13-Bubble bath

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Things will get heated up:$

13- Bubble bath

Mom came back from Paris a day ago while Ben was no where to be found, probably still in Mexico, meaning what happened between in Lloyd during the period of time they were gone is over. We're back to normal. Yay.

"Lexie! Lexie!" Lloyd called my name from the third floor and I hurried my way down stairs, my head pounding. Shit. "Lexie!" He shouted but I literally bolted towards the foyer. "Dammit! Wait up!" He said irritated but I didn't wait. I snatched my keys off the key rack and was about to walked three steps towards the door when he caught my waist, pulling me back.

"What the fuck! Didn't you hear me calling you a million times?!" He frowned, looking at me closely. I settled my gaze down on the floor and didn't look at him.

I know for sure he wants to talk about what happened last night but it was just crazy and I don't really want to talk about it.

"I need to go," I took a step to the side but he blocked my way with his sexy body.

"No. We need to talk about what happened last night," he tipped my chin up so I can look at him but I averted my gaze to the side, avoiding his eyes. Even though mom is back, she's no help because she's busy with her boutique in the city so it leaves me and Lloyd alone... And the helpers too, they came back the moment mom step a foot in this house but no help as well.

"No we don't, now will you excuse me," I side step again but he caught my waist and pulled me closer to him, I resisted but it didn't do anything.

•flashback of last night•

We set up the ping pong table in Lloyd's room and were bored as fuck so we decided to have a game of beer pong. It was already midnight and everyone was asleep, even our helpers and were the only one awake, we're too hyper to sleep.

I bounced the ping pong ball and it went in the middle cup. Almost all my cups are gone while Lloyd only had a couple and I'm getting tipsy but still in my conscience.

"Drink up!" I told him with a smirk and he gulped down the whole drink.

"You know we have to clean this up right?" He said after tossing the solo cup over the garbage bag at the side.

"They can clean it up!" I snickered, leaning on the tennis table. I only have one drink left and if Lloyd gets this, I'm done. He let the ball bounce and it missed, I grinned at him and grabbed the ball, bouncing it over the table and it landed on the cup that contains whiskey. Yes!

"Are you drunk yet?" He asked before gulping the whiskey, well I thought it was but it didn't look whiskey because its not strong enough for him.

"Nah," I grinned but I am feeling sexual and this guy is looking hella hot tonight. You know what they say, people look more attractive when you're intoxicated.

"Alright," he tossed the ball straight to the cup and I groaned. Fuck I lost. I took out the ping pong ball and drank the entire cup of brandy that was inside the cup, see it's not only beer, it's sorts of alcohol. "So what do we do now? I win, you lose, I guess you have to do the dare," he smirked. I slammed the empty cup on the ping pong table and groaned.

"Why do I have to do it?" I whined, pouting and giving him puppy eyes for the hopes of him changing his mind.

"Cause you lost," he shrugged, taking a sit on his bed as he waited.

"Fuck it," I muttered, stripping off my shirt and shorts as I stood in front of him in only my lace bra and panties. The dare was stupid, if I lost, I'll have to give him a lap dance and if he lost I dared him to blow the bull horn over to my mom's room to just piss her off, so unfair right?

"C'mon Lexie, you have to pay up," he patted his lap and I rolled my eyes.

"Where's the music then," he reached over to his iPod dock and press play. Wet the bed by Chris Brown boomed out of the speakers and I gave him a flat look while his grin was from ear to ear. Really?

"Remember, you gotta finish the whole song," he reminded me and I just stared at him blankly.

"Whatever. Why the hell did I agree to this?" I asked myself, shaking my head.

"Because you did, now entertain me," he smirked. I grabbed one drink from the remaining of the game and gulped it down before tossing the cup to the floor before starting.

I held his shoulders and I slowly grind with music. I have no clue how to give a lap dance, all I know is you have to look hot and sexy while you dance erotically like a stripper as you give the person a boner or something. Is that right?

Lloyd grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, I sat on his lap and grind against his hips as I put my hair onto one side. Good thing I had a couple of drinks or else I might've been humiliating myself to death right now.

"You know what, screw this. I have a better idea," I pushed myself up and grabbed his hand, leading him towards his bathroom. I turned on the water and let it ran through the bath tub as I put on some soap to let it bubble.

"Bubble bath?" He asked with a quirk brow and I shrugged, turning off the water.

"Either watch or join in," I said, stripping off the rest off my lingerie. I tested the water before lower myself down in to the cool water. Ah.

"Hell I'm joining in," he grinned, locking the bathroom door close before taking off his clothes and placing himself across from me. "How is this a better idea?" He asked with a quirk brow and I know he's playing with me cause he best know this is better than a lap dance.

I felt his feet skimming my legs and I shivered. I'm butt naked, he's butt naked, were both in the bathtub naked, anything can happen and I'm feeling horny as fuck.

I tied my hair in a messy bun before moving over to him. The bubbles were everywhere and it covered me in the right places, not that I mind because he'd seen me naked before. I straddled his lap and his brows rose in amusement.

"Cause it is," I smirked, planting a small kiss on his lips.

"You're such a tease Lexie," he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer that our chests were touching. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned down to meet his lips.

He kissed me back roughly as his hands creeped down between my thighs as he ran a finger between my folds that made me gasp. Fuck, his touch feels so good. I slowly grind against him and he throatily groan which turned me on. Oh. My. God.

"You're drunk Lexie," he murmured against my lips, pulling an inch away and I giggled.

"No I'm not," I skimmed a finger over his lips, sobering up a little but I swear, I'm not drunk, just tipsy.

"Yes you are, I only asked for a lap dance but-" I clamped his lips shut with my fingers which made him look cuter as ever, I giggled even more. He's so adorably hot!

"Shhhhhhh," I shushed him, moving my lips down his neck as I softly nibbled his skin. "I'm not drunk, I promise," I whispered, biting on his ear lobe gently and he grunted.

"You're so fucking hot," his raspy voice sounded like heaven and I smirked, kissing his jaw line. His fingers were playing around under water and it made me giggle and moan at the same time as he slowly rubbed on me.

"Mmmm," I hummed, brushing my hand through the ridges of his abs.

"Babe," he groaned beside my ear that made my heart skip a beat. I moaned louder as he applied more pressure on me and I sucked harder on his skin.

"Oh that feels good," I softly said, as my hips move up and down, following his motion.

"Does it?" He murmured, kissing my soft spot beside my neck that made me crazy.

"Yes!" I moaned loudly, flailing my head back. "Ugh! Lloyd!" I cried out in pleasure then I felt two fingers slipped inside of me that made me gasp out. Holy! My guts were clenching and my core was throbbing for him.

"So warm," he groaned as he pumped in and out of me slowly. I rested my forehead on his shoulder, biting on my bottom lip as he gradually pick up speed.

"Mmmmm!" I bit the corner of my lip to prevent from screaming out. We didn't even care that my mom was just a floor away and here we are touching each other.

"Lloyd... Ahhhh... Harder..." I moaned sweetly and he did, pumping harder and faster inside of me. Fuck, it feels good. This is the result of alcohol and hormones, best combination ever.

"Fuck Lexie," he grunted, resting his head back on the ledge of the bathtub. His neck was exposed right in front of me and I smirked, sucking on his skin hard as I felt his throat vibrate. God dammit!

"Mmmm, I'm close," I gripped on his shoulder as my core tightened, reaching my climax with a scream. I let out a breath before leaning my body against Lloyd's, panting out while my heart was beating fast.

"You got me worked up Lexie," he told me and I smiled, sitting up straight and kissing him hard as our tongue tied together. I reached down and grabbed his manhood that made him groan.

"My turn," I smirked.

•end of flashback•

"Yes we do! What was last night all about?" He asked me curiously and I pursed my lips.

"Nothing! It was just a dare," I replied and his frown deepen.

"A dare? I didn't ask you to go in the bath tub did I? It was you and now I wanna know what it was about," he insisted on this conversation and I huffed out a breath. 

"I was drunk okay! No need to get worked up here!" I said and his brows rose up.

"You clearly said that you weren't drunk," he stated and I rolled my eyes. What's the big deal? I mean we played around last night, we didn't have sex so what's the matter?! 

"Fine I wasn't. We didn't have sex so why does it matter?" I hissed. Lloyd just blinked at me and it looks like the world stopped around him.

"You're right but I don't understand why you did it," he asked confused. Is he that shallow? Cause I'm attracted to you dumb ass!

"Because that's what we do! We fool around each other," I explained emphatically and sorrow flashed through his eyes that made me feel a bit bad.

"That's it? That's all we do? Fool around?" He asked with a frown, a hint of hurt flash his eyes and I looked back down on the ground. No. That's not it.

"Look, I don't have time for this, I gotta go meet up Cynthia," I took a step but he didn't let me through.

"Tell me all of these are nothing," he said and I looked at him in the eyes. "Tell me you didn't enjoy last night and I'll let you go," Lloyd added and I bit the inside of my cheek. Why does he have to make everything harder!? "Tell me you don't have feelings for me," he said and my heart sunk. I can't tell him that because that would be a lie and I can't lie to him.

"This is stupid Lloyd," I brushed off the topic and frowned.

"Tell me Lexie," he said sincerely and my breath caught in my throat. I like you.

"I...-" I started but the doors burst open. We both whipped our heads towards the door way to find a little kid staring at us with wide eyes.

"Lexie!" My cousin, Wesley rushed up to me and gave my leg a big hug. Thank god my cousin saved me from confessing everything to this guy! Who knows what will happen?

"Hey Wes," I ruffled up his short hair and pulled out my leg from his death grip, crouching down to give him a proper hug. Wesley is only seven but he knows a lot for a seven years old. I peered up at Lloyd and his expression soften as he glanced down at us.

"Who's the guy?" Wesley whispered beside my ear and I giggled.

"Wesley, this is Lloyd, Lloyd this is Wesley," I introduce both guys and Wesley grinned at him, stretching out a hand for Lloyd to shake.

"Hi! Are you my cousins boyfriend?" Wesley asked him and I froze. This kid!

"Aha! No. He's just a friend Wes," I told him before Lloyd could say anything else. I don't want to tell my cousin that he is my future step brother cause who knows, this kid might've been eaves dropping to our conversation from the other side of the door. Lloyd glared at me but took Wesley's hand, shaking it firmly.

"Nice to meet you Wesley," he greeted out with his usual charming smile that I've grown to love but then my attention moved to the door when I heard my Aunt Jackie's squeal.

"Lexie! Oh my god! Look at you! You've grown a lot since two years ago," she literally tackled me to the ground and I chuckled.

"Hi Jackie," I greeted out. Well I don't really consider her as my aunt since she's only 6 years older than me and I treat her like my own cousin but she is very married now.

"And who is this?" She turned to Lloyd with a grin and I pursed my lips.

"This is Lloyd, Lexie's friend," Wesley told her and she averted her gaze at me then Lloyd then back at me with a curious look.

"Well nice to meet you Lloyd," aunt Jackie shook his hand but glanced at me.

"Nice to meet you too ma'am," he politely said and aunt Jackie snorted.

"Oh dear, just call me Jackie, I'm not that old, not even close to thirty," she swatted the air and I smiled. She hates it when people address her as ma'am whenever they see her as a mom. Lloyd looked at me confused and I shrugged a shoulder.

"So where's my sister?" She asked, looking around the house. "Oh Jeffrey! Where is Janet?" Jeffrey entered the foyer as he greeted them out, grabbing all their bags since they're probably staying here for a while.

"She's at the boutique," Jeffrey informed her and she nodded.

"Alright, well I'll just drop by there. Lexie, could you look after Wesley? I don't want him running around your mom's boutique," she asked me and I nodded. This is a perfect distraction.

"Of course!" I answered cheerily.

"Hi Lexie," Sander said, peeking by the door.

"Hey Sander," I beamed at my aunts husband and I walked over to give him a hug.

"Damn, is it me or have you grown?" He asked, holding me an arm length away as he looked at me closely.

"I've grown," I smiled.

"Let's go babe, we'll be back!" Jackie called out before hauling Sander away from me and towards their car. Sander is four years older than my aunt but he still looks hot. What could I say? We like older guys who looks hot, it's in the family. The door slammed shut and we were left there by the foyer.

"So do you want candy?" I asked Wesley and he nodded eagerly, dragging me towards the kitchen while Lloyd trailed behind me. Shit. Cynthia.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialled her number as Wesley continued to pull on my arm. Henrietta was sick so we didn't have a cook since yesterday and we've been ordering take outs which made me feel fat. Everyone is getting sick around here.

"Where the hell are you?!" Cynthia greeted out and I sighed.

"Sorry I can't come, Wesley just came and Jackie went to go to my mom's boutique," I told her and there was silence. "Hel-" I thought she hang up.

"Your cute cousin Wesley?!" She shrieked and I pulled my phone away from my ear.

"Yes, that's the one," I answered flatly.

"Well Warren is actually here," she said and the guilt started to swell inside of me from last night. "We're waiting," she sighed and I bit my bottom lip.

"Tell him I'm sorry but I couldn't go," I'm not ready to face Warren yet after what happened between Lloyd and me last night. Well I need to break things up between us since it's not working, I like Lloyd and I can't afford another guy in my life, it'll just be a complicated mess.

"Alright, you're lucky your cousin is cute or else Ima whoop your ass for making us wait," she said seriously but I found it funny, chuckling a bit.

"Okay, bye! Tell Warren I'm really sorry," I said before letting out a breath.

"I will," and I hung up before she could. Lloyd was handing Wesley a load of candy from the jar and my eyes widen.

"What are you doing?! He'll get hyper!" I told him, snatching the candies away.

"Lexie!" Wesley whined, pouting out his bottom lip, I ignored his puppy eyes. Nope, not gonna work.

"You can have some but not all of it," I handed him a bag of skittles and some Hershey's chocolate before putting the rest back. Lloyd just chuckled, sitting down on one of the island stools.

"What's so funny?" I grimaced at him and he shook his head.

"Nothing, why'd you cancel?" He asked curiously.

"Cause Wesley is here, I have to babysit," I shrugged, eating a skittle from the packet that Wesley was eating and I earned a glare from him.

"Well I could've babysit, you know that right?" He told me and I rolled my eyes.

"And what? You'll give him all the candy in here?" I raised my brows in questioning at Lloyd, he shook his head.

"No, I was just teasing and Warren was there, you should've gone," he emphasized on Warren and smirked after his sentence. He knows that I don't have real emotions with Warren as I do with him. I mean Warren could be a great friend, but not more than friends. Lloyd really just loves to eavesdrop to people's conversation.

"I'm good," I replied simply, looking down at Wesley as he gob the whole pack of skittles in his tiny mouth.

"But I thought you like him so bad," Lloyd asked in mockery, he was pushing this. Maybe I'm just using Warren as a distraction from Lloyd but after he touched me last night, I don't know what I'll do with Warren. I know, I'm such a bitch for leading him on.

"I never said I liked him so bad," I retorted, looking at him in the eyes.

"Then who do you like?" He grinned, leaning closer to me.

"Drop it." I sneered coldly and he smiled playfully, looking down the island top.

"Lexie! I wanna watch the avengers!" Wesley asked and I nodded, we don't have much toys so I guess he'll have enough of movies while he's here.

"Okay, go to the movie room, I'll just make popcorn," my cousin rushed over to the movie room and I'm glad he's not that scared of the dark unlike other children who needs company wherever they go. I grabbed the kernels and turned on the popcorn machine.

"You know, I'm wondering why you're using Warren, that's a bit mean," Lloyd said behind me and I stiffened. How'd he know about that? I swear he could read me like a book.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, playing dumb but I know he's not stupid, well he acts stupid but not really.

"Don't you really?" Lloyd wrapped his arms around my hips and pressed his body against my back that made my breath hitch. Every time he touch me, electric currents with high voltage rushed up my system and my heart goes for a speed run.

"I don't." I said firmly. His lips landed on my neck and my chest rose up as I heaved in a breath. His hand slid inside the shorts I'm wearing and I gasped when he gently rubbed me. Fuck. "Lloyd, no," I whimpered but it sounded like a plea instead of sounding stern. It feels so good I don't want him to stop.

"Do you want me to stop Lexie?" He groaned, trailing soft kisses along my shoulder.

"No, don't stop," I moaned. The popcorn were popping so loud it covered the sound of my soft whimpers. Mmm.

"What're you guys doing?" I snapped out when I heard Wesley by the doorway. Luckily our backs were facing him and I shoved Lloyd aside, pulling his hand away from my shorts.

"Nothing! We're just..." I slapped Lloyd's abs to help me out and he cleared his throat.

"Hugging! See, Lexie is quite cold and can use some snuggling," he said with a smirk but Wesley gave us a quirk brow.

"Okay... Well the movie is ready," he stuck out his thumb and we both nodded in unison.

"Lloyd, why don't you go with him, I'll just fix this," I motioned over the popcorn and he looked at me with a smirk.

"Alright," he winked at me which made me hot all over before walking towards Wesley. "C'mon little guy," they both walked out and I let out a breath. Damn! My cousin almost caught us red handed.

I grabbed the butter from the fridge and buttered up the popcorn, transferring it in a huge bowl before following both guys in the movie room. It's literally a movie room with the sits and huge 150" flat screen TV.

The movie already started and I sat beside Wesley who sat in the middle of me and Lloyd. He got me all worked up and I would like for him to finish what he started but I'm guessing he wouldn't with my cousin cock blocking us.

Two hours passed by and the credits rolled in with the bowl empty. Wesley obviously enjoyed the movie because his grin was permanent on his face.

"That was awesome! Lets watch it again!" He suggested and I sighed. I don't want to watch it again. Two hours already passed by and I can still feels Lloyd's touched lingering through me and I couldn't get rid of the feeling.

I glanced over at him and his attention was focused on the screen.

"Why don't we watch another movie?" Lloyd said and Wesley looked at him.

"Okay, you pick, I'm going to the bathroom first," he throttled out the room and I smiled at Lloyd.

"He likes you," I smirked, looking straight ahead.

"Of course, everyone likes me," he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. Arrogant. "Anything wrong? You look unease," Lloyd looked at me closely and I sighed. Oh good, he noticed.

"No, I'm fine," I assured him but he didn't look convince.

"You're not fine," he sat next to me and placed a hand on my cheek to check if I'm hot or whatever he's trying to do but his thumb smoothly caressed my bottom lip that made me whimper. Ugh! Why do I suddenly feel like I want him so bad?! Fuck. I don't want him, I need him.

He slowly leaned down and pressed a kiss on my lips. My heart dropped and everything that I'm feeling with Lloyd changed since we got to intimate. His touches became sensitive and I can only handle enough when he touches me.

We heard the toilet flush and the bathroom door open across the hall, making me pull away before Wesley catch us. Lloyd was still dumbfounded, staring at me but I give him a slight smile which he returned. I think I'm really falling for him. Shit. This can't happen but I can't seem to stop my growing feelings for him. Every touch, every kiss just makes me want to be as close as possible and I'm going crazy cause I know I can't have him.

"What movie are we watching next?" Wesley asked, taking the sit beside me but he didn't mind that Lloyd was on his sit.

"We're watching captain America," he replied as he clicked play on the screen.

"Awesome! Can we get food please?" Wesley said and I rolled my eyes. We're like his servants here.

"What would you like?" I asked patiently, standing up from my seat. I do want to get my mind cleared off even for a while.

"Candies!" He grinned and I shook my head.

"How about ice cream? I'll get you some Ben&Jerry's," I offered and he nodded giddily as the opening credits rolled in. I sighed, moving out from the room towards the kitchen.

I pulled the freezer open and looked for the cookie dough ice cream. I swear Wesley will get fat when he stays here, mom will spoil him rotten. I grabbed the container from the bottom of the fridge and turned to see Lloyd standing right there, making me jump.

"Don't scare me like that!" I scowled, grabbing a spoon from the drawers.

"Sorry," he gave me a toothy grin and I rolled my eyes, looking for something good to eat for me.

"Do you want anything?" I asked, glancing back at him.

"You," he said huskily that made my soul die and come back to life within the matter if seconds.

"Okay, we have Doritos, Lays-" I brushed off the fact that he just told me he wanted me and offered him a variety of food. He grabbed my hips and turned me around, planting both his hands beside my hips. I was trapped between him and the island top and I think I'm gonna faint. Help me lawd!

He gazed deeply into my eyes and I swallowed the lump that form in my throat, slowly leaning down to meet my lips. What are you doing to me Lloyd?

I snaked my arm around his neck and tugged him down, not caring if Jeffrey or the others caught us, we've been carefree lately and it feels good not to care about the consequences.

"This is wrong," I moaned against his lips but I felt him smirk. If its wrong, then why doesn't it feel wrong?

"Fuck wrong, it feels good," he grumbled, letting his hands explore the inside of my shirt. I whimpered when he pulled away, moving his lips down my neck as my eyes closed at the sensation.

And here I was, making out with this guy when I'm supposed to be at breakfast with Cynthia and Warren. I wanted to say I need you but it's too far and I don't want to him to think I'm just using him sexually to fill my desires.

He grasped my butt and gave me leverage, placing me on top of the counter as his hands roamed freely over my thighs.

"Lexie!!!" Wesley screamed out and I pulled away, sighing. He's just like my mom, the cock block but I still love that little guy.

Lloyd groaned, pulling away as he walked towards the pantry to grab a bag of Cheetos puffs and a can of sprite. I walked back to the movie room and handed Wesley his ice cream as he snatched it away from.

"Thanks Lexie," he beamed and I couldn't help but smile. All I could think about is Lloyd touching me, kissing me, making love- too far.

I wonder how he feels? Would we go that far? I shook the thought away as he walked back in the room, taking the sit beside me instead of beside Wesley. I couldn't concentrate when ever he's around and it just frustrates me that I can't touch him. GAH!!!


(A/N) ;) I hope there could be a smiley that smirks:P Oh well! They're starting to get touchy:$ Damn! Lloyd! you so hot boy!:P And yeah sorry I didn't uplooad this last night, I was going to but then I fell asleep:( Anyways here's an update:P I'll try to write tonight:)

SOTC: Wet the bed- Chris Brown (Isn't that obvious?)


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