I woke up and got dressed. I put on a sea blue green and white strip shirt on. I tied to strings in the front. Then I grabbed my Levi short shorts with white lace attached to them. I painted my fingers dark and light blue. I started with dark blue then toward the end put light blue. I put on some little pink lip stick. I put on Brown sandals. I put my gold dangling earrings in. Then I grabbed my blue bag and walked out. I grabbed my skateboarder and decide to skate for a while. I couldn't stop and Leo was in the way.
"Look out." I yelled. Leo moved out of the way. I jumped off my hoard and it rolled. Then we heard a scream. It came from the boarder. I grabbed my necklace as I ran. It transformed. There was a girl and a boy unconscious. And hellhounds. I ran in front of the girl. She stayed by the boy.
"Leo get them in the camp. I got these." I said. Leo came and grabbed the boy. The girl followed running in the camp. The gel hounds multiplied. I killed some but more came. I saw a dagger flying and killed a he'll hound. I didn't have time to look. Two he'll hounds jumped on me. I was about to stab one but it attacked another hell hound. It killed the rest. It looked at me. Then it looked at my sword. I transformed my sword and threw it in camp. I leaned down to pet it. It growled then it tackled me. It licked me everywhere. I laughed.
"Get it off. It tickles. I'm dying." I laughed.
"Mrs. Oleary heal girl." Percy said. The hell hound Sat on my stomach.
"Oww. Your a heavy baby." I said scratching the hell hound behind the ear. Percy whistled. The hell hound got off me and ran to Percy. I got up. I looked to see who threw the dagger. Their stood a boy with blonde hair and brown hair. He looked strangely familiar. He walked over to me.
"Long time no see." The boy said. I looked at him confused. "Of course you don't remember me. Your Savannah. I bet Vanessa will remember me. Where is she." He asked.
"Savannah who is this?" Percy asked. I looked at Percy then the boy. Vanessa ran beside Percy.
"Savannah are you ok." Vanessa asked.
"Yea I'm fine. Vanessa do you know this guy cause he knows us." I asked. Leo ran beside Percy. Vanessa walked around the boy. She drew her dagger.
"Who are you and how do you know us." Vanessa asked.
"Now Vanessa. Your not the feicty one Savannah is." He said.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Savannah come on. You really don't know me. Neither of you do?" He asked. We shook our heads. He held his head down. "I know how to remind you." He said. He stepped toward me. He got up really close. I backed up.
"What are you doing." I asked. My eyes wide.
"Look at my eyes. Just look in them. Then you'll remember me. Come on it won't hurt you." He said. I sighed and looked in his eyes. They changed colors. I started laughing. I fell down laughing.
"What did you do to her?" Vanessa asked.
"I remember him. I know who it is. You look nothing like you did when you was a kid." I said. He smiled and helped me up. "Whoo. You got stronger to." I said. He laughed.
"I grew up. I started going to the gym like you said." He said. I laughed.
"Who is he." Vanessa asked. I walked behind him.
"Look imagine this. Brown hair ok. Now it looks something like this. Short. And had braces." I said. I pinned the boys hair down completely flat.
"Oh my gosh no way. You a demi God. Who's your parent." Vanessa said.
"I don't know." He said.
"Savannah. Who is he." Percy asked.
"Oh sorry. Guys this is mine and Vanessa's friend. His name is Caleb. He was a real nerd back in the day. Braces and everything. Caleb. This is my older brother Percy. Vanessa's older brother Jason. My boyfriend Leo. And our friends. Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, piper, Nico.
"Cool nice to meet you guys." Caleb said. Then whip cream came and hit me in the face. I wiped it out of my eyes. I seen the Stoll brothers.
"Your so dead!!! Excuse me Caleb while I kill two boys." I said and ran after them.
"Same old Savannah huh. Always wanting to kill people." Caleb said.
"Yea well you know her. Has to have the killing of the day." Vanessa said. They laughed. I chased Travis and Connor all over camp. I finally grabbed Travis but Connor got away. I took Travis and made him shoot up in the air on a water tower. He couldn't get down. Then I chased down Connor. I did the same thing.
"Bye guys." I said.
"No savannah wait. Sorry it was suppost to hit Percy not you. Come on let us down" Connor said.
"Nope." I said. I walked away.
"Nice Savannah." Leo said.
"I know right." I said.
"When you gonna let them down." Leo asked.
"When the Ares cabin gets done having their fun. They said they wanted to throw eggs at them. I said ok." I said. Leo laughed.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you to." I said.
"Gosh get a room." Caleb said.
"Alright. I guess you don't want to talk to me. Fine. I protected you when we were younger for nothing. No respect." I said. Leo played along.
"I know babe. So rude." He said. We both started laughing. Leo fell and I fell on him. Caleb pulled me up.
"Haha very funny Savannah. Besides who helped you earlier." Caleb said.
"Mrs. Oleary." I said.
"I helped to. If I didn't throw my dagger you wouldn't have a face. I got no thank you." Caleb said.
"I wouldn't of lost my face. Anyways thank you Caleb. You stepped in before I could kill the hell hound."I said helping Leo up.
"That's a little better. So what did you do with them poor boys." Caleb asked.
"Follow me." I said. We walked to where Connor and Travis was. They had been egged.
"Savannah. Can we come down now please. I need to wash my hair." Travis said. I made a water tower carry me up. I slowly brought them down. When we're low they pushed me off my tower. I lost concentration and we all fell. The stolls hit the ground while Leo caught me. I Smiled and kissed him. He set me down and I walked over to the boys. I splashed them with a lot of water.
"That's for pushing me." I splashed them again. "That's because I missed a spot actually to. Now go take showers you guys stink." I said. They walked off.
"Hey Leo didn't we get a new boy and girl. The boy was unconscious right." I asked.
"Yea there in the infirmary." Leo said.
"Alright I'm gonna check on them." I said. I walked to the infirmary. Leo and Caleb following me. I asked Will where they were. He told me and I walked to them. The girl stood in front of the boy. They look a lot alike. Probably sibling.
"Hey I won't hurt him. I'm here to help." I said. She looked at me. I sighed. "Hi I'm Savannah Jackson. Daughter of Poseidon. I saved you remember. I promise I won't hurt him. I just wish to help." I said. She moved out of the way.
"Hey. I'm Clare. This is my brother Dean. He pushed my out of the way and got attacked. I was gonna protect him. Then you showed up." The girl Clare said. I walked over to Dean.
"Do you mind if I heal him. He will wake up sooner." I asked.
"Oh please yes. I want to thank him." She said. I Smiled and summoned some water. It surrounded him. His cuts were no longer there. He groaned and sat up. He looked at me and I Smiled.
"Hi." I said.
"Hi. Am I dead." He asked.
"No. Your not dead. You gave it your best try though. Your sister was scared." I said.
"Clare where is she?" He asked.
"Behind you." I said. Clare hugged Dean.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you got hurt." Clare said.
"Don't be at least your safe." Dean said. I cleared my throat.
"Sorry to ruin you moment but I need to tell you some things and give you some medicine to make sure you are all better. My name is Savannah. Do you know of the Greek and Roman gods?" I asked.
"Yea." Clare said.
"Cool. So you know how they have children with mortals called demigods right." I asked.
"Yea." Dean said.
"Well you two are demigods. I don't know who you parent is but I bet we'll find out later tonight." I said. They smiled.
"So what do you like to do?" I asked.
"I like to go swimming. Skateboarding. And riding horses." Dean said.
"Same." Clare said.
"I need to go talk to somebody. It was nice to meet you. I'll visit later. Oh Leo can you get the medicine." I asked. Leo ran out then ran back in. He handed me the medicine. I handed it to Dean.
"That's good. It taste like moms cookies." Dean said.
"I want to try it." Clare said.
"You can't drink it unless your hurt." I said.
"Ok." Clare said.
"Leo co.e with me please. We need to talk to someone." I said.
"Coming Savannah." Leo said. We walked out. We walked to the lake.
"Dad I need to talk to you it's important." I said.
"What do you need Savannah?" Dad asked coming out of the lake.
"How many kids do you have?" I asked.
"3 you Percy and Tyson. Why?" Dad said.
"Cause there's two twins in the infirmary. They like swimming horses. That sounds like you." I said.
"Maybe I have more kids. I don't know." Dad said.
"If they are you kids. Claim them tonight. I don't want them in the Hermes cabins." I said.
"If they are your siblings then I will claiming them tonight." Dad said.
"Thanks dad." I said.
"Your welcome." Dad said. "I have to go now. Love you." Dad said.
"Love you to." I said. Dad went back in the ocean. Me and Leo walked back to the infirmary.
"Hey so you said you liked skateboarding right?" I asked.
"I love skateboarding. Clare isn't that good though. But I am older and been skating longer." Dean said.
"Your 3 minutes older. And I wasn't in skateboarding I liked dollar skating. Now I like both." Clare said hitting Dean.
"Well. Let's see what you got. I have an extra skateboard. Want to go?" I asked.
"Yes." Dean said.
"Can I watch?" Leo asked.
"Yea. We can introduce them to the guys to." I said.
"I bet I can skate better then you." Dean said.
"Oh your so on. Let's meet my friends they might want to join this bet." I said.
"Alright. Get ready to pay up. I'm gonna be rich." Dean said.
"Well see." I said. We all walked out.
"Savannah!!!" Somebody hollered my name.
"Yea." I said.
"We have been looking for you." Mystery said.
"I was in the infirmary. We're going to have a bet. You guys want to join. It's who skateboards better between me and Dean. By the way. This is Dean and Clare. Guys this is Percy, mystery, Vanessa, Jason, Frank, Hazel, piper, Annabeth, nico, and will." I said.
"Sup." Dean said.
"You so getting beat. How much are you deciding on the bet." Vanessa asked.
"I don't know. Dean how much." I asked.
"$5 per person." Dean said.
"Alright. Annabeth can I borrow you hat?" I asked.
"Yea." Annabeth said handing me her hat. I threw 5 in it. Dean threw 5.
"Who else." I asked.
"Savannah." All my friends said. They all put 5 in.
"Clare are you going to support me?" Dean asked.
"You owe me 10 dollars if you loose." Clare said.
"I won't lose baby sister. This girl's gonna lose. She's never seen my moves." Dean said.
"Oh cocky. I like it but your gonna lose." I said.
"In you dreams." Dean said.
"Yea so what. I do dream about all my winnings." I said. I Smiled.
"Oh I'm not the only cocky one." Dean said.
"Alright. You can pick any board except this one. This is mine." I said. Dean grabbed my old board and we walked to the concrete.
"We need judges that aren't in the bet." Dean said.
"I totally agree. Someone go get Travis and Connor." I said. "Two judges ok with you." I asked.
"Yea that's fine." Dean said. Travis and Connor came.
"What do you want Savannah?" Connor asked.
"Skateboard competition." I said.
"Between who?" Travis asked.
"Me and new boy Dean." I said.
"Alright." They said.
"Who goes first?" I asked.
"Ladies first." Dean said.
"Your new. You go. Show me what you got." I said.
"Alright." He said. He started skating. He didn't do any tricks he just road. Then he came and stopped beside me.
"Good I guess." I said. I took off. I did some tricks. Just simple ones. My friends cheered me on.
"Woohoo. Come on Savannah!!!" They cheered. I went back to Dean. He took of and did some tricks. He did a really cool trick. I knew I would have to do a really risky move to beat him. He came back up.
"Have fun beating that." Dean said. I took off. If I am going to do this trick I need speed and a jump. Vanessa figured up what I was doing.
"Savannah don't. You haven't master that trick yet. What if something goes wrong!" Vanessa yelled. I decided to take my chances. I seen my jump and I figured I was going fast enough. I did the jump. I grabbed my board and started spinning in mid air. I knew I was getting closer to the ground. I flipped over and landed. I went back up to Dean. Everyone ran to me. Vanessa hit me.
"Stupid. Don't do that you could have got hurt. You almost died not to long ago and now you trying to kill yourself. Don't scare me again." Vanessa said.
"Sorry. But hey I landed it finally."I said. "And I didn't get hurt." I said.
"How many times have you tried that?" Percy asked.
"126 times. Broke some bones along the way. Now you need to teach it to me." Vanessa said.
"Alright girl I got you. And now you can just fly and not get hurt." I said.
"Will you teach me. Please." Dean begged.
"Maybe." I said.
"Hey can you roller skate?" Clare asked.
"Yea." I said.
"You have to go with me and teach me some tricks." Clare said.
"Alright." I said. "I just need some skates." I said.
"I can make you some if you promise me you will be careful." Leo said.
"Thank you. I will. Love you." I said hugging and kissing Leo.
"Your welcome babe." Leo said.
"Oh Vanessa I'm keeping my promise. We start tomorrow. I would say today but it's to late." I said.
"Ok. I need to talk to you later by the way." Vanessa said.
"Alright." I said.
"Savannah how many bones have you broken." Percy asked.
"Skateboarding I have broken 4. Fighting have broken 6. And being clumsy I have broken 2." I said.
"So you have broken 12 bones." Percy said.
"Yes." I said. Percy grabbed my skateboard.
"No more skateboarding." Percy said.
"Hey be gental. The board is precious. Now give it back." I said.
"No you have gotten hurt because of it." Percy said.
"No Percy. I like skateboarding. Your worried about me getting hurt we fight for fun. Give it back." I said.
"No." Percy said. I dropped to my knees. I laced my fingers together I looked up with my puppy dog eyes and my lip quivered.
"Oh no Percy a goner their is no fighting that." Vanessa said.
"Nope. I've tried." Caleb said.
"Please Percy. I promise I'll be very careful." I said. He tried to look away. Percy sighed. He handed me my skateboard.
"Here just quit the face." Percy said.
"Haha sucker." I said. The Leo took my skateboard.
"The face won't work on me." Leo said. I walked over to him. I got really close to him. I kissed Leo. He dropped my board and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I grabbed my board. I slipped it under my foot. I pulled away after a while.
"Thanks love." I said.
"Wait what?" Leo asked. I skated away.
"Dang it. She got it." Leo said.
"I have other ways for you babe." I said.
"Savannah wait up. Show me how you do that." Piper called. I stopped and turned around.
"Meet me tomorrow. After I help Vanessa then I'll tell you ok." I said.
"Alright." Piper said.
"I'll see you guys after the camp fire. Oh by the way here." I said. I handed everyone back their $5 except Dean I handed his the Clare. "There I paid your sister for you." I said. I went and took a nap. Percy woke me up for the bone fire. I sat by Leo. He we sang camp fire songs then we had smores. Leo cooked ours in his hands. We feed each other smores and laughed. Then everyone was quite. I looked around. Everyone bowed. I walked over to get a better view. Clare and Dean were there with tridents above there heads. I walked in front of them with Percy and Tyson. Everyone moved back. We bowed to them. Chiron wasn't their and neither was Mr. D. Percy elbowed me. He signaled for me to say it. I stood up.
"All hail. Clare and Dean Manson. Son and daughter of Poseidon. God of the seas, earthquakes, and horse. One of the big three. Everyone welcome mine, Percy, and Tyson 's new siblings." I shouted in a honorable way. Dean and Clare looked at me.
"Welcome to the family." Percy said standing up.
"You already know me and Percy. But this is Tyson our Cyclops brother." I said.
"How did you know our last name." Dean asked.
"Dad told me." I said.
"Everyone rise and enjoy the rest of the camp fire." I said. We enjoyed the 'rest of the camp fire then went to bed.

Daughter of Poseidon
FanfictionSavannah Jackson is 14 years old. She has been in the system her whole life. She has watched some of her friends die. She has been alone her whole life. She doesn't know anything about her family. Savannah goes to Rector High School were she gets ha...