Chapter 14: Oh no...please don't kill me with ...kindness?

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Nico's pov

"then take off your sweatshirt"
"Yea hotstuff. Let's see what you're hiding under there. You got a 6 pack?" Leo joked. "I'm not taking off my shirt" i said. It was getting very hard to breathe. I glanced at everyone's eyes around me. Piper climbed over top and straddled me trying to tug off my sweatshirt. I fought her off easily but Jason and Leo were helping her.

I was freaking out. I glanced at Annabeth who looked concerned. Piper noticed my hesitance and began to tell Leo and Jason to stop when they finally got my shirt off. Everyone froze. So many eyes, all on me. Percy took one step closer to me and I took one step back. I could see the pity in his eyes and I hated it. "Who did this to you?" he asked. I tried to look down but he lifted my head with his fingers. "Nico, look at me." I was starting to panic. Oh gods. Not here. Not in front of everyone.  I looked up at Annabeth and ran. She wrapped me in a hug so tight that I was made unaware of what was going on around me. "Do you want to leave? We can go talk" she whispered in my ear. I nodded and she led me out of my cabin.

We walked to the dock, both of us knowing that was the place to go. We sat in silence, feet dangling over the edge watching the setting sun, for what seemed like forever. It was nice. But I knew we needed to talk and I needed to tell someone. I opened my mouth to start but before I could say a word Annabeth started. "You like him, don't you." I froze. "I-i. N-no."

"Nico, it's okay" she turned and gave me a small smile. "He likes you too, you know. He might not realize it yet but I know he does. And I'm okay with that. Him and I have talked and we know this isn't working. We broke up earlier this morning. We're still best friends though."
"I'm sorry Annie" i say.
"It's okay," she replies. "I've got my eye on someone else anyway" I jump up and look at her. "Shut up. Who?" i say.
"I guess you'll find out at the camp dance" she says. Shit. The camp dance.

You see, after the war with Gaea we had a dance to celebrate victory and the coming together of both camps. It sort of became a tradition and this will be our third year doing it. "Oh yea.. I forgot about that. I'm not going" i say. She looks at me with mock shock (An/haha it rhymes. Okay I'm done)
"Nico di Angelo? Not going to a party? I never would've guessed. The dance is Friday at 7, if Percy doesn't ask by Thursday, you ask him. I hung your suit in your closet.(AN/possible trigger warning) And watch what you do with those blades you keep in there because if I find them or anything new on you I will personally hunt you down and and kill you with kindness. Are we clear?" she asked. I just sat there in shock. She shrugged. She got up and walked away, kissing me on the forehead before she left. I sat there thinking even after the sun went down. Today was Sunday, which meant I had five days till the dance. Five days until my life's over.

I thought to what Annabeth said about the blades. I don't do it very often but sometimes I need to. I don't do it because I think I deserve it or because I hate myself, well i do hate myself but that's not the point. The point is sometimes I need to. It helps me tell what's real and what's not. After Tartarus, sometimes I need help sorting out reality. And it helps. but anyways back to the dance. (End of trigger warning)
I have five days to get Percy to ask me. Five days and if it doesn't work I'll have to ask him. Or Annabeth will hunt me down and kill me with kindness.

Well shit...

Hey guys. I know i haven't updated in awhile and i was planning on writing a lot over spring break but guess who got, and still has might I add, the flu? Yours truly. So stay away fan-girls and boys unless you wanna catch it. Sorry for the trigger warning in there. Self harm is not something to take lightly and just remember if anyone needs someone, I am here to talk to. Happy reading my dear fishiez, for I have written another horrible chapter just for you. Who do you think Annabeth's date is going to be? I thought I had it sorted out as to who I wanted it to be but then I had another idea and someone help!!!!!

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