wearing a tank top and a sweat pants since I literally just woke up. Bleh, who cares, he's not my boyfriend any longer so I don't need to look good.

"Hey baby," his lip tugged into a smirk as he gave me a hug, kissing my cheek. I thought we're just friends now?...

"Hey! What're you doing here?" I asked, looking at him with a quirk brow.

"Well I was bored so I decided to come here and hang out with you," he smiled boyishly, scratching the back of his head that I found cute. We literally talk every night like best friends and I found it warming that I can talk to him, I think Cynthia has competition.

"And you didn't plan on giving me a heads up so I could've fix myself?" I asked flatly, motioning to myself and he chuckled.

"I was gonna surprise you and you look beautiful as always anyways," he gave me a once over and I shook my head, smiling at his attempt to flirt.

"You're such a flirt. Come in then," I opened the door all the way and let him pass by, scratching my neck. What are we supposed to do here in my house? Well I'm glad that Lloyd is not here, well I guess he's not since I haven't seen him this morning or else he would've flipped off.

"Can't you just hangout with your guy friends?" I asked curiously and he glanced at me.

"If you don't want to hangout then I can leave," he shrugged, pointing over the closed door and I shook my head rapidly.

"No! I didn't mean to sound rude but won't you pick them over me?" I elaborated and his lips smiled.

"First, they're probably still sleeping or they have a hang over and second, they're a bunch of jackasses, no offence to them and I can talk to you and third, you were once my girlfriend so I'll always pick you over them," he poked my abdomen teasingly, emphasizing on the word girlfriend and I smiled.

"Then why are they your friends if they're a bunch of jackasses?" I lead him towards the living room and Wesley looked at us curiously, switching his gaze from me to Warren. Here comes the interrogation.

"Cause they're cool and they promote my club," he shrugged, "you're just different from them okay, I can be myself around you and not pretend to be someone else," he said truthfully and I think I turned Warren soft. I pursed my lips shut to prevent the smile from creeping out.

"You're full of shit," I shoved him away and stifled a chuckle, shaking my head. He grinned down at me and I'm happy that he is my friend.

"Language!" Wesley scolded me with a frown and I rolled my eyes.

"Like you haven't heard cussing before," I smirked, slumping down beside him while Warren looked totally lost at the moment.

"Oh! Right! How rude am I?" I snickered, "Wesley this is Warren-" the little guy cut me off before I could finish. How did I know.

"Your boyfriend?" Of course he loves to ask me that. Every guy he sees me with is automatically my boyfriend. Warren looked at him amused but I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"No, he's my friend," I told Wesley and his brows rose up.

"Best friend," Warren corrected me and I shot him a look. This two will get along just fine for sure.

"Sure, whatever, Warren is my best friend," I mocked Warren and he laughed at me. "And Warren, this is Wesley, my son," I joked, giving my little cousin a huge hug and a wet kiss on the cheek. Wesley hugged me back and was playing along, Warren looked so confused as he stared at us closely, trying to figure put if I'm lying or not.

"Seriously? I thought you're only 20?" he asked and I gave him a flat look.

"I'm kidding, Wesley's my cousin," I deadpanned and he looked like he just came back to reality.

"Oh! I thought you were serious by the moment," he let out a breath and I gave him a weird look. Is he high or what? "Sup little guy?" He messed up Wesley's hair and I smirked. Look at these two idiots bonding.

"So you're Lexie's best friend?" Wesley asked, trying to make clear out of things and Warren nodded. "But I thought Cynthia was your best friend?" He turned my attention to me and I shrugged.

"I can have two best friends," I scrape a layer of pudding with my finger and licked it. Warren watched me do it and he stuck out his tongue in a sexual way. My eyes widen at him and shook my head, moving my eyes to Wesley.

"Oh okay," Good thing my cousin wasn't looking as he ate another spoonful of pudding. "Nice to meet you Warren," Awe! How polite is he! I smiled and made a face, turning my attention to the forgotten show we were watching.

"What are you guys watching?" Warren asked and I sighed, looking at him.

"I don't even know," I murmured, taking a sip of my coffee on the table.

"It's about this guy who was with this girl, see that brunette, he was supposed to be with her but then he was with that girl, but now he's with the brunette." I have no idea what Wesley just said but he tried to explain the concept to Warren who looked lost as I am.

"Okay then." his lips pressed in a thin line as he nodded once. Warren took the sit beside me and rested his arm behind the beck rest. "I thought we would be alone," he whispered beside my ear and I shoved him away with my brows puckered.

"It was a one time thing," I scoffed, shaking my head cause I know he wants to do stuff.

"What was a one time thing?" Wesley asked beside us and we both gaped at him. This kid seriously has a big mouth with big ears.

"Nothing," I brushed it off and glared at Warren teasingly.

"But I thought we're friends with benefits?" he nuzzled my cheek as he murmured near my ear.

"My cousin is here," I hissed, "and I bet you just slept with someone last night, I don't want sloppy seconds," I said, looking straight ahead with my nose scrunched up.

"Jealous?" Warren said with a smirk on his face, his brow cocked up. I thought we made everything clear? We're friends. I don't care if he sleeps with that girl in the corner of the street.

"You sleep around?" Wesley piped in and I let out a sharp breath while Warren chuckled lowly.

"Stop eavesdropping Wesley." I gave him a serious look and he gave me a quirk brow.

"Well I can hear you both so it's not my fault," this smart ass kid! I'ma whoop yo ass! Kidding! I love you kiddo but I hate you too.

"Anyways, I'm not jealous! We're just friends remember?" I turned to Warren and grinned.

"Sure," he said with a smirk, convinced that I'm jealous of him sleeping around. Ugh! I just dropped the topic and watched the stupid show we were watching because we'll just get into a pointless argument. I mean yes I'm a tiny bit jealous since I care for him as my friend, is it that bad?

I snapped my attention to the french doors where a sleepy looking Lloyd was leaning by the doorway with his arms crossed, looking at me then Warren then back at me, glancing once at Wesley but his eyes were trained on me, I gulped.

"Lexie, come here," Lloyd said straight at me, that's when Warren noticed him and gave him a nod but he didn't greet him back.

"Hey dude!" Warren greeted out and I pursed my lips.

"Why?" I asked and Lloyd's head tilted to the side with his brows puckering.

"I need help," he stated plainly but his bronze gaze were piercing on me. I moved away from Warren and stood on my feet, walking towards Lloyd and into the kitchen. Henrietta wasn't here so I figured why he pulled me in here, we had privacy.

"What?" I asked.

"Why the hell is he here?" He sneered and my brows furrowed.

"He just showed up at the door, he said he wanted to hangout," my arms crossed in front of my chest and he gave me a confused look.

"Again, why?" Lloyd mirrored my pose with his arms crossed and I eyed him curiously.

"I don't know," I leaned forward a little bit and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Well then tell your boyfriend to leave if he wasn't invited here, or else I'll kick him out myself." Lloyd is being rude right now, like a mean bitch who doesn't have friends.

"First of all, he's not my boyfriend anymore and second, why would I do that?" What I said first caught his attention and his eyes lit up as he looked at me in amusement.

"So you guys called it off?" He asked curiously, his annoyance was gone in a snap, I rolled my eyes.

"I called it off. We're just friends now so you don't have to worry about your jealous ass," I retorted and his grin deepened.

"Why'd you broke up with him?" He asked, ignoring the rest of what I said and I gave him a confused look. I thought he's happy that I'm not dating Warren anymore?

"Why do you care?" I spat back, grabbing the milk cartridge from the fridge.

"I don't, I just want to know," he said simply with a shrug without looking at me. Mhmmmm. Want to know my ass!

"Cause he's a player, I don't make relationships with players," that's partially true, and I don't like you being jealous because of him.

"Or because you just can't get enough of me," he whispered beside my ear huskily and a shiver shot through my spine, I swallowed cause what he said was true. "Am I right?" Lloyd was standing right behind me and I was trap between the counter top and him when his hand caught my hips, pressing his body against my back, I stopped breathing.

"Yeah right, you think I can't get enough of your arrogant self? Think again," I replied, moving away from his grasp, placing my glass in the sink before facing him. A huge smirk was plastered on his gorgeous face and I can't help but become breathless. Why must he be hot?

"C'mon Lexie, we both know you want all this," he motioned himself from head to toe and I stifled a laugh. He's funny! That's a plus.

"Yep. Sure." I said sarcastically, before leaving him alone in the kitchen and back to the living room.

"Everything okay?" Warren asked concerned and I nodded.

"Yep, he couldn't find the pop tarts," I shrugged and Wesley gave me the curious eyes but I glared at him, not to say anything else.


We spent the whole time watching TV shows, Lame, I know. Lloyd kept watching me like I'm the screen and I always ignore him but I just can't seem to stop glancing at him every once in a while and his eyes were focused on me every time, making me uncomfortable and fidgety.

"Okay I have to go," Warren's phone beeped, alerting him a message and my brow cocked up. He's been flirting with me the whole time and Lloyd always scowl loudly whenever he does.

"Have a date tonight?" I asked, smirking. Warren's face contorted and he shook his head.

"No Lexie, I have to go to my mom's dinner," he said seriously and my lips frowned as I nodded. Oh... Mom's dinner... How sweet of him.

"Oh, my bad." I chewed on my bottom lip and he smiled at me.

"I don't always sleep with girls you know," we walked towards the front door together and I looked over at him.

"I knew that," I said rapidly and he smirked.

"Right," Warren smirked, leaning down to kiss my cheek, "later babe," he winked before walking out my house and into his car.

I shut the door closed after Warren left and walked back to the living room where Lloyd and Wesley were casually sitting down.

"I'm going to play in the game room," Wesley announced, pushing himself off the couch and leaving me and Lloyd by ourselves in the living room.

Once Wesley was gone, I scooted closer to Lloyd. He had a grin on his face as he grabbed my waist and place me on my lap.

"I told you, you can't have enough of this," he looked down at himself and I rolled my eyes. How could I possibly like this guy in the first place?

"Whatever Lloyd." I pushed away from him but he held me with a vice grip, not being able to move.

"I'm kidding," he leaned in and pressed his mouth to mine. It's true, I can't get enough of him. If I could have him every second of everyday, I would.

"Mhmm," I  slid my hand up his chest, melting onto him as I deepen the kiss. He caressed my tongue with his smoothly that gotten my heart dropping on the ground.

His hand crept inside my shirt as he smoothly skimmed my skin, brushing his thumb underneath my breast that made me shudder. Ah! He always makes me feel like this.

My hands raked through his hair as he bit my bottom lip, tugging it out, making me moan. His lips moved down to my neck as he trailed kisses down my skin. My stomach twisted and turned while my head was blanking out slowly.

His hand slid down inside my pants and I squirmed a bit. Lloyd fingered the hem of my panties before his finger made contact with my skin. Gah! I heaved in a breath before he teased me a bit. Oh hell no you're not teasing me!

"Lloyd..." I moaned, begging for him to go on and I felt his lips smirk as he sucked on my skin roughly. "Lloyd." I said through clenched teeth and he chuckled a bit.

We were in the midst of our make out session when I heard the front door open and mom's heels clicked against the tiles as she heads towards the living room. Shit! Shit! Shit! I pushed his shoulder away and looked at him with wide eyes. Are you fucking with me right now?! That's two times in a row she walked in on us. 

"Fuck." Lloyd muttered and I jumped away from him instantly, fixing myself.

"Hey kids!" Mom appeared by the French doors and we both looked at her.

"Hey," we said in unison, acting coolly and she gave us a weird look.

"You guys alright?" She quirk a brow and placed her purse on the settee, standing in front of us closely.

"Yeah," again, we said in the same time and mom looked more suspicious by the moment.

"You guys looked like you just wrestled," she stated and I squirmed, my heart skipping a beat. I ran my hand through my locks and bit my probably swollen lip. I glanced to the side and Lloyd was looking directly at mom. "Okay... Anyways," she clapped her hand together and turned her attention to me.

"Baby girl, I got some news for you!" Mom said cheerily and I quirk a brow.

"What is it?" Now I got curious because every time my mom is cheery, it's good. Well duh! Isn't it obvious?

"How would you like to model for my clothing line again?" She said excitedly and I froze, blinking at her. Last time I modelled for her was when I was 8 and I don't know what to expect now.

"Me? Why? I mean don't you have models?" I said and she beamed at me.

"You'll totally look great," Lloyd piped in and a grin was plastered on his face.

"He's right sweetie, and Jackie suggested it and I thought it was a great idea!" She chided and I was speechless. Modelling industry could be hectic that's why I got out of it in a younger age. Then I noticed aunt Jackie wasn't with her?

"Where's Jackie?" I asked, looking behind her when I heard the door alarm beep. "Never mind," I murmured.

"So would you do my fall collection?!" Mom asked hopeful and I shrugged.

"Sure, when is it?" I shrugged and she jumped in excitement.

"The day after tomorrow! It'll be at Nelson boulevard, it's only gonna be a photoshoot sweetie, don't sweat about it," mom swatted her hands in the air like it wasn't a big deal but it was for me! I haven't modelled since I was young and I don't know what I'll do.

"Alright," I sighed, scratching the back of my head. Aunt Jackie walked in and she greeted us with a nod, dropping down the couch across from us.

"Oh and Lloyd! Could you be a nice boy and come with her?" Mom told him. Psh! He's far from nice, talk about naughty.

"Yeah, no problemo," he replied with a grin on his face as he glanced at me.

"Great! Thanks sweetie!" Mom shuffled over to me and gave me a big hug before going to the kitchen.

"Wait! She agreed?" Jackie called out after mom but she was already in the kitchen. "You're doing it?" She asked me with her eyes wide, surprised. 

"Yeah..." I replied carefully and she jumped up, running after mom into the kitchen. Okay, that was a bit weird.


(A/N) A chapter update! Why does Lexie's mom always cockblocks like...?!?!?!?!?! And I'll post the next chapter later so yeah:P And she's modellingggggggg!!! YAAAAY! I wonder what will happen between her and Lloyd though:$$$ C/V/S


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