20-Unknown Status

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20-Unknown status

The sun blazed through the sheer curtains and the smell of the ocean hit my nose. My eyes cracked open and I didn't recognize the place immediately. Oh! Bahamas! I knew that...

I sat up on bed and my head pounded. What the hell happened last night? I looked down and I was not wearing anything, stripped down naked. All I remember was we had dinner in this fancy restaurant by the beach then I had a couple of drinks and that's it. Wait, did we hooked up last night? Ugh dammit! I don't remember.

"Morning babe," Lloyd greeted out groggily and I snapped out of my thoughts. I'm not feeling sore or anything so I'm literally confused right now. Did we had sex or not?!

"What happened last night?" I asked immediately, turning to look at him.

"You don't remember?" He flashed me a smirk, stretching his arms behind his head as he gazed at me.

"No, please enlighten me, did we hook up?" I interrogated and his brows furrowed.

"No, not really," he scrunched up his lips and I quirk a brow. Then what the hell happened?!

"Then why am I naked?" I motioned down to my nude self and he grinned. I'm literally not wearing anything, even my underwear is gone and what's worst is I cannot remember.

"You got hella drunk last night and you puked on your dress so I had to take it off," he shrugged, smiling widely. Then I realized something, I didn't wear anything underneath that dress last night, thinking that it would be an easy access for us. Oh I'm stupid.

"Did you had fun stripping it off me?" I pushed myself up and stretched my arms.

"I sure did, only thing is you were knocked out so that wasn't fun," he grimaced and I giggled.

"I don't remember much from last night and my head is fucking hurting, do you have Advil?" I asked, pressing the heel of my palm on my forehead.

"Yeah, I'll get it," Lloyd walked towards his luggage in only his boxers and I admired how the muscles in his back were flexing, even of he only makes one single move. I sat back on the bed and pulled the covers above myself.

"Can we order room service? I wanna stay in today and not go anywhere," I told him and he walked back to me with two pills of Advil and a mini water bottle from the fridge.

"Sure, I'll order breakfast," I grabbed it from him and shot it straight down my throat. I hate hang overs! I closed my eyes and waited for the pain relievers to kick in while Lloyd dialled room service to order breakfast. He's gonna be my bitch for today.

"Do you feel sick?" He asked concerned, shuffling towards me as he pressed a hand on my forehead.

"No," I answered simply.

A few moments later, someone knocked through the door and Lloyd got up without covering up, opening the door to see the bell boy holding out a breakfast tray. He grabbed it from him and kicked the door closed, walking back towards me. He didn't even give the poor boy a tip!

Pancakes and sausages were served in front of me and I sat up. This is nice, having breakfast without getting up from bed. I turned on the TV and they have local channels which I can barely understand since they're speaking another language so I just turned it back off.

"I kinda learned something about you," Lloyd blurted out while we're in the middle of breakfast, well it's actually brunch since its noon already and I moved my gaze to him with a questioning look.

"What is it?" My lips tugging up in a smile. I ran my hand through my bed head and waited for him to talk.

"To not mess with you cause you get extremely pissed and you give people silent treatments," I chuckled at what he said cause its true, biting on my sausage.

"I learned something about you too," I grinned, taking a sip of my orange juice. He looked at me amused and his brows rose up. Oh I learnt a lot of things about Lloyd...

"Really?" He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, that you're a sensitive guy which I found interesting cause you're all manly and all and you look far from sensitive," I smirked, cutting up my pancakes. He smiled at me, shaking his head.

"You're the only one that told me that except for my mom," he said and I smiled, tossing a crumpled napkin towards him.

"Shut up," I continued with the delicious breakfast and we talked a little more about our personal lives that we never knew about each other before, like I found out that Lloyd was a popular jock in high school, shocker. And that he photographed a couple celebrities before and also, he's extremely picky with girls cause he has trust issues, well I can say that.

"... Okay, when did you loose your vcard?" He asked me and I pursed my lips before answering.

"When I was eighteen, I was at this party with my boyfriend back then and I thought he was the one but then he wasn't, he just took advantage of me." I shrugged, hating that I was so stupid at that time. Lloyd gave me a sad look but I pushed it off. "How about you?" I asked him and he grinned, his mood changing in one instant second.

"Fourteen." He said nonchalantly like it wasn't a big deal and I looked at him surprised. What. The. Fuck. My mom would beat the crap out of me if she knew that I lost my vcard when I was fourteen.

"Fourteen?! What were you thinking?!" I asked exasperated and he gave me a cocky look. We finished with breakfast and we just placed the tray down the table as we continued talking.

"Okay here's the story, don't judge me," he said with a smirk and I chewed on my bottom lip, nodding. "I went over to my best friends house and he had a sister who was a senior, so she's basically four years older than me," he looked at me closely and I nodded for him to continue. "So I came over and Harold wasn't there but I had the keys of their house since he's my best friend and he trust me for some reason, so I let myself in to get my play station controller cause he forgot to gave it back," my brows quirk and I gave him a weird look.

"So you were getting your controller back then you lost your virginity," I said, trying not to laugh but I stifled a giggle.

"I'm getting at that part!" I pursed my lips shut and let him continue, "I was saying, I came to get my controllers then I heard moaning when I passed by his sisters room and the door was ajar, I thought her sister had company but she was alone, touching her self." my mouth dropped and I looked at him with my eyes wide, completely shocked, getting interested to where his story was going.

"Oh shit! Was she hot?" I asked curious and he grinned.

"Of course she was but she had a boyfriend back then," his mouth pressed in a thin line and I chuckled. Woah! What a player!

"Continue," I pursued him and he gave me a weird look.

"You seriously wanna hear the rest of the story?" he asked quizzical, surprised that I wanted to know what happens next.

"Yes! Of course I do! This story is funny!" I chided, bouncing on the bed and he sighed.

"Fine. So I thought she was doing it with her boyfriend but she was alone and I was guessing no one else was in the house cause she was really loud and it turned me on," I was captivated by what he's telling me and he licked his bottom lip. "I got hella horny cause who wouldn't be?" he said in a duh tone and I gave him a blank look. Well duh, he's a guy.

"Of course you were," I rolled my eyes, smiling at him.

"Then my phone rang out loud in my pocket and she heard it, I tried shutting it off but it was too late. My best friend's sister asked if anyone was there and I didn't answer so she walked towards the door full on naked like you are right now and pulled the door open," I had a shocked reaction on my face and I laughed out loud, laying back on the bed as I laughed hysterically.

"Oh my god Lloyd!" I covered my mouth as I stared at him with wide eyes, he gave me a shy look, rubbing the back of his neck. I can imagine the embarrassment he went through.

"And I guess you figure out what happens next," he said but I shook my head.

"No! tell me the whole story!" I cheered on and he gave me a flat look but continued anyways.

"After she opened the door, she just stared at me. I stuttered and told her I was just here to get my controllers but then she invited me in her room so I complied," he took in a huge breath and I wished I had popcorn right now. "I had a hard on boner at that time and tried hiding it but she told me not to then she asked if I touched a girl before and I said no, I was just a kid and I didn't know what to do!" he told me and I giggled.

"Awe!" I said with pity in my voice, biting my lip to prevent from bursting out in laughter. That must've been so awkward for him!

"I was guessing she was really horny and was desperate for a fuck so we started making out and that was also my first time touching a girl, she instructed me how to touch her and all and I just followed, then she told me to actually fuck her and I did," Lloyd's cheeks were beat red and I found it cute, him, I mean. Not the story. I cupped his cheeks in my hand and stared at his bronze eyes deeply.

"I was only there because of my controllers!" He whined desperately like he was still that kid ten years ago and I found it entertaining and amusing at the same time.

"So what happened after that?" I asked curiously and heaved out a huge breath.

"My best friend caught us and he never talked to me after that." He said defeated and I pulled him in for a hug, laying his head on my shoulder as he hugged back.

"Awe! Poor Lloyd, it's okay, at least you fucked a senior when you were a freshman," I smirked and he grinned widely. Every boys dream in high school.

"Yeah," I'm sure he bragged about it too but I didn't ask cause I know he did. I didn't ask for details and just dropped it, not pushing on the subject. " And I got popular because of it," he told me with a wicked grin and I shoved him away.

"You're a nasty pig," I spat, I can't believe I just comforted him because I thought his best friend's sister took advantage of him but then I guess he wasn't the victim here.

"What, I told you not to judge me!" he exclaimed with a charming smile and I faked a glare.

"I'm not judging you!" I said exasperated and he pouted out his bottom lip. He's not cute right now. "Moving on! Why did your parents separate?" I asked curiously and he shrugged.

"Their marriage didn't work out? I don't know," he said and I stared at him.

"Don't you care about them?" I asked with my brow cocked up.

"I do but one day, they decided that they'll just broke up, well my dad called it off but my mom is still hanging by the thread to save their marriage." he stated and I nodded in understanding.

"So they're not really divorce," I asked, Lloyd shook his head with his lips frowning. Well that's the most stupid thing ever! Why would Ben propose to mom if they're not really divorce?

"That's fucked, why did your dad proposed to my mom then?" I asked confused and he shrugged a shoulder.

"He thought mom will be forced to sign the papers but she didn't so now it's more complicated than ever, dad just created a huge pile of shit in his life and I rather not be involve in it. Your mom doesn't know by the way and I prefer you not to tell her," he told me and I nodded. I'm not telling her anything. It's her fault to not realized it.

"But I thought we don't want them to get married?" I stated and he agreed with me.

"She'll know it in time but right now, don't tell her anything," Lloyd said with a serious tone and I breathed out.

"Okay, but all this is just messed up!" I complained. But seriously! What dumb ass propose if he's not divorce? Not that I'm judging Ben or anything.

"I know. So how about your parents? Why'd they divorce?" He asked curiously, I let out a breath.

"My mom and dad didn't get so well and they always were fighting and arguing so when I was ten, they filed the papers and signed it immediately without my consent, they didn't even ask me how I feel about it," I picked on the bed sheet and I felt Lloyd's gaze burning through me. To be honest, I didn't want my family to break apart but it happened for a reason, whatever it is. Well I guess if mom didn't meet Ben, I would've never met Lloyd so that's a plus.

"And your dad moved to London while your mom stayed in New York," he tried to make a clear out of things and I nodded.

"We lived in New York, I grew up in that house we live in and daddy moved to London because he said he wanted to be as far away from mom as possible," I bit my bottom lip and kept my demeanour blank and expressionless. I was really clueless when they divorced but I get everything now; some things just really don't work the way you want it to.

"I'm sorry Lexie," he reached for my hand and laced it with his, a comforting gesture.

"Don't be, it's fine I mean we all move on and living our life separately," I forced out a smile and he smiled back sadly. I don't like it when people pitied me because of my parents divorce like its not that bad as it seems.

"Well okay, I wanna know something when we first met," he grinned at me and I gave him a wondering look. I'm glad that he's changing the subject since I don't want to talk about me anymore.

"Okay shoot," I smiled widely at him.

"What did you thought of me when you first saw me?" he asked beaming and right then, billion of things flashed through my mind. What did I thought of him...?

"Lets see," I tapped on my chin with my free hand since my other one was laced in his while he caressed my skin smoothly with his thumb, looking intimate. "I thought you looked like a loser who had nothing better to do but to pick me up from the airport," he gave me a flat look and I laughed at his reaction.

"Haha. Funny." He mocked me and I had to stifle my laugh.

"I'm kidding! I thought you were this drop dead gorgeous model that fell from heaven," I told him and he smirked at me.

"You thought I was a drop dead gorgeous model?" He asked amused and I nodded.

"That fell from heaven," I added and he gave me a fazed look, looking at me like I was bluffing. "I'm serious! and I would've never made out with you if you weren't hot so..." I shrugged and he gave me a heart melting smile, my breath hitched. "Stop that!" I blurted out and he gave me a confused look.

"Stop what babe?" He said huskily. My tummy twisted at the name he called me and a chill ran down my spine. Ugh!

"Stop being so sexy!" I said, pulling my hand out of his grip but he only tightened it, his lips curling in a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"You stop first," he flirted that got my cheeks heated up. "And I can't help being sexy, sorry," I grabbed a pillow and bobbed it on his head.

"You're a pain in the ass," I smacked him again but he started chuckling at me. He took the pillow away and snatched both my wrist, pushing me down the bed that I was lying flat on my back, I whimpered.

"And you have a sexy ass," he smirked down on me before he started memorizing my features closely. Lloyd leaned down and met my lips, kissing me softly but every time I try to deepen it, he pulls away, getting me frustrated. His hands explored my body as he grope some parts that got me moaning under his touch.

"Argh! Stop!" He moves his lips over to my chest, biting my n!pple between his teeth that got me aroused. Lloyd's hand guided down bellow my hips, gliding his finger through my middle and I was wetting the bed, I moaned. Here I thought we were having a serious moment but then he's unpredictable. "Lloyd!" I screamed when he pushed two fingers inside of me unexpectedly. I bit my bottom lip and gripped on his strong arms that were flexing.

"Mmmmm, soaking wet babe," he growled against my skin, softly sucking on it. My head blanked out and all I thought about was pleasure.

"Ahhh." I moaned, arching up my back. He moved his lips south and that's when I hit pure ecstasy. Lloyd ran his tongue through my middle which was sensitive, sending shivers on my spine. I closed my eyes and focused on his tongue, the way it worked on me got my toes curling on the ends and my fist clenching on the sheets. "Oh my god!" I moaned, my back arching like no other gymnast can. He groaned out and I chewed on my lip. Holy-!

Lloyd gripped on my thighs, sucking me dry and I let out a whimper, heaving in and out of breath as I reached my climax. I eased back down, my body in heat as I sweat, breathing hard while Lloyd trailed kisses up to my lips.

"How do you taste so sweet, love?" He said with a British accent, pulling a mere inch away from my face.

"I don't- mmm," a moan escaped my lips when he sucked my skin roughly. A thought, came into mind. Is he my boyfriend? Are we dating? Does he want a serious relationship? I swallowed, pushing the thought away. I can worry about that later.

He pulled away and I whimpered as my neck stung, he grinned down at it and brushed my skin softly. I bet he gave me another hickey. I pressed a finger and it hurt like a bruise, definitely a hickey.

"Bitch!" I smacked him across the chest and he caught my wrist, pressing a small kiss on my lips that calmed me down instantly.

"Calm down babe," he whispered, kissing the soft spot below my ears.

"I'll get you back, watch." I threatened him but it didn't sound like a threat cause I moaned.

"I'll keep an eye out," he said and I rolled my eyes, pushing him away but he laughed out loudly. I will get him when he's least expecting it. Watch out Lloyd.


Who knew talking would be fun? We literally talked for hours and its fun talking to guys since they have different perspectives on somethings and you can have a heated argument that ends up into sexy make out sessions.

"A day already passed by," Lloyd looked out the French doors and the sun was already setting, it was 10 pm and I was not a bit tired. I spent the entire day in bed without wearing anything and I wasn't insecure being naked in front of Lloyd.

"Yeah, I'll just take a bath before bed." I pushed myself up and confidently walked towards the bathroom. I can feel Lloyd's heated gaze burning through my body and I glanced back, smirking. He likes what he sees. Mmm.

I filled the bathtub with water half way and since its deep, I threw in a soap bar that makes bubble foam, creating a huge amount of bubbles. Tying my hair up in a bun while I wait for the bathtub to get bubbly, I lowered myself down into the cool water and laid my head back on the edge.

"They got wine Lexie," Lloyd called out from the door way, holding out two wine glass, a bottle of wine and a box. He walked towards me and I smirked, leaning my arms on the ledge.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing towards the box and he handed it to me. I took it and opened the lid to find strawberry covered chocolates inside, I smiled. "Where'd you get these?" I asked, popping one in my mouth.

"You know, somewhere... Just eat it!" I grinned at him cause this looks really romantic: bubble bath, wine, strawberry covered chocolates, even the lights were dimmed... oh shit, it is romantic...

Lloyd took off his boxers and joined me in the tub, placing himself on the other side and I gave him a weird look.

"Who said you can come in?" I asked teasingly with a quirk brow and he stared at me blankly.

"Oh okay, I'll leave," he pushed himself up and I shook my head.

"I'm joking! No don't go!" I begged, pulling his hand back and he smirked at me, lowering himself back down.

Lloyd grabbed the wine bottle and popped it open, filling both glasses half way and handing one to me. I took it and popped another strawberry in my mouth. I seriously love him! Cause he can make simple things feel extra special.

"Are you planning on getting me drunk again?" I interrogated, squinting my eyes at him.

"No. Cheers," he raised up his glass and I stared at him.

"To what?" I asked while he already took a big gulp.

"To... To us?" He said unsure and I grinned, taking a sip from my glass. I grabbed another strawberry and bit the chocolate covered part seductively, but I didn't make it obvious that I was seducing him. Lloyd stared at me with his intense bronze gaze as he finished his first glass of wine, setting it down beside the tub.

"Fuck." He murmured, I snapped my gaze to him and rose my brows.

"What?" I asked playing dumb, taking a sip of my wine which was almost done. Lloyd didn't bother refilling his glass and just drank straight from the bottle, watching me with his smouldering gaze that got me turned on.

"You know what." He stated, taking another slug from the bottle that got my eyes widening. I skimmed my foot over to his leg, he smirked at me. Oh damn.

I finished my glass and placed it on the side, moving the box of chocolate covered strawberries to the edge as well. I crawled over to Lloyd's side and snatched the bottle, taking a gulp before putting it on the ground so it wouldn't shatter if anything wild happen tonight.

I sat on his lap and he pulled me closer against him, our chests were pressed together. He started nuzzling my cheek and he groped my ass under water that made me jump up.

"Why're you so sweet Lexie?" he murmured beside my ear and I grinned, wrapping my arms around him.

"Cause I am," I said before he captured my mouth, kissing me gently as his lips curve up in a smile, deepening the kiss. He slowly rubbed on my cl!t and I gasped, a sense of déjà vu hit me when were in the tub not too long ago.

Lloyd added pressure and I moaned out loudly against his lips, my hips moving uncontrollably with his motion. He pulled out my bottom lip and sucked on it, I whimpered. My toes curled on the ends and I buried my face on his neck as pleasure rushed through me then I thought of getting him back for the hickey he gave me.

I roughly bit on his neck, sucking hard on his skin and he groaned, feeling helpless.

"Lexie." He growled through clenched teeth but I continued. He thrust in a finger inside of me and I moaned, not almost satisfied, he's torturing me. I pulled away and looked at him straight in the eyes, hunger was definitely in there and so is lust, I moved back to his neck but planted small kisses along his jaw that got him groaning as he added another finger, pumping harder against me.

"Mmm, faster." I chewed on my bottom lip, my body heating up and my tummy cringing in anticipation. I cannot wait any longer. When I was close, Lloyd pulled his fingers away and I groaned, frowning at him.

"Patience baby," he told me before he gripped on my hips tightly. Oh, I know where this is going. I held onto his shoulders as he lift me up, slowly thrusting his manhood inside of me, burying himself deeper as he assisted my hips. Ohmigawd! I let out a moan and he growled like a werewolf on full moon, well not literally but it was loud.

"Fuck!" I whispered loudly when his entire length was in. I chewed on my bottom lip and started grinding against his hips, moving up and down slowly. Lloyd groaned out as he helped me maneuver, but I was basically doing all the work which I didn't mind.

I picked up my speed and ride him faster and it felt good to be in controller, slamming against his c0ck as I bring myself down.

"Lexie!" He growled deeply, his fingers digging up the skin of my waist, I went harder and faster, literally bouncing onto him, gripping on his shoulder.

"Holy shit!" I moaned, grinding against him. I was so close to my climax and I went faster until I reached my climax, letting out a squeal. Lloyd released inside of me and I heaved out a breath, resting my head on his chest. That was a work out for me.

We were both sweating but I was catching my breath. He wrapped his arms around me comfortably and kissed the top of my head, my heart skipped a beat and I moved beside him while he held me close. My core was still throbbing and I let out a sigh, lowering myself down the water.

"That was mind blowing," I said once I caught my breath.

"It only gets better every time." he grinned down at me, pressing a kiss on my cheeks. And I noticed that too, our sex gets better and better and it feels amazing.

"Lloyd?" I said and he turned his attention to me. "What are we?" I asked curiously because I am confused as hell. He just stared at me for a moment, probably thinking about the same thing.

"Uhm... What are we?" he asked me the same question and I gave him a flat look. "I mean were more than just hook up buddies but-" I cut him off.

"How about its complicated," I offered but he shook his head.

"It's not complicated, I like you, you like me so there's definitely no complication there." He stated and my cheeks heat up.

"Well it would be weird if we call it dating since our parents-" I was cut off and his brows furrowed which looked hot.

"Fuck them, they'll call it off anyways, I'm sure of it," he swatted the air and I pressed on my lips.

"How can you be sure?" I quirk a brow and he shrugged.

"I have super powers and I can see the future," I shoved him away teasingly and he smiled at me. "And they're not the one I see getting married," he stated, looking at me with those eyes full of emotions.

"Who is getting married if not them?" I grew curious and my brows shot up.

"Oh I don't know," he said shyly, looking away with a smirk. I pinched his nose and turned his head to face me.

"You can't read minds," I crinkled my nose and he grinned.

"Yes I can! Just wait and see, it'll not happen," his eyes darted down to my lips and I pursed it close, making him lock eyes with mine.

"Whatever you say. Anyway let's just not state out relationship status, no label, it's easier that way," I said with a sigh and he thought about it for a moment.

"Fine, but on one condition," he said, brushing his thumb over to my bottom lip smoothly.

"What?" I said interested and he grinned.

"You're mine," my heart sunk when he said it. I'm his. Lloyd leaned down and kissed me deeply before I can say anything else and I was lost in our kiss, closing my eyes as I pulled him closer against me. Being his means I'm literally his girlfriend without me being called his girlfriend and I'm off the market... Does that make sense...? It does to me. His.


(A/N) AWEEEEEEEE! Lexie is officially Lloyd's:$ AWe! Anyways this chapter is sweet:) And I'll be writing the next chapter later:$ What do you think will happen?!?! :O I'm kinda excited for the next chapter myself and I might post it tonight or tomorrow:$ I dunno, depends on how the ideas flow:) Okay I fixed it! C/V/S

Lexie and Lloyd--------------------->

SOTC: Titanic- Justin Bieber (I got obssessed with the song while writing this chapter)


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