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OHMIGAWD! I got a message from @ITALJH2 that I got 200,000 reads in MSBIAP so thank y'all sooooo much for the reads and supports!!! and get reading! I hope this book reach that mark too:)

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Kisses were being trailed along the nape of my neck down to my shoulder and I moaned in delight. Mmm, way to start up the morning. I squirmed a bit and felt an arm slid around my waist and something was poking my butt.

"Stop," I giggled, pulling away but it was impossible as he held me tightly.

"Morning," Lloyd's groggy voice boomed out near my ear as he continued and it was the sexiest thing ever.

"What're you doing?" I twisted around and his lips landed on mine instantly as he sweetly kissed me, I froze.

"Mmmm Lexie, have sex with me," he groaned and I jumped up, pushing him away. I looked at him wide eyes while he chuckled at me. He thinks this is funny?!

"No." I stated clearly. I was five feet away from him but his charming smile was drawing me in. Ugh!

"And why not?" He asked coolly as he sat up on the bed without his shirt on, giving me a smouldering look.

"Cause I don't want to have sex with you, duh," I rolled my eyes and he chuckled again, scratching the back of his head. He's so hot... I shook my head to clear my thoughts and walked towards the closet.

"Why don't you want to have sex with me baby? I'm good at bed," he said out loudly and my tummy flipped when he called me 'baby'. Gosh he's such a flirt.

"Are you sure about that?" I replied, poking my head out the door.

"200% sure, why don't you come and find out," I put on a tank top and jean sweatpants, tying my hair up in a bun in the most unattractive way cause I'm not dressing up just for him.

"I rather not," my face turned sour as I walked out of the closet and he stared at me for a second.

"Why? And it's not like we're doing anything for a week without your mom and Ben," he smirked. He can ask me why for every answer I have and it's damn annoying.

"Can you stop asking me 'why?'," I muttered, grabbing my laptop and booting it on my desk.

"Why?" He asked again and I looked at him with an irritated face, my eyes twitching.

"Cause it's fucking annoying!" I said exasperated and he grinned widely.

"Why is it annoying?" He said and my lips scrunched up.

"Fuck you," I gave up and sat on my office chair with my feet propped up.

"See! You even want to fuck me," Lloyd stated and I rolled my eyes, turning the chair to face him. He had a beam on his face and all I did was chuckle at his expression. Gosh I'm bipolar. "What?" He asked confused but smiling.

"Nothing," I shook my head and turned back to my computer.

"Something. Tell me!" He insisted but I ignored him. Typing twitter on safari as he annoy the crap out of me. "Oh! Follow me on twitter!" Lloyd pulled my chair back and I was pulled away from my computer.

He turned my rolly chair around so I'm facing him then he decided that it would be fun to sit on top of me. Great.

"Fuck, get off!" I hissed, my thighs getting squished by his muscled thighs.

"Nope, follow me on twitter first," he demanded as he rubbed his nasty butt on me.

"How am I supposed to follow you when you're sitting on top of me ass hole?!" I spat incredulously. I haven't even logged on and he's pushing me to follow him like what the fuck!

"Okay," he stood up but pulled me up with him, taking a sit on my chair. What a dumb shit.

"That's my chair!" I whined and he smirked, pulling me down to sit on his lap and I did. Having no other choice.

"Happy?" He asked but I pouted, shaking my head.

"No," I said unsatisfied. I haven't even eaten breakfast yet and my tummy is grumbling so he better not get on my bad side or else I will beat him to death.

"Why'd you wear sweatpants?" He asked curiously, tugging on my bottoms.

"Can you stop asking questions?" I said flatly as I typed in my username and password on twitter. I'm addicted okay.

"Why?" He asked and I let out a sharp breath. This guy can never stop. "Lexie." He lifted up his knees that made me bounce up and my jaw clenched. "Lexie..." He sang near my ears and I took in a deep breath before standing up and straddling his legs. I cupped his mouth with my hand and leaned close to his face that left him wide eyed as he looked at me amused.

"Shut up and stop asking questions or leave." I sneered closely and his eyes smiled, he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer.

"Or else what?" He asked muffled and I gritted my teeth.

"Or else I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk the next day." I meant it to be sarcastic but it came out as a threat... A good threat for him. He licked my hand so I had to pull it away and wipe it on his bare chest.

"Okay then don't wait till I stop talking, lets do it now," he smirked, snaking his hand down my bum and it actually turned me on. This boy and his hands can do wonders.

"I was being sarcastic," I moved his hands away and stood up as I sit back, facing my laptop.

"Well I wasn't," he leaned his chin on my shoulder as he peered over my computer screen. "Follow me bae," his hands slid over my flat stomach and wrapped his arms around me, sending butterflies in my tummy.

"I don't follow idiots," I said as I scroll through tweets.

"Well good thing in not an idiot," he murmured, pressing a kiss on my shoulder that made me close my eyes for a second.

"Yes you are!" I argued, glancing back to look at him.

"I'm not. Okay let me do this," he scoot the chair closer and reached out his arms so he could type in the keyboard. I was trapped between him and my study desk while I was sitting on his lap and let me tell you it feels good and weird at the same time.

Lloyd typed in @TheHottestGuyinthePlanet and I scoffed at how pathetic his username was. 'Hottest guy', yeah right. A picture of him with his shirt off came up and he clicked on his page and that's when I hoped he didn't.

"Who's that?" I pointed at a picture where he was kissing a gorgeous blond girl and it sent a pang of jealousy straight through my heart.

"Look who's asking questions now," he mocked me teasingly and I scrunched up my lip.

"Fine, don't answer," I replied coldly and he clicked on the link to enlarge the photo. I hoped he didn't either because it was killing me inside slowly.

"I'm kidding, and that's Dana, ex girlfriend," he sighed. I don't know if he's staring at her with regret on his eyes since my I wasn't facing him or is he missing her? Does he want her back? I looked at the date when he posted it and it was last month, I swallowed.

"When did you guys break up?" I asked curiously and he didn't answer immediately.

"A week before you came," he answered raspy and I took in a deep breath. So I'm the rebound of this gorgeous chick. She's lucky she got to let the world know that she dated Lloyd. Why would she let him go though?! I mean I wouldn't if he was mine. Mine...

"She's pretty," I whispered because I would cry if I say it out loud.

"She was," he answered shortly.

"Do you regret breaking up with her? I mean do you miss her?" I swallowed when I asked and readied myself if he says yes. I won't blame him, this girl looks like a super model and well, I'm- scratch it, I look like a model myself. Haha. I turned around and looked at him but his face was blank and unreadable.

"No," he replied nonchalantly as he closed the picture and press the follow button in my page.

"No? I don't mean to pry but why'd you guys break up?" I asked closely, leaning my back on the desk as I stare at his face, looking for any emotion but found none.

"If I tell you, would you tell me about Max?" He bargained and I thought about it for a moment. Should I tell him about Max?

"Sure," I answered hesitantly and he sighed before speaking.

"I found out that she was cheating on me, that's why I came here with my dad in New York," he told me and I stared at him in awe. That stupid bitch! How can she cheat on this guy!? "That's why I told you that girlfriends are bat shit crazy," he joked without rumour as he chuckled dryly but I know he's hurting inside.

"I'm sorry," I said sympathetically but he brushed it off. I really want to comfort him but he appeared to be unaffected, I know better though.

"Don't be," he looked behind me and focused on the screen, scrolling through his profile. "I still have to delete these, I haven't been here in a while," I glanced back and looked at his last post which was last month too. This guy must've been miserable, I can't imagine him being melancholy over a stupid girl who cheated on him. Bitch.

"Damn! You are fine!" His mood change instantly. I snapped out from my deep thoughts and looked back again when I saw him clicked on my profile picture when I was back in London in my tight black bodice dress that was way short and slutty. "And you got a lot of followers babe," 130,000? Psh! That's nothing.

"No not really," I replied as I watch him scroll through my twitter page.

"I have 75,000 so don't tell me shit that 130k is not a big deal," he told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, whatever!" I can't argue with this guy, he always win and our arguments are pointless, someone has to step down.

"Holy! I wished I was with you in these parties!" He exclaimed as he went through my pictures. Stalker much? But I'll probably do the same with him if he's not here and I'm on his profile. I'm creepy, I know. "So... Is this the Max dude?" He asked, stopping on one picture, back in the days when Max and I looked so happy and I was so stupid about love. I pursed my lips and nodded, not able to speak. All the memories came rushing back and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Lexie," Lloyd touched my arm and I clenched my teeth. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he tilted my face so he could look at me and I took in a deep breath.

"Well my story is mostly like yours, only thing is mine is worst," I bit my bottom lip and he looked at me closely. My eyes got dry from crying a month ago and I'm not crying for Max any longer.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me details now," he pulled me into a hug and I laid my head on his chest which was comforting. I don't think I can retell the story again to anyone and I have to trust them deeply before I could share it.

Lloyd logged out of my account as he typed in his username and password. He instantly went to my profile and followed back which made me smile.

"See, I follow people back," I shoved his arms away and clicked on his profile, he's only following 25 people and it made me chuckle.

"Yeah right, you're following back alright," I pointed over the following counter and he smiled shyly.

"Well I follow people back that is important," my heart skipped a beat when he said I was important and I grinned.

"Of course I'm important," I said confidently and I clicked on the compose button.

"What're you doing?" Lloyd asked curiously, leaning forward to look at what I'm typing.

'Yay! I'm not dead and I'm back on twitter!' I posted it as his status and people instantly liked and reposted it. Wow, this guy is popular.

"Really?" He said flatly and I smirked.

'Chillin here with the most awesome girl ever! @Lexie_Doll' I composed another tweet and Lloyd's chest vibrated as he chuckled lightly.

"Okay, that's true," Lloyd snickered and I turned to face him.

"I know it's true," I beamed at him and he pulled me closer. "I wonder what they'll say," I squinted and he smiled charmingly.

"I don't know, let's wait and find out," he grinned, "but for now, I have to chill with the most awesome girl ever," he said before leaning down to meet my lips and I grinned, kissing back. His hands slid inside my shirt and his fingers graze my skin which made me shiver.

I moaned as I ran my hands through his chest and it felt good. It always does. He moved down to my neck and heat went straight through my core. Ugh Lloyd. My eyes fluttered closed and I pressed his head closer to my skin.

"I thought you were gonna fuck me till I can't walk?" He murmured raspy and I shoved him away teasingly. Mood ruiner. 

"I told you I was being sarcastic," I smirked, looking back at the screen and he already got 10 new notifications and 4 dms under 3 minutes.

"And I told you I wasn't." He said seriously but I ignored him, clicking on the notifications.

"You got a mention from a girl named Geraldine saying '@TheHottestGuyinthePlanet who is @Lexie_Doll?!'" I read it off and smirked. Most of them were asking who I was and I found it funny cause they're spazzing out about it. "Another one from Paula, she said '@Lexie_Doll better not steal my man,'" I burst out laughing then Lloyd started reading it all.

"You made a scandal Lexie," he smirked at me and I chuckled lightly.

"Not my problem," I reached for my phone and I, as well got notifications from twitter. I unlocked the screen and looked at who mentioned me and damn there were lots of people within a few minutes of posting that tweet.

One said, "@Lexie_Doll and @TheHottestGuyinthePlanet would totally make a beautiful couple." Another one questioned. "@Lexie_Doll! Who is @TheHottestGuyinthePlanet?! Is he the new Max?"  This tweets are ridiculous! They're making a big deal out of it. Another person said "Lloyd is so HOT! Lexie! Make babies with him! @Lexie_Doll @TheHottetGuyinthePlanet." And Lloyd saw that tweet, pointing it out.

"Did you see this tweet by Ronny? The make babies together one?" He asked, liking some of the tweets and I nodded. "Even they want us to make babies," he murmured and I rolled my eyes at him. "I got new followers too," he beamed at me proudly.

"Because of me," I made it clear and he nodded.

"Yes because of your scandal," he smirked, scrolling through his page where there's new notification every 5 seconds.

"Then delete it if you you don't want it," I shrugged but he shook his head.

"Nah, it's fun to be popular even just for a while." He said and my eyebrows rose up. "We should take a picture together," he suggested and I gave him a weird look. My phone beeped and I got a mention from Max saying 'Yes Lexie, who is this guy? I think You haven't told him about me.' He tweeted it and my blood boiled. Can he never get that I'm done and we're O-V-E-R?!?!?

"Yeah I think we should," I stretched out my arm to take the photo, pressing my lips on his cheek sweetly and taking a snap of us. My heart pumped faster and I don't know why because its just a picture.

"I meant taking a normal picture together, but that's even great," I looked at it and we looked cute. I mean I look cute of course. "Oh give it to me!" Lloyd snatched my phone away and typed in the caption. 'The guy of my dreams @TheHottestGuyinthePlanet,' and he posted it. I think my followera know we meant it as a joke right?

"Why'd you say that?!" I asked, looking at it.

"Cause it's true," he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Hey, don't you think it's such a coincidence that I broke up with Dana and you broke up with your ex just before you came here and we met? Or is it just fate?" He said and I realized it too, leaving me dumbfounded. It was fate!

"Uhm... I don't know..." I answered stupidly and he grinned.

"Mhmm," he hummed, looking at our picture together closely. Is it coincidence... Or fate...? 


(A/N) The last part is suckish I know! But I didn' know how to end it so yeah:/ And school is starting soon:'( Nah I actually miss it:P Because of my friends and this guy:P Well anyways! If I don't go anywhere today, I might post the next chapter tonight:)

Lloyd the hottie and Lexie the cutie:D------------> 

SOTC: Broken hearted- Karmen(Cause they were both broken hearted by their exes?)


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