28-Cross the sea for you

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28-Cross the sea for you

•Lexie's POV•

After the conversation I had this morning with Max, everything just hop in the awkward train and we kinda have this tension looming around us. I told him what I'm really feeling but most of what I told him we're lies cause I do care about him but to an extent.

When the hell is my dad coming home?! Like fuck! Lying is really in my family's blood line cause it's been a week since my dad told me he'll be coming home but till now, there's no dad in this house to rescue us from the awkwardness.

I tried dialing Lloyd but it just went to voice mail. I was just talking to this guy seven hours ago and now he cannot be reached. Why is life torturing me?! Why do I have to be stuck with Max and why can't I contact anyone to just avoid Max?! Just fuck my life.

Everywhere I fucking go, he follows. Do I look like your owner?! It's like Max doesn't have a life of his own cause he just follows me around. I go to the kitchen, he follows, to my room, he follows, to the backyard, he follows, to the bathroom, well he actually ask if I'm going to the bathroom like damn! Stop following me! This house is big enough for us to not see each other for a day if we choose to be.

I will love anyone forever if they come to my rescue from Max, like literally.

I sat in the living room, flipping from one channel to another as he sat across from me. Max is just making this more awkward as it is. If he go and leave me alone, we have no problem but he's just there wherever I go like FUCK!

I glanced over at Max but he was too busy doing something in his phone. I looked away and shut off the TV as I'm about to go up to my room.

Max looked up at me and his eyes followed my movements. I stood up and made my way to the stairs then he stood up, following behind me. I've had enough of this!

"Would you stop following me?!" I said irritated. Like geesh! He's like a tail!

"I'm not following you," he stated but I gave him an annoyed look, marching upstairs to my room.

I closed the door behind me and jumped on my bed. I hugged my pillow tightly and buried my face in it. Everyday, I'm hoping that Lloyd would come and take me away from this hell hole, I wish he would.

•Lloyd's POV•

Mocking here won't do me any good. I grabbed my bag and passport and drove to LAX, booking a flight to London at this moment. I haven't had any rest yet since I came here to Cali from New York this morning and I'm extremely tired but I just can't stand being away from Lexie for a long period of time. One week has been enough torture.

Hopefully I get her by tonight and bring her back tomorrow, I don't care what my dad says because I love her and I just can't let her go, no one can separate me from Lexie.

"Lloyd?!" I was looking outside the window of the plane when a familiar voice called me out. I swallowed deeply and forced out a smile.

"Hey Dana," I said and she sat down right beside me, pulling me in for a hug even though I didn't want a hug from her. Nothing changed about Dana, she still looks the same, still pretty but she has no effect on me.

"How'd you been? It's been a while since I've talked to you!" she's acting like were normal friends like nothing happened in the past between us.

"I'm alright, how bout you?" It'll be rude not to ask so I questioned her. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me and I quirk a brow up. What's wrong with this chick?

Of all the flights there is, why do I have to be in the same flight as her?! I cleared my throat and she looked away from me.

"Anyways! Yeah, I'm good. I actually miss you," she said and I smirked. What a fucking bull shit. I shook my head, looking outside the window as I waited for her to disappear. I wonder if she had amnesia where she forgot that she played me in the past.

"Okay..." Was all I said because I couldn't say I kiss her back if I don't miss her back. Only person I miss so much is Lexie and I can't wait to see her. Dana chewed on her bottom lip before speaking again, staring at me intently.

"So where're you up to?" She asked curiously as she sat up straighter.

"I'm going to get my girlfriend," I said plainly. She doesn't need explanations so I kept my response simple.

"Oh. Well I bet she's pretty and amazing, all the things that I'm not," Dana kinda said the last part in a sneer and I glared at her coldly.

"She is actually," I stated then her smile dropped on the ground.

"Okay, well it was nice seeing you Lloyd," she pressed her hand on my shoulder and I just nodded, not looking at her. She doesn't know what I went through with her whoring ass. I saw Dana walk away in my peripheral vision and that's when I let out a breath, sliding my head phones in as I relaxed. I'll get you back Lexie.


I hailed a cab and it's my first time being here in London. The flight was antagonizing because I haven't had the chance to sleep since the person beside me snores like snorlax. A cab stopped in front of me and it looked so weird as the driver is on the right side where in America, it's the opposite.

"Uhm hi, could you drive me to 56 Burtkin drive?" I said, looking down my phone as I read off Lexie's dad's home address. The cab driver nodded and I hopped inside.

I looked outside the window and stared at the London view. I haven't been anywhere else in Europe except for France and Greece but London is pretty much an amazing city.

The cab stopped in front of a gate and I wonder who's mansion was this house belong too.

"We've arrived sir," the driver said with a thick British accent and I quirk a brow. I looked at the address number and it says 56.

"This is Burtkin drive?" I asked and the driver nodded at me slowly like I'm dumb. I pulled out a couple of euros and handed it to him before stepping outside the cab.

When Lexie said that her dad's house was huge, I wasn't expecting it to be this huge. I rang the door bell by the gate but no one was answering. Lexie has no idea I'm coming for her today, I never told her anything, she didn't know about any of this and right now, I regret not calling her cause I look like a creep outside this house.

Lexie's POV

The doorbell rang downstairs and I thought it's probably dad who decided to come home because he felt bad for me and regret letting Max take care of me. I just sat there because I'm sure Max could get the door since he's already down stairs but a few seconds later, the doorbell rang again. What the hell! I swear, Max is so useless. He can't even open the door.

I jogged downstairs to get the stupid door and as you can tell I'm pissed. The ringing stopped and I wonder if it's just those business people who goes door to door since dad doesn't need to ring the doorbell cause he knows the code so I turned on my heels and was about to walk away, then the door rang again. I groaned loudly and unlocked the door, flinging it open.

As soon as I opened the door, there was a guy standing in front of the gate. Doesn't he know that this is a private property? The distance between the gate and the door is almost 50 metres and my eye sight is not that good so I had to squint to look at him closely. He was wearing a blue hoodie and he had a duffel bag, his face was hooded so I don't know if I should go or not, I stared for a moment.

What if he needs help though? The bell rang again and something in me said that I should go approach this poor guy, whoever he is. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and closed the door behind me. I don't know where the hell is Max and I'm happy that he gave us both distance. The anonymous guy was looking down his phone as he rang the bell continuously.

"I'm coming!" I shouted halfway the long driveway of my dad's house, muttering a cuss under my breath. He looks harmless cause if he was a murderer, he would wear a black hoodie, I don't even know what I'm saying right now because anyone could kill you, either if they're wearing a fluffy pink sweater.

I started getting butterflies for some unknown reason and I paused on my tracks 10 feet away from the gate. The guy was looking down his phone and he looked closely familiar. Lloyd?! Am I being delusional right now? Stop playing tricks on me, brain! I squinted my eyes to look closely then he slowly looked up, I gasped. No fucking way!!!

"Lloyd!" I whispered, my eyes bugging out of it's sockets as my mouth hung open.

"Hi Lexie," he smiled widely, pocketing his phone. "I was gonna call you," I completely froze because he told me that he's coming for me, I just didn't know that it'll be this soon. My eyes started to prick and punched in the code as the gates opened. Lloyd slid down his hoodie and my heart dropped at the sight of his gorgeous self.

"Oh my god!" I threw myself over at him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I hugged him tightly. He held me with a grip and my eyes teared up. "How- What- Why didn't you tell me?!" I didn't know where to start. I pulled away and he cupped my cheek, wiping the tears with his thumb.

"I was planning on surprising you and I guess it worked," he grinned and I chewed on my lower lip.

"I'm surprised alright!" I shoved him slightly. You don't know how happy I am at this point and this past week has been torture being away from Lloyd. "Well come," I laced my hand with his and tugged him in, closing the gate back.

"Is your dad home?" He questioned and I bit the inside of my cheek, shaking my head. "Then who's home with you?" Lloyd paused on his tracks and I take in a deep breath.

"Max." I mumbled but Lloyd clearly heard it, a bit taken a back.

"Only your ex?" His brows rose up and I nodded slowly, he stared at me closely and I sighed.

"It's not what you think, my dad is in France and he trust Max so he asked him to look after me, no ones really here so my dad didn't want me to stay here alone," I explained, biting on my lower lip and Lloyd let out a sharp breath.

"If you told me and I knew, I would've been here a week ago." He said, I ran my tongue through my lips and his gaze drop down there. "I'm sorry I took long Lexie," he caressed my arms and I just smiled at him.

"It's okay, you're here now." I pulled him towards the house, unlocking the door. Thank god I'll be able to leave soon! I mean I could've went back but I wasn't on my right mind for this past week, and I didn't know where to stay in America cause mom would not welcome in her home for sure. Hotels are good option but I will just feel guilty if I stay in New York without Lloyd.

"Hi." I snapped my gaze up when Max's voice boomed out, it was more than a sneer than a greeting and I glared at him coldly.

"Hey dude," Lloyd greeted out coolly like Max is no competition.

"Who is he?" Max interrogated, leaning by the doorframe and my brows furrowed deeply, before I could speak, Lloyd got me to it. Oh no.

•Lloyd's POV•

As soon as I saw Lexie standing in front of me, my heart leaped out of my chest and I felt like I was that boy in my childhood who got his first skateboard. That's when I promised myself that I'll never let her go anywhere this time that I got her back.

And now this asshole thinks he's better than me? Oh hell no! You treated my girl like shit, I will treat you like shit. Although he has the British accent, body and all, you're no better than me. Yo, fuck this guy, he's weak.

"I'm Lloyd Walters, her boyfriend," I stated clearly and he growled. Lexie never mentioned that her ex was a werewolf, what a nice fact. I smirked at him evilly and I know I'm getting under his skin with my calm demeanour.

"Why is he here?" This guy asked her, switching his gaze to Lexie as she fidgeted beside me. I don't like it when she's uncomfortable and that pissed me off that this guy is making her feel awkward.

"Cause I'm bringing her back with me," I answered for her and he glared at me coldly.

"Well you can't do that cause her dad told me to watch over her," Max found his cool and my jaw clenched. Who is he to tell me what to do?

"I'm an adult, I can do what I want without anyone telling me what to do," Lexie answered back to Max and his brows puckered. Good, my girl can answer back. I grinned widely, sliding my arms over to her waist as I hold her against me. Max has nothing to say to what Lexie retorted and I found it amusing that this guy finally shut up.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't get your name," although I'm probably four years older than this guy, I'm a kid in heart and I like to play around... Specially in bed, if you know what I mean.

"I'll just get my stuff then we'll leave," Lexie looked up at me and I nodded, I don't want to stay here and rest anyways, I'd rather go to California and bring Lexie back with me in my house. She left me with her ex when she knows I can handle myself.

"So your her boyfriend," Max said in disgust and I looked down myself, I'm pretty sure I'm wearing descent clothes. I dropped my duffel bag on the floor and took a sit on the sofa comfortably.

"Yes I am, and I didn't get your name," I do know his name but who knows, I want to be friends with this guy. Not. You guys know I like to joke around, specially annoying people I don't like.

"Max Hawthorne," he said plainly, taking a sit across from me with a smug grin on his face.

"And who are you?" I asked curiously and his lips curled up in a sneer. I grinned deeply, propping my feet on top of my knee.

"I told you, I'm Max." He said through clenched teeth, avoiding the real question. I scoffed, shaking my head.

"I know that, I'm not stupid. I mean who are you to Lexie?" I quirk a brow, smirking like an evil genius. Oh man! It's fun poking his buttons!

"Her ex." He scowled at me and I found it funny, letting out a few chuckles.

"So you're the desperate ex boyfriend who won't stop calling her back in America, I see," I rubbed my chin and mask on my thinking face. He let out a low growl and my brows rose up. He didn't say anything else and I pressed my lips in a thin line. "She's actually happy with me so I suggest you to stop, alright boy," I leaned my elbows on my knees and he scowled at me, his face turning red in anger.

Lexie dragged down her luggage and I rushed up to help her. Max just remained on his position and I really pissed him off this time. But guess what! I give no fucks.

"I called my dad and I told him that I'm going back to America, he said to take his private jet back so we don't have a problem with our flight." She told me, typing something down on her phone.

"That's great babe, are we leaving now?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I also called a cab that's going to be here any moment," Lexie said and the doorbell buzzed.

"Okay Let's go then," I snatched my duffel bag off the floor and gave Max a look.

"Max," Lexie called out softly, placing a hand on his arm. "Max." She said strongly and this time he looked up at her with hooded gaze. I watched them closely and I started walking towards the front door with Lexie's luggage to give them a bit of space.

She hugged him and it looked like this guy is never letting go of her, he nodded at what she's probably telling him and I kinda know what he's feeling. It's always hard to let go specially the person you loved. Lexie finally pulled back and stood up from her crouch, making her way towards me. Max never left his spot and Lexie glanced back at him one last time before walking outside the door. I don't know what she told him but I bet it's something.

I load her luggage at the back of the black cab and the drivers here in London doesn't help that much. I did it myself before shutting the trunk close, I slid beside Lexie and she smiled widely at me, taking my hand in hers, I mirrored her expression and pressed a kiss on her hand. I'll cross any sea for her, heck I'll cross the world for her.


(A/N) Okay I'm sorry if there's not much emotional chapters but I'm pretty sure you don't like it when my lead characters are separated and sad right? And Lexie Is back with Lloyd! AWWWWWW! They're not going back to New York by the way, they're heading to Cali to where Lloyd lives:) Anyways I'm about to update EWB and LPD so watch out for the updates for those stories:)

SOTC: Ready for love- Chris Brown:)--------------->



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