Thirty - Math

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I know that this is a really short chapter and your probably wondering why I posted 2 chapters at once? Because I'm on a role that's why! Anyway, I didn't post anymore because I just thought that this would be enough... (For now....) Anyway! Enjoy...
" It'll be fun you'll see" Josh replied leaving Emily so confused.
"Um. Maybe it would be better if you explained it." Replied Emily unsure
"Anything for you." Josh replied in his husky voice again leaving Emily's heart fluttering.
" So what you do is, I get to ask you as many maths questions as I want in 5 minutes, but every time you get one wrong I put a cross in this chart here-" Josh pointing to a chart that had randomly appeared in his hand, saying 'Josh's points' on the heading. -" And once the five minutes stop, every cross is a minute to me. I get to use those minutes to kiss you how ever I like, and you have to match up to it, if you can't you say give up and I win. If you don't say give up, within those minutes, you win, and you can say give up in the question time, if you can't get anymore questions , and that adds and extra minute to my crosses, and the questions stop." Josh finished, an egg timer and pencil randomly appearing in his hand. He turned the timer, it clicking with every 15 seconds. He stopped the timer on 500 for 5oo seconds or 5 minutes, and started firing questions at Emily no time to think.
"8 X 8?" Josh asked. "Ah 64!" Emily shouted, gaining a nod from Josh.
"9 squared!" Josh asked "18 I mean 8-"
"- too late! " Josh shouted adding a dash to his chart. The timer was clicking away. 430 it said. '4 and a half more minutes of pretending to suck at math,' Emily thought to herself. '4 and a half more minutes.'

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