Chapter 10: The effect of a rainy day

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Guess who got their phone back? Yep. Santa did! Obviously. Haha yes. I got my phone back, which means I am writing you guys two chapters in one day to make up for my absence. Which starts, well. I guess now haha.

Nico's pov

After hazel left, I was feeling sort of down. The weather outside seemed to match my mood as the rain poured down. I sat in my dark cabin alone, when I heard the breakfast horn sound. I haven't been out of my cabin in a couple days. I should probably go get something to eat, I thought to myself. I was just about to get up when I heard a soft knock at my door followed by a more solid one. I walked to the door and opened it, surprised at who was there. "Jackson" I say eyeing the boy. "Hey Neeks" he says. He seemed nervous as he stood there. "What do you want" I ask trying not to sound annoyed but obviously failing for the older boy in front of me frowned. "Well, I was j-just wondering if you wanted to come with me to breakfast. You haven't been out of your cabin in awhile and I wanted to make sure you were okay. Because I care about you" he said. And before I could stop myself I let out a cold laugh. And before I knew it, I was on the floor dying of laughter. "What's so funny?" he asked, oblivious to my train of thought. "You think you care" I answered still laughing. Anyone could tell that there was no humour in my laugh but I couldn't seem to stop. When I finally calmed down, I pushed past him and started to walk away. In the opposite direction of the dining pavilion. I wasn't that hungry anyway. It wasn't long before I heard his footsteps behind me. "Nico wait" Percy called out. I slowed my pace but didn't stop. He finally caught up. "Nico, what'd you mean by 'think' I care. I do care" I gave a short laugh, but didn't continue after that, feeling the heaviness of it sink to my heart. "You don't care jackson. You can pretend you do. Maybe you even will for awhile. But everyone leaves. I don't need to let anyone in just to have them attack me from the inside. It kind of feels like sabotage. I don't understand why everyone feels the need to kick me when I'm down, but I can't take it anymore. Not from anyone and especially not from you" I said. If I don't walk away now I'm going to break down, I thought to myself. I sped up my pace but so did Percy. "What do you mean 'especially not me' " he asked. I let out a frustrated sigh, "you're such a seaweed brain." I was almost running now but so was he. I turned to look at the soaking wet boy behind me, wondering if that's how I looked. The look in his eyes showed he was about to speak. Say it. I thought. 'Go away Nico's "Spend the day with me" he said.I stopped dead in my tracks causing him to run into me and knock us both over. I winced in pain as I felt my ankle twist. Percy stood quickly And held out a hand for me. I tried to stand, but ended up back on the ground as my ankle gave out under me. "Oh my gods are you okay?" Percy asked.
"Fine" I said letting go of his hand and standing by myself. I set off into the woods with a very noticeable limp I was trying very hard to conceal. It wasn't working. "Nico, you're limping. Get on my back. I'll carry you back to your cabin"
I ignored him and continued walking. In a split second my world was flipped upside down. "Put me down Jackson" I growled.
"Nope" he said popping the p. I scowled at him but them remembered it did no good with me being over his shoulder; face to face with his back. "If you don't stop, your face will freeze like that" Percy said. "Stronzo" I mutter under my breath. "What was that Neeks?" he asked in a daring tone. I didn't answer. It was silent the rest of the way home.
We were almost to my cabin when I heard a familiar laugh.
"Looky what we have here" I turn to the best of my ability to see Jason cracking up. My scowl that, mind you, I've had the whole way here, deepened at the sight of my best friend. "Now now nicki, what did I tell you about making faces" he said. Percy laughed, "probably the same thing I did"
"If you keep making faces, your face will freeze like that" they recited together. I kicked Percy in the knee, forgetting my hurt ankle. "Owwww" I called, only to receive a laugh from Percy and a concerned look from Jason. "What happened?" Jason asked. Percy stopped laughing and answered "he twisted it. Well Neeks, it looks like I'm taking you to the infirmary instead of to your cabin. "Please, no" I plead. I can't go back there. Not again. Percy, oblivious to the fact that I wasn't joking walked up to the infirmary and set me on one of the beds. No, I thought. I can't be here. Not on the weekends. That's when he's here. "I'll be back in a little bit with some board games I'll see you soon" he said. And then he left. Leaving me alone, soaking wet and shivering in the last place I wanted to be.

Hello my blue fishiez. Here is another poorly written chapter just for you! I'll post the other chapter in a little bit. I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry. But I'm trying to make it up to you guys. So here's chapter 10. Keep an eye out for chapter 11 later tonight.
Qotc: Why do you think Nico doesn't want to be there. What do you thinks going to happen?

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