Chapter 6: Who needs a babysitter?

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Hey guys. Skye here. I really do need a name for you guys. Ughhh. Any suggestions? No? Kayyy. Sorry for the late update. I was sick yesterday and just absolutely miserable.  So here's a little chappie from me to you 😘


Annabeth's pov
(Ikr? Shockerrr)

After Nico calmed down, he passed out; leaving me with the difficult task of getting him out of his shredded and bloody clothes from the fight and into pjs. I went to pick him up, expecting to struggle, but ended up being surprised out how light he was. Does this kid ever eat? I slipped his pants on carefully trying not to wake him. I dug through his drawers for a shirt. After I found one, I walked back over to the bed and started to slip his sweat shirt off. I paused halfway when i noticed a few scars on his lower back. I finished lifting his sweatshirt only to find him covered in scars.  Some light and almost gone. Others so deep just seeing them made me wince. I understood why he always wore a jacket now. I wonder what down there did this to him. He refused to go into detail about down there and i didn't push him. I slipped his t shirt on. I was about to leave when I noticed him shaking. I put my hand on his forehead. The rest of him was cold but his forehead was burning up! I pulled the blanket up over him and shut the light off before I walked out of the cabin. I made my way to percy's and said a quick goodnight before heading back to my cabin. It was 4 in the morning so i would only get a little bit of sleep but that was okay. I laid down in my bed not being able to get my mind off today's events. I can't believe Nico opened up to me. I know i asked but i didn't expect an answer. He was exhausted from today so that's probably why he gave In so easily. I never knew he went through all that. He didn't even tell me half of it and it's already too much for anyone to handle. I'm finally really starting to understand Nico di Angelo. And with that thought i fell asleep into what i thought were the usual nightmares. But these were much worse. Much more real. And not mine.

I was back in Tartarus. Surprise surprise, right? I walked along the river side by myself, not aware of where I was going. I was too far gone for that. Suddenly i heard a scream. I ran towards it, or more like stumbled. I ended up running straight into a circle of monsters. There were tons of them. I've never seen so many monsters in one place. They were all crowding around something. I pushed my way through, trying to keep myself hidden but curious as to what they were staring. Finally, i caught glimpse of a dark haired boy. My thoughts immediately rushed to percy but he was too small to be percy. That means it's.... Nico.. I rushed to him but no one seemed to notice me. The small boy tried standing but fell down. As he looked up i noticed the broken look in his eyes. That's when i heard the shadows. The shadows were swirling around him. They whispered torturous things in his ear. Here in tartarus, the shadows were not his friends. They were the enemy. Speaking what the monsters think. "It's your fault" "you killed her" "she died because of you. Stop blaming the boy. You did this to her and you did this to yourself" "no one will ever love you" they said horrible things and i wondered how he could bare it. It was a terrible sight to watch let alone go through. I watched as the monsters whipped gash after gash into his back as he curled into himself. One grabbed his arm and was engraving something into his arm. His screeches were terrifying. "There," the monster said. "Now you will always remember what a disgrace you are" the monsters then walked away, leaving Nico crumpled on the ground.

I woke up screaming. Light came through the window and i was alone in my cabin. I looked at the time. 1:30 in the afternoon. Holy Hera I slept! I got out of bed and got dressed. I decided i would go check on Nico. He had a rough day yesterday. I walked into his cabin to find him balled up in a corner by the bed. "Are you okay Nico?" I asked. He jumped and looked at me with frightened eyes before calming down a little bit. He still didn't speak though. I walked closer and he backed further into the corner. I sat down where i was. " bad dream?" i asked. He simply nodded. " i had one too. I was back in tartarus. You were surrounded by monsters Nico. It was horrible." He looked up at me in a hurry, shock in his eyes but he kept his voice devoid of emotions "That was my dream. You weren't supposed to see that" "wait," i said. "That really happened?" I asked. He simply nodded. Eventually I got him out of his cabin, still in his pjs of course, and took him to lunch. I waved to Percy and sat at my table. Near the end of lunch i glanced over to Nico at his table to find that he hadn't eaten anything or even put anything on his plate. I walked over and set a pomegranate on his plate. He didn't even look up. I slammed my hand down on the table. That got his attention. "What the hells your problem!" he shouted. "I don't need a babysitter" he stood and shouldered past me. Walking off in the direction of the beach. I debated whether or not to follow him when i realized everyone's eyes were on me. Percy gave me a curious glance and i shrugged and walked out of the pavilion the most confused I've ever been. I don't think I'll ever solve the puzzle that is Nico di Angelo, i thought before walking after him.

I apologize if this is bad and for any typos there may be. This is unedited.  I'm gonna start doing QOTC (question of the chapter)
Qotc: what's your biggest pet peeve?

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