2- It always lead somewhere

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Chapter 2 update!!! YAAAY:P Post for this book is every weekends so yeah and I just repeated myself since I mentioned this in the last chapter but some people don't really pay attention so yeah:/ And thanks y'all! I wasn't expecting more than 500 reads but thanks anyways:)) LOOL Funny thing is today is the middle of the week:P Close enough to the weekends

2- It always lead somewhere

My eyes fluttered open as I woke up. Oh yay, I'm so not ready to face Lloyd today. I squirmed around the bed and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I've been fantasizing about him kissing me and its not good, I don't know where my dreams would go and I rather not find out.

I grabbed a towel from my luggage and stripped off my clothes, walking in my bathroom. A nice cool shower will take my mind off him. I stepped in the glass doors and turned on the handle to cold, making me jump when the water made contact with my skin.

After soaking myself under the water for what felt like an hour, I dried up myself and wrapped the towel around my body. I want to burn my brain because through out that shower, I imagined him touching me every where and my hormones just gone wild. Shit. I don't like it. 

I put on new pair of shorts and loose fitting long sleeve shirt, tying my damp hair up in a bun before making my way down to the first floor for breakfast.

When I stepped outside my room, someone yawned out loudly that sounded like a baby dinosaur and it made me jump in surprise. I snapped my head to the other end of the hall and Lloyd was stretching... Shirtless. Making my head blank. Uh...

"Good morning! Sleep well Lex?" He smirked at me, running his hand through his messy hair. He obviously just woke up and what's up with him calling me that?! Lex? I don't like it.

I ignored his question and just made my way downstairs. He knows I didn't sleep good since he was on my mind all night and I couldn't get rid of him. Stupid.

"I asked you a question you know," he was instantly beside me and I picked up my speed. He grabbed my arm and that stopped me from going anywhere, taking a deep breath, I calmed down.

"I did," it was barely audible when I answered. His touch makes me all gooey and breathless so I didn't dare to speak louder cause he knows he has an effect on me.  

"Did what?" He asked dumbly. It's either he's plain dumb or just slow to pick up.

"I slept good, thank you for asking." I said bitterly, snatching my arm away and continuing downstairs. I need to be a bitch if I want him to stay away from me and I have to stay away from him.

"Dreamt of me?" He asked cockily and my eyes rolled without my command. In fact yes, I did dream of you with your hands all over my body, touching places it shouldn't and it made me crazy since it's only a dream.

"No." I lied. Lloyd was trailing right behind me and when I reached the first floor; I saw mom in the kitchen area having a conversation with her fiancé while they eat breakfast like a normal couple. I like Ben and all but I hate that he's marrying my mom. Ugh.

"Good morning Lexie," Ben greeted me first with a smile and I forced a smile back. When I glanced back, Lloyd was not there. Where the hell did he go? Was I still dreaming when I was walking downstairs? Wait, was it hallucinations when he touched me and annoyed me? I'm really going out of my mind. No, I'm pretty sure he was there.

"Morning sweetie," mom said next before I take a sit on the coffee table where breakfast was served.

"Morning," I tried sounding happy but I'm not close to happy. I grabbed a grilled cheese from the plate and poured myself orange juice while my mom and Ben resumed to what they're talking about before I interrupt.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Mom turned her attention to me and I just nodded, taking a sip of my drink.

"So Lexie, how was London?" Ben asked, trying to have a conversation with me so I'm not totally left out.

"London's been great, I actually like it back there," I replied with a smile.

"Not how you like New York," mom butted in teasingly and I grinned. If I were to pick between London and New York, I would say here because who doesn't wanna live in the city of dreams?

"Your mom and I have been planning on making you the maid of honour for the wedding," Ben announced and I choked. I swear to my life I'm not being a big part of this wedding, finding out that Lloyd would be my step brother is one thing but being the maid of honour, I don't think so.

"Are you alright Lexie?" Mom looked at me closely, reaching out to pat my back. Lloyd walked in and took the sit right beside me when there were two other vacant seat on the table.

"What did I miss?" He asked, taking a waffle and pouring syrup all over it. I drank down my orange juice and cleared out my throat before speaking.

"That would be an honour but I think you should pick someone else mom, I don't know," I suggested and she frowned deeply.

"Why not you?" She insisted and I sighed.

"It just doesn't fit me, the maid of honour type, you know," I tried to explain it then she's the one who sighed this time.

"It does fit you but if you don't want it, I guess I could pick Vivian," she said and I nodded in encouragement for her to pick her best friend. "But the offer still stands, think about it," she insist and I didn't comment on that, scrunching up my nose.

"I could be a flower girl if you want," I joked instead, batting my lashes. They all chuckled, including Lloyd and that rumbling chuckle made my panty into a twist. That's a sexy chuckle.

"Yeah and I'll be the ring bearer," he joined in and I glared at him. That was my line.

"Sorry for both of you but Freddie and Sammy will be the flower girl and ring bearer," mom straightened up. I always wanted to be a flower girl.  Wow, this wedding is set and ready to hit the road. Dammit! 

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