Twenty Seven - Doors and Dorks

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Hey guys! Photo above is sorta Emily...

I  am so sorry that it took like 3 months to update like 200 words! Anyways... This is the next chapter and i hope you like! 







Emily just started. Actually,she stared in awe.

She was facing a dark brown wooden door, blocking a hole in a cave, it was old and was created by 5 planks of vertical wood just stuck together with stone. It was quite interesting to her. She couldn't believe that people (well almost) could live in a place like this.

It made her shiver, just thinking about how cold it would be sleeping in a house made of pure stone.

Emily suddenly felt a weight be dragged on to her arms. She pondered what the weight could be whilst she kept staring at the door in amazement.

Emily then looked down at Liam noticing that the medicine women had placed him on the ground.  She stared at his face, 'poor Liam', she thought to herself.

"CLINK" "CLUNK" Emily heard a jingling sound, then she realised it was keys.

Emily heard a mesmerising low voice, it sounded young, not like the Medicine Women's.

"Oh Hey Mum." The low voice spoke to the medicine women. Emily spun her head quickly toward the sound of the voice and stared in amazement.

'So this was the son the Medicine Women was talking about. Nice!'
She thought to herself.

She stared intently into his eyes.
"Ahh" she sighed still staring at the beautiful beast in front of her.

"Ahh Mum who is this dork?" He asked suddenly ripping Emily out of her day dream.

Hey Guys it's me again! Hoped you liked this chapter ! Just wanted to let you guys all know that soon I will be publishing some of my work with 2 co authors

Lonepuppy  and _Minnieee_  )

On the account of

@_Red-Riding-Hood_  so you may wanna keep an eye out!

Anyway I am gonna say for when I update please say at least 10 comments (not including me ) and then I will update! Yay!
@BlackLabrad0r Out! 😜

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