I woke up. I had told the girls before we went to bed to wear short shorts today. I got up and started to get cloths. Now that I had a sister I had someone to talk to that's related about boys. Clare was coming with me later. I found out that she and Dean just turned 14 not to long ago. I also found out Vanessa likes Dean. So I'm gonna set them up. I got cloths.
"What are you doing?" Clare asked.
"Getting ready." I said.
"Cool need help. I like fashion." Clare said.
"Sure how does this look." I said. I had laid a solid light blue shirt and some light and a little bit darker shorts. I put my blue strapped sandals up there to.
"I like it. Then just put your hair in a pony tail." Clare said.
"Thanks. You need any help?" I asked.
"Yea. Do you have some shoes and a hair bow." She asked.
"Yea." I said.
"How does this outfit look." She asked. She had a mint colored crop top with blue short shorts.
"Wait I have a tank top that would look good with the mint." I said. I dug in my draw. I pulled it out. It was black.
"Thanks. Oh and about shoes." She asked.
"Oh yea totally." I said. I pulled out a pair of old shoes that I don't wear that often.
"These look bran New." Clare said.
"You can have them. I don't wear them that much." I said.
"Thanks." She said and hugged me.
"Hey I got a question." I said.
"What." She asked.
"You know Vanessa." I asked.
"Yea." She said.
"She likes Dean. She wanted me to ask you if it would be ok." I said.
"Is she a good person. Like would you trust her with your life." Clare asked.
"Absolutly. I already have before. We have been friends forever." I said.
"Ok then if you trust her so do I." Clare said.
"Cool thanks." I said.
"Anything for you." She said. I got dressed and so did Clare. We woke up Percy and Dean. Then we left the cabin. We met the girl's and Leo by the camp site.
"Hey girls. Hey babe." I said.
"Hey love." Leo said. He kissed me. We pulled away.
"Ok I'm going to teach you girls how to do stuff. And it's completely innocent. We're girls. Work what your ninjas gave you." I said.
"Now what do you want to know first." I asked.
"Can you show us so ways to flirt." Hazel asked.
"Sure. Alright Leo. Act like you never met me. I need an opponent. Hum. I'll be right back." I said. I saw these guys walking by. I ran over to them.
"Hey guys I was wondering if you could help me." I asked.
"Why would we help you." They asked.
"Oh come on please. I really need you help. I am trying to show these girls how to fight." I said twirling my hair and biting my lip. On boy looked me up and down. He started to touch me. I did a backflip.
"No no.No touching. Just fighting." I said.
"Fine." They said. I got out my sword.
"Alright Leo. Try and save me. From the dangerous demigods." I said. Me and the two boys started fighting. On grabbed me. I looked at Leo. Leo tackled him. He got them both on the ground. I sat on the ground. Leo came and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"My knight in shining armor." I said giving him a kiss.
"Hey no fair you have a boyfriend." One of the guys said.
"Yea I just wanted you help teaching these girls." I said. They walked off. Leo set me down.
"Theirs flirting. I got two guys to fight me and a guy to save me." I said.
"So much to learn. How do you know all this?" Vanessa asked.
"I don't know. Natural insteacks." I said.
"Ok next. Getting a guy you like jealous." Clare said.
"Your gonna make me lose my boyfriend." I said.
"Nah Leo wouldn't leave you." Vanessa said.
"Remember Leo I'm teaching them. This ain't real." I said. He nodded. I seen Connor. I ran to him.
"Hey Connor." I said.
"Hey babe." He said.
"Do you have a girlfriend." I asked.
"No." He said. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I playfully smack him and laughed.
"So anyways." I said. Connor got hit.
"I couldn't hold it back. Connor don't ever touch my girlfriend again." Leo said.
"Ow dude she came to me." Connor said.
"I didn't ask you out. I could have been asking for someone." I said.
"I didn't know that. You girls at complicated." Connor said. I helped Connor up and healed him. I walked with Leo back to the girl.
"Ok now can you show us how to get something from your boyfriend like you did yesterday." Annabeth asked.
"Oh yea. That's easy. Ok. Here Leo. Don't give it to me." I said.
"Ok. " He held the Apple above his head. I jumped he raised it higher. I looked him in the eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I moved as close as possible to him. I kissed him. He still held up the Apple. I grabbed his collar and stuck my tongue in his mouth. He lowered hi hand but tried to keep it up. I reach like I was going to wrap my arm around his neck but grabbed the Apple. I kept kissing Leo then pulled away. I bit into the Apple.
"Thanks I was hungry." I said.
"Can I have a bit." Leo asked.
"Here." I said. Leo took a bit. He handed it back.
"Ok anything else." I asked.
"That face you used on Percy." Clare said.
"Ah yes I was a wondering when someone would ask." I said.
"Who is the strongest against faves." I asked.
"Annabeth." Piper said.
"Alright annabeth. Here. Don't give it to me." I said.
"Alright." Annabeth said. I got down on my knees and begged again.
"Nope can't have it." Annabeth said. I made a tear come out of my eye. Annabeth weekend. I looked up at her with glossy eyes.
"Here stop." Annabeth said.
"Every time yes." I said.
"Alright got it. Now savannah about our deal." Vanessa said.
"I'm going." I said. I walked to my cabin. Dean was the only one in there. I walked in.
"Sup Dean." I said.
"Hey sis." Dean said.
"I got to ask you a question." I said.
"Ok shoot." He said.
"Who do you like at camp." I asked.
"I like that girl Vanessa." He said.
"Will you go out with her." I asked.
"She would never date me. She doesn't even know me." He said.
"Answer my question." I said.
"Fine yes." He said.
"Good you got a girlfriend." I said.
"Wait what." Dean said
"She's my best friend. She sent me to ask you out for her." I said.
"Cool I have a girlfriend." Dean said.
"Yep. Come on. Hang out with your new girlfriend." I said. Dean got up and got dressed. We walked back out. I kindred toward Vanessa and smiled. She smiled back. Her and Dean walked off.
"Savannah can we hang out." Leo asked.
"Sure babe. Catch you girls later. Make sure to use them moves on your boyfriend's. If it hilarious record it." I said. Me and Leo walked to bunker 9. He closed to door. We sat on the couch. He kissed my neck. We laid down. Leo was on top of me. He made his way to my lips. We kissed. He trailed his fingers on my legs. He went back down to my neck. After a while we got up and watched some movies. Leo pulled me on his lap.
"No more of your tricks unless there on me on." Leo said.
"Promise."I said kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"Its getting about dinner time. We have campfire the flag tonight." Leo said.
"Let's go." I said. He got up and so did I. We walked back to camp. We went back to our cabins. Percy was the leader of our cabin. He got in front and I got behind him. Tyson wasn't here so Dean got behind me and Clare in the back. We walked to dinner. We sat are table after giving food to our dad. We ate then explained capture the flag. It was Poseidon, Aphrodite, Zeus, Hermes, Demeter. Vs. The rest. Percy was the captain. We went and hid our flag.
"Ok I will stay and protect our flag. Dean, Clare, Vanessa, you stay with me. Jason, piper and Savannah go after the flag. Hermes cabin frustrate the other team." Percy said.
"Got it." We all said. I help position. Dean and Clare. I told them how to use their powers. Me, piper and Jason got at the edge. We were going after the flag. I was going out, piper was back up for Jason and Jason was going to get the flag. The horn sounded and me,piper and Jason took off. We had to fight some campers but got threw. I walked out. I fought some Ares campers. I told Jason and piper to wait for my signal. Nico came out.
"Hi neeks." I said.
"Hi Savannah. Sorry I can't let you get the flag." He said.
"Well see." I said. I beat nico
"Sorry nico." I said. I went toward the flag. I knew there would be more fighting. Leo, annabeth, and will came out of the trees. I smirked. I got will down. Then Leo came at me.
"Hey Leo." I said.
"Hey babe." Lei said.
"No getting distracted Leo." Annabeth said.
"Piper!!" I screamed. Piper came out and got Leo. I went after annabeth. I struck at her.
"Come on Anna. I just want to win. Percy's guarding our flag. We already won." I said.
"Savannah!!" Someone screamed. I got stabbed with a sword. I fell down. Annabeth, Jason, Leo, piper, Nico, and will ran to me. I cried out in pain. The game got stopped. Percy grabbed the guy. It was a new Ares camper. I screamed in pain.
"Look what you did to my sister." Percy screamed at the Ares camper.
"Hey it's war. She can't handle the heat." He said.
"You stabbed her. You sword went threw her." Percy scream. I crawled to the water. Everyone help me. Once I hit the water I screamed in pain. I healed with Will 's help. I got out of the water and my friends cornered the boy. I walked over to them. I walked between them. I looked at the boy.
"See she's fine." He said.
"That's cause I have healing powers and will healed me to. This is not what we do at camp." I said.
"And who are you to tell me what to do. You just a daughter of Poseidon. I am a son of Ares." He said.
"Yes but I have three parents. Two God one mortal. I am a priestess. And blessed by all the gods. I am the strongest demigod. I have the fate to save us all. I saved us all. Do not sas me son of Ares. And if you hurt someone that is not an enemy again you will vs me and I will not lose." I said.
"Wait what. You a what." Percy said.
"Well talk later." I said.
"Ok." Percy said.
"Quit bossing people around." He said.
"Do not tell me what to do." I said.
"Savannah calm down." Dad said. "Your Ares blessing is coming out." He said.
"My dad blessed her. Snob." The boy said. I grabbed hi shirt and pinned him to a tree.
"Do not call me a snob. I am not a snob. And you need to cool it. The only reason I'm mad is cause you sent your sword threw me in a game. That has rules that says don't do that." I said.
"Baby." He said. I pressed him harder to the tree. I put chef the tree.
"What did you call me." I asked. He looked in my eyes terrified.
"Nothing." He said. Dad came and looked in my eyes.
"Savannah calm down. Think of water. Your friends. Anything." Dad said. I did what dad said. I dropped the boy. He ran away.
"What happened?" I Asked dad.
"Ares blessing kicked . Your eyes turned to fire." Dad said.
"I can't control this. I Have to leave. IF any hurt people." I said. Everyone came closer to me. I turned and ran. I tripped an tumbled down hill. I fell off a cliff. Someone grabbed my hand. They pulled me up. I got knocked out.
"Got you." They said.

Daughter of Poseidon
FanfictionSavannah Jackson is 14 years old. She has been in the system her whole life. She has watched some of her friends die. She has been alone her whole life. She doesn't know anything about her family. Savannah goes to Rector High School were she gets ha...