Savannah's POV
I threw a drachma in the water and said the thing annabeth told me to say. The I said.
"Mystery Johnston." I said. Then a girl with light brown hair and silver eyes poped up. She was in the woods. I recognized the woods. It's the ones we use to play in together when we were younger. I made the iris message disappear and started to walk to the big house to talk to Chiron.
"Savannah what are you doing?" Vanessa asked.
"I know where she's at. Got to get there before she leaves." I said.
"How do you know?" I use to play with her in them woods. My old house one that I camped in is in from of them. I bet that's she's camping their. But she always liked to move around that's why we have to hurry." I said.
"Chiron I need to talk to you." I said as I went in the big house.
"What do you need Savannah?" Chiron asked.
"All of us have to go now. It's saving the gods and everyone. Oh and if a Hermes kid named kale comes don't trust him. He's Luke reincarnated to take revenge." I said.
"Alright everyone go pack then you can leave. The van will be waiting." Chiron said.
"Thank you." I said. We all walked out and went to pack. After an hour and a half everybody was ready. Alright let's go.
"Where to." A guy with a bunch of eyes asked.
"Rector Arkansas where me and Vanessa came from." I said. He drove off. It took 3 hours to get their. I gave him directions to my old house. I walked up to the white house. I walked up the stairs tracing my finger on the rail.
"Stay here. I'll be right back." I said. Every one stayed. I walked up to the door. I opened it and walked in. I walked threw the house. I went from the living room to the dining room. Then somebody held a sword to my throat.
"Mystery." I said.
"How do you know my name?" She asked in a stern tone.
"My name is Savannah Jackson. I use to camp in this house when I was little. You got the same idea. We almost killed each other. Then after that you called me little sister. We use to play in the woods together until I got taken back to the orphanage. I tried coming back but they made it where I could never come back till now." I said. She dropped her sword. She hugged me.
"I have missed you so much. I thought you died or something. I came back in case you ever came back and you finally did." Mystery said.
"Yes and I have some people you need to meet. You know about demigods right." I asked.
"Yea I am a demigod. The only child of Artemis. " She said.
"Good I don't have to explain. I'm the daughter of Poseidon." I said
"Cool." Mystery said. We walked outside. Everyone was holding onto their swords and stuff.
"Get behind me Savannah. I'll fight them off." Mystery said.
"No no no. These are my friends. Guys what are you doing." I asked.
"Savannah. You two come toward us slowly. Very slowly." Percy said. I started to turn around to look.
"Savannah don't look. Their after you. Just come on. If you don't look at them. They can't see you. Come on." Percy said. I walked toward him.
"Savannah you and this girl go. You two are safe. Go. We have these guys." Percy said.
"No I'm not leaving you. None of you. And if I have to been seen by this thing to stay and fight then s be it." I said. I turned around. Percy covered my eyes.
"Savannah no. I can't have you die." Percy said.
"I have an idea. Mystery is them ponds and stuff still in the woods?" I asked.
"Yea." Mystery said.
"Good. Percy how many monsters are their." I asked.
"It's one monster multiple heads and limbs." Percy said.
"Alright point my body straight to it and all of you back up " I said. Percy did as I asked.
"I put one hand on the ground. I breathed in deeply. I used the water to grab the monster. It hurt but kept doing it. I knew if I failed everyone could die. I could feel my old cuts on my wrist open. I whimpered in pain. I don't think they heard me.
"Savannah stop. Your hurting yourself. " Vanessa. Said.
"No. It's to protect all of you. All of you looked at it. I will not let you die." I said. I used more of my power I formed four swords. I made them go all around the monster. I plunged the swords into the monster and screamed in pain. Percy came over the help. It still hurt. Percy screamed. I took full control again not letting Percy get hurt. I screamed again.
"Savannah let me help." Percy said.
"No you'll get hurt." I said.
"You might die." Percy said.
"I'll be fine." I said. I screamed in agony I killed the monster.I fell the rest of the way to the ground. My head got pulled onto someone's lap. They were playing with my hair. Then I heard a girl's voice.
"Come on little sister. Open you beautiful eyes. I want to see you eyes. Come on little sister." Mystery said. I opened my eyes.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You killed the monster and fainted from being exhausted." Vanessa said.
"You scared us." Piper said hitting me in the arm.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"It's fine you saved us but when I come to help you don't push me aside. You could have died using that much power all at once and you could have died." Percy said.
"I know I'm sorry. I knew I was hurt. Then you screamed. I can handle you in pain Percy." I said.
"I'm your older brother. I'm suppost to protect you. Not the other way around. But thanks." Percy said.
"Your welcome. And I can protect all you to. I might be the youngest but I can save you all remember."I said.
"That's exactly why you need to be safe." Percy said.
"You all do to. It said we have to team up and save dad remember. Earth on his shoulders." I said.
"Hold up what are you talking about." Mystery asked.
"Theirs a profacey. Telling about my future. It said I would save or destroy all. Even the gods. That why we came and found you. It said we will need you help. Please help." I said.
"Only because your my little sister. And don't worry you'll win." Mystery said.
"Alright let's get back to camp." Piper said.
"What about Tyson?" I asked.
"He's already at camp." Percy said.
"Cool. Let's go home." I said. We went back to camp. A Cyclops came and hugged Percy.
" brother brother brother. I missed you." The Cyclops said
"Tyson I missed you to. Look this is our sister. Her names Savannah don't kill her." Percy said. The Cyclops turned to me.
"Wait what do you mean by kill me." I asked. I backed away.
"Sister sister sister." Tyson said hugging me. I started to have a panic attack but I couldn't because he crushed me in a hug. I looked at Vanessa with pleading eyes.
"She's going to have a panic attack let go." Vanessa s said. They pulled Tyson off. I had a panic attack. Vanessa came and calmed me down. I calmed down and I seen mystery staring at me.
" I'll tell you later." I said.
"Tyson you can go crushing people." Percy said.
"Sorry I just never had a sister." Tyson said.
"Well now you do. I got and idea. Wanna have a water war." I asked. Tyson nodded. I shot water at Percy.
"Oh your so going to get it Savannah. " Percy said.
"You gotta catch me first." I said. Running away from Percy. I got splashed with water. I hit Tyson and Percy with water. They both came at me to tackle me. I made water lift me into the air. I laughed when Percy and Tyson tackled each other.
"That's not funny." Percy said.
"When you have water powers use them." I said.
"Your not the only one with water powers." Percy said. Him and Percy were coming at me. I jumped off my water tower. I started to fall for a while. It felt just like bungee jumping.
"Woohoo!!!!!" I said. Just before I hit the ground I made water save me.
"Savannah that wasn't cool what if your powers didn't work." Percy said.
"Ah but they did work. Don't worry so much big brother. I'm safe." I said.
"Not for long." Someone said. We looked around. We didn't see anyone.
"That was Luke's voice." Annabeth said.
"What does he mean not for long." Mystery asked.
"The final battle. A son of Hermes vs the daughter of Poseidon. Me and the reincarnation of Luke now knows as kale son of Hermes. He's at camp. We don't have much time." I said. We ran to the big house. Their was a boy younger then me in their. Chiron came up to me.
"Savannah this is kale." Chiron said. I walked up to him.
"Hi. I'm Savannah. How old are you. Do you know who you godly parent is?" I said nicely.
"I'm 11 years old and my dad is hermes." Kale said.
"Cool. Why don't you go to your room." I said. He got up and left.
"He either doesn't know yet or is playing us." I said.
"Exactly. We need to train." Percy said.
"We can't kale will see us. He will know our strategy. Practice at 10 pm. Outside the Poseidon cabin." I said.
"Alright." Percy said.
"Savannah what's wrong." Annabeth asked.
"You mother is wisdom and battle strategy. Well I'm coming up with a battle strategy. Remember I have to save or destroy everything. And if I fail. You all die. I'm alone forever as punishment. I have to figure out Luke's plan. Or the world will crumble." I said and walked out.
"Savannah we can help you." Percy said.
"Fine talk tonight. I'm going in the woods if anybody needs me." I said. I walked toward the woods. I heard footsteps behind me after I got in the woods. I thought it was Percy. Someone grabbed me. It was....kale.
"PERCY HELP!!!!!!!" I screamed. I heard a lot of running. Kale put a dagger to my throat. Percy came in view.
"Let her go kale." Percy said.
"Oh but why would I do that Percy. I mean this is perfect revenge on you. Killing your baby sister. And it's Luke not kale." Luke/kale said pulling the dagger closer to my throat. I saw and opening. I dead legged kale. He fell. I got a cut of my throat but not very bad. I pinned kale down.
"Oh I see you can actually fight. But i have more experience little girl." Luke said and flipped us over and he was on top of me.
"Get off me." I screamed. He held a dagger to my throat. I tried to fight.
"One of you move and she dies. Now sweety if only you weren't related to Percy then maybe we could.....have fun." Kale said. He went up my leg. My eyes went wide. I kneed him in the nuts. I flipped us over and took his dagger.
"Touch me again and you will die." I said. I punched him and broken his nose and busted his lip. I got off him. Percy and Jason grabbed him. I curled in my ball.
"Savannah your ok. Don't think about it." Vanessa said. I sighed.
"I wish I could just get over this. Why does everything happen to me." I said.
"I don't know. Come on. Let's go work on your powers. Kales knocked out." Vanessa said. Leo helped me up then I helped Vanessa up.
"Thanks." I said to Leo.
"Your welcome." Leo said. We walked to the beach.
"Alright let's get started Savannah." Percy said.
"Alright what do you want me to do." I asked.
"Try and take control of the water. This is easy mode."Percy said. I tried to take control of the water. I took control of the water.
"Alright now that you have control of the water. Don't look at it. Make the water form a tree." Percy said.
"Did form a tree in the water?" I asked.
"Savannah what are you thinking about?" Percy asked. Fear in his voice. I turned around. I thought of camp and taliya's tree. Monsters were trying to break in. A metal bull. Their was a boy smirking.
"What did I make?" I asked. I don't know how or why i made this.
"This is the past. This is when I first meet Tyson. Luke sent a metal bull into camp. That must be Luke smirking." Percy said.
"Savannah if your data showing the past then next your gonna show the future." Vanessa said.
"Yea but my head and stuff doesn't hurt like it usually does." I said. Then something else formed in the water but all I seen was blue.

Daughter of Poseidon
FanfictionSavannah Jackson is 14 years old. She has been in the system her whole life. She has watched some of her friends die. She has been alone her whole life. She doesn't know anything about her family. Savannah goes to Rector High School were she gets ha...