11- Doctor Doctor

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YAAAAAY! Chapter 11! Someone's gonna get sick...:P

11- Doctor doctor

It's past noon and I popped the microwave open to heat up my lunch that Henrietta prepared for us this morning.

The house feels so empty without people around and it's lonely too and I need company. Where the hell is Lloyd?! That lazy ass! It's almost afternoon and he haven't gotten up yet.

I brought the bowl of pasta towards the living room and turned the TV on, switching from channel to channel as I try to look for the right show to watch. I gave up on food network and watch Hell's Kitchen with chef Ramsey; forking down my pasta as I hungrily ate it.

Warren woke me up this morning when he called me and he told me he can't stop thinking about me but I know he was just flirting with me, nothing too serious.

I finished my lunch and just laid down on the couch comfortably, staring up the ceiling. I began to worry when Lloyd haven't descended downstairs and its almost been a day. What is he up to now?!

I shut off the TV and climbed  three flights of stairs towards his room, cracking it open to see him lying down on his bed, still asleep but I don't know if he's breathing. What if he's dead? I'll get in shit.

I walked towards him and poked his arm trying to see if he's alive, he squirmed a bit then groaned, pulling the covers past his neck as if its too cold when it's summer. Well the a/c is on but it's not even that cold. 

"Lloyd? Wake up, you've been in bed for the whole day," I told him and he groaned again.

"I feel sick Lexie," he grumbled without opening his eyes. I frowned, pressing a hand on his forehead and he is burning up.

"Fuck! You're burning," I checked his neck and pulled my hand away because he was hotter than a pre heat stove. Shit man! I don't know anything about sick people, I don't even take care of myself when I'm sick.

I stood up and walked over to his bathroom, filling up a small bucket with freezing cold water and grabbing a piece of cloth before going back inside his room.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pressing the soaked cloth on his forehead. I pulled his blanket off and he was drenched in his own sweat. Isn't he hot?!

"No," he muttered, shaking his head. Well duh!

"Uhm I guess you could put your hand inside this bucket," I stuck his hand inside the freezing water and he shiver. Probably not the best idea. "Okay I'll just get you something to eat downstairs," I will not play nanny to this dude but then again I feel bad cause he's sick. Why do you have to be sick when no ones around?

I left his room with his door wide open and jogged downstairs towards the kitchen. I'm not good at taking care of sick people but I can at least try. I heated the bowl of pasta in the microwave and grabbed a ginger ale from the fridge cause they said its good for you and a bottle of water just in case.

I took a tray from the cabinet and set the food down so I won't struggle going up the stairs. I held the tray as I walk back up three flights of stairs when my phone decide to ring! Couldn't they pick the best time to call? I pulled it out to see Warren's name flashing on the screen. Great.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Lexie, what's up?" He said and I took in a deep breath.

"Uhm... I'm going upstairs right now," I offered slyly because I don't know how to answer when people say 'what's up?'; the sky is up, the ceiling is up, the planes are up.

"Oh okay well do you wanna hang out tonight?" He asked me hopeful and as much as I want to, I have to take care of a sick patient.

"Sorry I can't, next time?" I entered Lloyd's room and he was sweating badly like a leaking faucet and he kept turning and twisting around.

"Why not?" Warren asked curiously. I placed the tray down on the edge of the bed and sighed. Better tell him the truth then.

"Lloyd's sick and I can't leave him alone tonight," I explained.

"Where's your maid and butler? How about your parents?" He asked me. Lloyd's eyes crack open slightly as he look at me. I snatch the cloth from the bucket, squeezing the excess water out and wiping his sweating forehead.

"They're all gone, mom sent them to a week vacation while she's in Paris for fashion week and Lloyd's dad is in New Mexico for a business trip," I said and heard him breathe out.

"Well I'll just reschedule, how about Saturday?" Warren asked and I smiled.

"Saturday sounds good," I said cheerily.

"I have to wait three more days to see you, that feels like forever Lexie," Warren groaned and I let out a small chuckle.

"You can always stop by," I smiled.

"Okay I might, hope Lloyd feels well so I can take you out," he teased but I know he genuinely hoped that Lloyd feels better soon.

"Haha." I said mockingly and he laughed. "Alright I gotta go, bye," I smirked before hanging up and pocketing my phone in my shorts.

"Was that the dude who thought I was the gardener?" Lloyd croaked out weakly, I smirk.

"That's the one," he growl lowly and I look at him amuse. He still has the strength to growl at this moment.

I help Lloyd sit up and lean on the headboard while I open and hand him the bottle of water, he took a few sips but that's it. He better not give me a hard time cause I don't have to take care of him, I'm just choosing to.

"Here," I grab the bowl of pasta and fork it down, placing it out in front of his mouth. Lloyd shook his head and lean back as he swallows, making his throat flex. Dayum.

"Lloyd. I waste my time going downstairs to heat this up and go back up here just so you won't eat?" I sneer because I'm getting annoyed.

"I'm not hungry," he mumble, his lips barely parting apart.

"Just one bite, you got to eat," I pleade and a smirk curled up on his lips.

"You care for me," he said with a weak smile and I rolled my eyes. He can joke around but not eat. Okay, I see how this is.

"No I don't, I'm just preventing you from dying cause your dad will kill me," I said sarcastically as I look down the bowl of pasta.

"Yeah you do," his lips fully curved into a smile and I can't help but mirror his expression.

"Whatever makes you happy," I breathe out deeply, "now you have to eat," I place the forkful of pasta near his mouth and he stared at me. I do care for him, why would I bother taking care of him if I don't?

"Can you do the train thing with the choo choo?" He demonstrated with his hands and I was urged to roll my eyes. What the hell? Is he five? He's acting like it.

"I'm not playing around." I said seriously then he shook his head.

"Then I won't eat," he puckered his bottom lip. Is he challenging me? I let out a defeated sigh before backing my hands away.

"Choo choo," my voice was flat as I looked at him straight in the face. He grinned, staring at me before parting his mouth open and I shove it inside his mouth harshly, he cough, choking before taking small sips of water. Taking care of him would be a challenge.

I fed Lloyd and he ate half the contents of the pasta before he said he couldn't eat no more and I'm content that he even ate anything.

"I'm gonna throw up," he look around dizzily and I panicked. Shit don't throw up here!

"Okay well not here! Go to the bathroom!" I spas. He carefully stood up from his bed wearing only his boxers which was damn sexy- Lexie! He's fucking sick and all you think about is his sexy body! What's wrong with you! Smh.

I assisted him as he leans his 150 pounds body against mine with his arms around my neck, throttling towards the bathroom. He kneeled in front of the toilet and that's when he gagged. Ew.

I sat by the bathtub ledge and rub his bare back soothingly to comfort him as he puked his guts out in the toilet which was totally disgusting so I looked around except for him. Running my hand through his soft tousled hair and hope that it would help much.

Lloyd reaches for the toilet flush when he finished and lean back on the cabinet of the counter.

"Done?" I ask, he nodded. I grab toilet papers and dampen it before wiping his mouth clean and tossing it in the garbage. I should be paid for doing this.

He walk tiredly back to the room and crawl underneath the covers instantly. Wow. No 'thank you' or 'thanks for taking care of me'? His eyes close heavily and I pop the ginger ale can open.

"Lloyd, drink this," I nudge him slightly and he sat up, taking the can from me.

"Do you have Advil?" He asks when he finish. I huff and made my way down to the second floor, into mom's bathroom because all the meds are there. This is so stressful! I couldn't find it so I decided to call mom and hoped she picks up.

"Lexie? Everything alright?" Mom answers on the fourth ring and I sigh in relief.

"Uhm sure but where did you place the Advil?" I asks, still looking for the pill bottle.

"Why what's wrong?" She asks me, growing concern by the moment. I heard people calling her in the background and I'm sure she's busy so I better do this quick.

"Lloyd is sick and I'm trying to look for the Advil," I said and mom gasp.

"Oh sweetie, is he okay?" Her tone was lace with worry and I pressed my lips in a thin line.

"I guess he is," no he's not okay but I have to assure mom that he is, cause she will not hang up.

"Well give him Tylenol, not Advil and its placed on the third drawer in my bathroom," she gave me directions and I did find Tylenol in the third drawer. "Also check his temperature, there's a thermometer in my medicine cabinet and feed him." Do I look like a care taker?! I roll my eyes but grab the thermometer as she asked.

"Okay mom, I got this!" I cut her off because she's giving me all this instructions and my head was pounding with all the talking she's doing.

"Alright I need to go, you sure you guys are okay in there? I should've let Jeffrey stay," she said regretful and I shook my head.

"We're fine mom, don't bother and have fun there, stop worrying. I got this," I said confidently and she let out a sigh.

"Take care sweetie, bye," mom said lastly but there was still concern in her voice.

"Mom, don't stress about this, bye," and I end the call, placing the phone in the back pocket of my shorts.

I went back to the kitchen and looked for the ice bucket, filling it with ice from the door fridge then bringing it upstairs to Lloyd's room. Mom seriously needs to get an elevator because I'm having a work out here, going back and fort from the kitchen to his room.

"Take this," I gave him one pill and he swallowed it with water before closing his eyes back. I stuck the electronic thermometer in his mouth without acknowledging him and his eyes shot open, looking down his nose to see what I placed in his mouth.

While I wait, I went to my bedroom and grabbed my laptop then I sat down on the other side of the bed beside him.

I booted my laptop and took out the thermometer to check on his temperature. 100.9F.

"Fuck Lloyd." I mutter, grabbing an ice from the bucket. "Eat this," I place it in his mouth and his eyes widen. "Don't spit it out or else!" I warned him and he sucked on the ice. Good thing I never became a nurse because I'll be forced to take care of people who I don't like.


I was scrolling through tumblr and twitter while Lloyd take a sleep beside me, playing a song lowly on my Mac to cheer up the glum mood. I place my hand on his forehead and he's less hotter now than this afternoon but he's still hot.

He's been sleeping for more than 4 hours now and I've already watched two movie and ordered pizza and up till now he hasn't woken up yet. He sleeps like a sloth.

I'm about to play a new movie, eating fries when Lloyd mumbled something incoherent. I reached for his neck and he was hot again. I've been smart to refill the bucket of ice so I don't have to go back down when he wakes up.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him as he blink up at me without saying anything; he shook his head, sitting up beside me.

"What're you watching?" He asked curiously, leaning against me, interested.

"Friends with benefits," then I realize the irony when I said it, so did Lloyd as he forced a grin. "Shut up." I said before he could say anything witty.

"I never said anything," he smirk, pressing play on the screen and we both watch on my computer.

"Just take a bite so you can take your meds," I offer him the box of fries and he didn't argue, taking some and chewing on it cautiously. I handed him a new can of ginger ale and he gulped it down. Oh good! He's feeling better! I checked his forehead but he was still hot, no difference.

After he took another tablet of Tylenol, we watch the movie and he can't wipe the grin off his face when the sex scene came on. I rolled my eyes and shook my head because he's being immature.

"We should do that," Lloyd suggested, nodding over to the screen. I gave him a flat look and shook my head.

"No." Was all I said before grabbing a slice of pizza from the box. Lloyd was resting comfortably on me with his head on my shoulder, I thought he was feeling sick again so I brushed his hair off his forehead, looking at him closely.

"Are you feeling sick again?" I asked concern and he smile at me.

"A bit but not too much anymore," he peered up and I purse my lips. I move my laptop off my lap and reached for the bucket of ice which was on the other side of the bed.

I had to straddle his leg to reach for it and he caught my waist weakly, I quirk a brow and move back to where I was sitting before and away from his grasp.

"Chew on this," I placed a block of ice on his lips and he seductively take it in his mouth, making me smirk. "Stop being a tease Lloyd," I wipe off my hand and turn back to the movie we were watching.

"Can't help it," he trail a finger down my arm and he's taking advantage of all this being sick thing. Not in my watch.

The movie finished and I don't know if Lloyd is still with me because he was snoring when I closed the tab. It's already 11 at night and I'm feeling tired too. I move Lloyd's head from my shoulder to my lap so he wouldn't have muscle cramps, brushing his hair away from his forehead.

I analyze his handsome features; the long lashes that was brushing his cheekbones; his straight nose to his kissable lips that were slightly parted as he snored lowly, making me smile. In short, he's so gorgeous and the woman he marries will be so lucky. It hurts to even think about it.

"Thanks Lexie," Lloyd mumble and I flinched cause I thought he was sleeping.

"Shhh, sleep," I caresse his face smoothly and he seem to drift away to sleep.


I was woken up at 3 in the morning because I felt my thighs burning. Lloyd was burning again. Oh this is just fucking great. I check his neck and he was on fire. Oh shit.

"Lloyd," I shook his arm but he was snoring peacefully. "Lloyd!" I pat on his cheeks softly and that's when his eyes open slightly. I sigh in relief, placing the thermometer in his mouth to make sure he won't combust.

I let it sit in his mouth for two minutes or so before pulling it out and his temperature was 109F. Damn!

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. "Lloyd! Come with me," I forced him to sit up on the bed and helped him walk towards the bathroom.

I placed him inside the glass showers before turning the shower knob on to freezing cold. His eyes open blood shot and he jump to the side as it was probably too cold.

"Holy fuck! What the hell Lexie!" He sneer, reaching for the knob to turn it off. I rolled my eyes and took the handle of the shower head, spraying it to him and he screamed deeply because of the freezing cold water. "Fuck!!!" He growled loudly as he pressed his back deeper into the wall. A smirk turn up on my lips when his body was glistening and his hair was wet. So sexy!

When I thought he was soaked after 10 minutes, I turned off the shower and placed back the shower head on the wall. Lloyd was shivering and I grabbed his towel from the rack. I turned around to give it to him but he stripped off his boxers and it was lying down on the ground, making me turn back around.

"Oh my god! Why are you not wearing anything?!" I said through clench teeth, stretching my hand behind me so he could take his towel.

"C-c-cause this girl d-d-d-d-d-decided to s-s-soak me in freezing w-w-w-w-water." His teeth were chattering and he still wasn't taking the towel from me.

"Take the damn towel!" I said, shaking my hand that was holding out the towel to him.

"C-c-can't. Too c-c-cold," I turned on my heels and peeked one eye to see him with his arm wrapped around himself as his teeth continue to chatter.

"Come here," I tried focusing on his face and not what's down there but I can't help but take a glance and it was enough to know that the size is enough to give you hella pleasure. I swallowed, licking my bottom lips. Stop being sexual slut! 

I wrap the towel around him and he was shivering so bad. I touch his cheek and at least he's not burning anymore. I lead him out the bathroom and back to his bed, walking to his closet and grabbing a clean pair of pyjama pants, shirt and a plain black boxer briefs.

I placed it down beside him on the bed and he dropped the towel on the ground, making me look up the ceiling as he dress himself. Oh Kay... Not awkward at all...

After Lloyd finished, he ruffle up his hair, drying it with the towel before he crawled under the covers. I looked down and he hasn't worn his shirt or neither his bottoms, just his boxers and he's freezing cold.

I laid down beside him and pull the blanket over my body, cuddling close to him so my body heat would transfer from mine to his.

"I'm sorry, I had to do it. You were burning," I apologize then he stared at me.

"You liked what you saw?" A smirk appeared in his face and I look at him blankly. Here I was being sincere then he just had ruin the mood and joke around, ignoring my apology. I don't know why I bothered.

"I didn't see anything," I squirm and face the ceiling, trying to hide the blush forming on my cheeks.

"Mhmm," he hum. "Imagine me inside-" I clap my hand over to his mouth so he would stop talking and his lips curved into a grin against my palm.

"Don't." I hiss and he chuckle at me. I pull my hand away and wiped it off the covers. He's impossible. 


(A/N) LOOOOOOL! Lloyd got sick:P And Lexie took care of him! How sweet is that! :P Next chapter might be posted tonight:) Depends;) I wonder what will happen soon:$

SOTC: Helena Beat- Foster the people


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