True Love!!!! Chapter 1

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        It was a normal summer day. I was at my Grandma's house out in Florida. Gradma Penny Matthews is a nice old woman... Just don't insult her or her family or her beliefs... Then you might want to run! Trust me! This is where my Mom grew up, Kathy Matthews-Stewart.

     My Grandpa Nick is dead 4 years now from heart failure... He was such a sweet old heart, he reminded you of a bear. A big teddy bear. I miss him a lot. Anyway.

      My parents are currently in New York for work... Hey! That rhymes! Ha ha.... Anyway.  Yeah, I know... I'm weird! My one and only older brother, Logan is in Los Angeles, he studies there and he didn't want to join us in vacations because he has a girlfriend there. I can't say I really like her... She was rude and disrespectful... Not the best qualities when you meet the parents and the little sister... Don't you think?! She didn't even try to act nice.... Not even to my parents... In their house....

   So, I have two great best friends.... Crazy like me but the greatest friends anyone could ask for!

   As to where my two best friends are vacationing? Well, Amy is in Canada visiting her grandparents and Jennie is in France to her Dad-her parents are divorced. So, that leaves me pretty much alone and here I am walking in the beach by myself.... But I don't complain. I have friends here from my childhood so I wasn't alone alone. The summer will be great! It's my last summer before senior year.

     Oh! I almost forgot about my boyfriend Sam Jacobs. He is with his parents in Australia. While he was leaving he told me "Off I go to visit the kangaroo! I'm gonna miss you!"  Actually he went to Australia because his parents always wanted to go and they dragged him along by telling him that since he will soon be in College and they won't be seeing him as often. He's really nice and sweet. But  sometimes it just doesn't feel right.... Oh, well...

   I sat down and watched the waves and the sun setting and I let out a sigh. My friends from around here decided to go clubbing, something I'm not very fond of.... I am not fun of drinking, cramped places, dancing in the said places, sticking close with other sweaty people-especially in summer-and perverts or guys that simply don't understand the meaning of 'personal space'! That makes me even more weird in your eyes, doesn't it?! "You good?" said a voice from above me. I glanced to my right and up and I was stupified by a pair of deep, beautiful blue eyes. Wow! I shook my head to clear and said in a polite whisper while I felt my cheeks heat up. "Yes, just thinking. Thanks." I said looking in his eyes again and trying not to get lost in those blue whirlpools.

        He smiled down to me and a set of perfect white teeth showed. My breath caught in my throat at his handsome smile that can seriously melt ice."Good to know. Do you mind if I join you?" he asked me. "No." I said a little too quickly, I think, while I blushed deeply. He smiled and sat down next to me.

    "Oh! I'm Alex Thorne, by the way. What's your name?" he asked me withh a smile. "My name is Iris Stewart. Nice to meet you." I told him giving him my hand to his extended one. "The pleasure is all mine! Nice name." he said with that charming of his. "Thanks." I said blushing. He released my hand that was tingling by his warm touch all of a sudden.

   "So, Iris. You come here often?" he asked me. " Almost every year,  and some  the major holidays." I said with a smile. "You?" I asked him. "I live here but I move this year, since I'll be going to College." he told me with a happy grin. I smiled happily for him. "Good for you. I still have one more year." I said honestly with a sigh. "That's the reason you sighed earlier, too? Or boy troubles? If you don't mind me asking." he told me and I saw a faint pink undertone to his cheeks and he looked embarrassed.

       It caused me to giggle. "You can say a little bit of both. I really like him and he's very sweet but not right. He's away now. In Australia.... Anyway! How about you?" I asked him. He took a deep breath.

     "I recently broke up. She cheated on me and lied to my face and then blamed me. I said nothing. I just walked away and haven't talked to her since. I really loved her but I'm going away now and I hope that will help getting her off my mind completely." He told me with a sad smile and sad eyes and a deep sigh. I smiled sympathetically at him.

   "I'm sorry to hear it." I told him. What crazy person would cheat on him?!?!  Isn't it weird how much he told me about him and how much I told him?! I don't usually do that. But something about him yells 'I'm a good guy! You can trsut me!' like he hides nothing. And I couldn't detect a tone, a gesture or a shadow in his eyes that he lied. He was completely honest! And let me tell you something else, too. He's like a runaway model! Tall, handsome! We talked for nothing for sometime until my Grandma called me. He walked me close to my house and left. He gave me his number and I gave him mine.

    I run inside and sat down to have dinner with Grandma. As we ate, I made up my mind. "Grams, do you know a boy named Alex Thorne?" I asked her, since she is like the Google around here, she knows everyone and everything about everyone. She looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. "Yes. The Thorne family. Loaded family. Only son. He has a younger sister. Real good that boy. Honest to the bone and pretty handsome, too. Why do you ask, Iris?" she asked me, see what I mean? "I met him at the beach today. We became friends. He's really nice." I said and chewed my food, pretending like I didn't care.

    "Yup, he is. He has a heart of gold. He helps anyone he can. Just don't hurt the people he cares about. Once some boys teased and hitted on his sister. I don't really know what he did to them but one thing is for sure. They hear his name and run to the opposite direction, only leaving a dust cloud behind them by how fast they run away." Grandma finished with a chuckle.

   So, he's good to the core but with an edge if you hurt his loved ones. And his eyes are so beautiful! And his smile is contagious and perfect! Whoa! Stop right there, Iris! You still have a boyfriend! But I just couldn't take Alex Thorne out of my mind.... Great....


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