Chapter 17: Fevers and Confessions

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Percy's pov- Wednesday

I fell asleep as the sun set and woke up to sunlight streaming through the window and Nico di Angelo in my arms. I'd be lying if I said I minded. Even with the heat from my body, the smaller boy was still shivering but he seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I was glad he was finally getting some sleep. The poor boy probably hadn't slept in months.

I remember when I was in Tartarus fighting the auri. I remember coming close to dying and seeing Tartarus for the way it was for a few seconds knowing that it was how Nico saw it. It was hell for me in those few seconds let alone for him to go through that for the gods only know how long. The same boy who had gone through Tartarus, been imprisoned in a jar, tortured, almost shadow traveling himself out of existence, and whatever else he went through while he was away, was now curled up in my arms.

It didn't seem fair that he went through all of that when he was still so young. So much pain and torment. Yet it all seemed to vanish while he slept without nightmares. I pulled him closer to me and he nuzzled his face into my chest. This was nice. His cold skin against my warm skin on a hot summer day. I don't understand how Nico is still shivering. I put my hand against his forehead;it was burning up. I shook him awake.

He shook his head and and curled himself around me, not even opening his eyes. "Nico you're burning up. I have to take you to the infirmary." that seemed to get his attention. His eyes shot open and and jumped out of bed but instead, getting dizzy and hitting the ground with a loud thump. "No. No infirmary" he said. He sounded miserable. "Nico you need to go"
"Uh uh" I let out a frustrated sigh.
"Looks like we're doing this the hard way" I went to pick him up but as soon as my arms went around him he screamed.

"No. I'm not going. Please don't make me go back there. Please" he looked like he was about to cry but he was even paler than usual and his cheeks were tinged pink from his fever so I didn't know what to do. Just then he grabbed his head and gasped in pain. "It hurts. My head hurts" he whined. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to the oh so very scary son of Hades. "Wait right here. Don't try to get up again" I told him covering him up with the blanket. I walked to the Athena cabin looking for Annabeth, hoping Nico wouldn't try to get up again but knowing that he probably would because he doesn't feel like he has to listen and he doesn't feel like he needs help.

I knocked on the door to her cabin. I see someone peek out the window and call for Annabeth. She opens the door with a smile on her face but it disappears when she sees the look on my face. "What's wrong seaweed brain?"
"Nico is burning up but he won't let me take him to the infirmary. Every time I mention it, he starts freaking out" she thought for a second and then a playful grin found its way to her face. "What's that look for?" I asked.
"What look?" she says, faking innocence. "That one. Right there. The 'I know things and I'm up to something' look"
"Who? Me? Never. All I know is that when we left this morning, you were cuddling your boyfriend" and with that she walked into my cabin leaving me jaw dropped and speechless.

I don't know whether I was relieved or scared that Nico was still in the spot I left him in. Annabeth walked over to him and put her hand on his forehead like I did earlier. She gave me a concerned look And went back to Nico. "Nico" she said softly. "Hmm" he replied.
"You need to go to the infirmary"
"No I don't" he tried saying but it came out more like 'nuh i don'
"Yes you do," Annabeth said, "you're sick"
"I don' wanna"
"Why not"
"Infirmary is bad. Cabin is good. It smells like percy and Percy smells like the ocean" i blushed a little at his comment and Annabeth giggled. "Can I talk to you outside for a minute, wise girl?" she nodded and followed me out the door. We sat down on the steps for a few minutes before I spoke. The conversation went a little something like this
"I think I like him"
"I know"
"He makes me happy"
"I know"
"I don't know what to do about it. I don't think he likes me very much and I don't know how to handle that"
"I know"
"What do I do?"
"Ask him to the dance"
"Ask him to the dance seaweed brain or I will" and with that she got up to leave. But before she could go, I said "hey Annie?"
"Thanks" she smiled at me and ruffled my hair. Leaving me with some medicine, some ambrosia, and a sick, crippled, and disoriented Nico.

Short chapter, I know. But I'm tired and I have standardized testing tomorrow and all this week and I need to go to bed. So I'll try and update tomorrow. Goodnight my fishiez. Enjoy the short semi-filler chapter. Filler chapter or not, there is some importance. Percy finally admitted his feelings. Things are kind of slow. Who's ready for some plot twist? Say pineapple! I love you guys. Sweet dreams
Qotc: how many of you actually like plot twists (even the bad kind) in books?

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