Thirty Three - The path

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An idea of the path,  you can imagine it however you like though. Enjoy..... #Me out...


Josh slowly opened the creaking door. Emily could see a shadow of a person but not quite a person from the position she was in, sitting on the bed. She hoped up and marched to the door, annoyed at Josh. He had used her to get what he wanted. Emily was annoyed because she was supposed to be with Liam. It wasn't her first kiss and most likely wouldn't be her last. She just felt so terrible, to be used and to be cheating on Liam. Emily didn't know what to do, Liam would be so sad if she didn't tell him and Josh did, and he would be sad if Emily did tell him. Emily realised what she had done and decided to put the matter aside, no matter how important her love life was to her, this prophecy was more important, and they had to continue with that no matter what. Even if Emily had slightly cheated on Liam.

Emily was standing next to Josh when he fully opened the door. Once she saw who it was a feeling of relief and disappointment hit her gut. Liam and the medicine women were both at the door. She was relived because Liam looked okay, but disappointed because she would have to tell him soon some how, just not right now. The medicine women kept a straight face, before speaking.

"Emily, Liam is feeling a lot better after I have cured him of his,hmm hmm," (she cleared her throat) " sleepiness, now you may be off, my son, will show you the path to the woods, which will lead you to were you need to go. Good luck." She wished them before disappearing into thin air. Liam just smiled at her. Emily was so glad he was ok. Josh piped up determined to ruin their moment.

"If your excuse me, we have to go." He pushed his way out of the door past Liam and Emily, exiting out of slight passage to his room. Then instead of walking back the way he came, he continued on his way down a corridor, with light glowing from candles attached to the wall. Emily and Liam soon followed.

The corridor, more of a stone medieval passage, led them straight ahead until they reached another wooded door. Josh turned the handle on the door and  the door opened with a little bit of a heave. Josh stepped out of the dark passage into the light, Emily and Liam soon following. Emily was so amazed at the scene. There was a little path on the right of the door which lead back the way they came, through stone, and some stone around them. Emily was most amazed but what was in front of them. A little clearing of a gentle forest which had small winding dirt path in the middle. The trees where thin pine trees getting thicker as the path went on. Light shone from the sun on top of the trees creating little green shadows. Emily knew she was in a magical place but this felt even more magical.

Josh spoke , cruelly tearing Liam and Emily out of their daze.

"Follow the path to find what your looking for. I have to go now. Good luck. Don't stray off the path." And he vanished in a puff of smoke, like his Mum.Emily wondered why everyone here kept doing that.She didn't have time to think about it though. She had a place she needed to go, with Liam.

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