Twenty Nine - Games

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Above is kind of like the stone passage way, except the entry to Josh's bedroom is on the left not right. So it's been like 5 months ... Anyway, I'm really sorry... Holidays got the better of me...
But guess what ?? I'm going to start updating regularly, because, I want to finish this book! So I'm not sure how often, but I will try my best. It won't be like 5 months away anyway. ..... Enjoy !

"This is the way to my bedroom." He smiled completely changing his attitude.
Emily was so confused, first he was arrogant, then he was friendly, it was kind of obvious that something was up, but she was too fazed by his looks to make her think about it to much.
She just smiled and nodded following him down a dark candle lit hallway. The hallway was quite skinny, so as much as there was enough room for Emily to turn around if she wanted, they both couldn't walk side by side, leaving Emily feeling as though she was being held prisoner , on her way to a cell in a dungeon. Emily wasn't a fan of small, dark spaces.

"We're almost here." Josh's voice echoed through the corridor, slowly slipping Emily out of her mini paranoia.
Emily nodded in reply , but then realised Josh couldn't see so she replied with a simple,
"Ok, thanks."
"Here it is." Josh smiled too happily, pointing at an entrance in the stone, an arc with two candle holders either side, glowing with candles. Emily followed after Josh, who had just walked a tiny bit thought the door and met a dark oak medieval door. Josh opened it and stepped inside, surprisingly his room was almost modern, it had a light switch, and it had a modern day setting with a crumpled up bed, and an assortment of things that would be considered very modern after walking through a stone candle lit corridor. ( A desk and a guitar, and an ensuite) The only thing in his room that was not "modern" was the fact that the walls where still made of stone, and he didn't have an iPad , computer or phone around, only piles of leather backed books.
" Wow." Emily gasped in awe.
"It's not that amazing. But how ever, you are." Josh spoke huskily moving in closer to Emily who was at the door still.
"Come and have a seat, we can do something more interesting than stare at my room." Josh continued is his same voice pointing at the bed.
Now Emily was interested, Josh, in her opinion, was looking rather cute, with his ash black hair, and shiny grey eyes,
along with his muscly figure. Emily watched as he sat on his bed and soon followed, sitting next to him.
"I have a fun game, you wanna play? It's called Give up. "
"Umm how do you play?" Emily replied confused.
"Oh it's fun! You'll see" Josh replied leaving Emily so confused.

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