When we got home we celebrated my 15th birthday. It was really fun. I woke up. Percy was still snoring. We got the day off today. Leo said he wanted to meet up today so I got up and got dressed. I grabbed a black tank top that said 'BEACH BUM' in pink and blue letters. Then I grabbed some Levi short shorts. Then I just put on some flip flops. I put on my trident necklace and a black bracket on. Then I walked out of my cabin. I walked toward cabin 9. I got there and knocked on the door. I waited. I heard lots of metal clanging and footsteps. Then the door opened to reveal a little girl.
"How May I help you." She asked.
"Hey I'm looking for Leo." I said bending down to her height.
"Leo!" She yelled in a cute little girl voice. "He didn't hear me. Come on in. He's over there." She said pointing to the right. She walked me to him. The she shook him. He woke up.
"What do you need." Leo asked the little girl.
"Theirs a pretty girl who wants to talk to you. I don't know why." She said. Leo turned and looked at me. I was looking at the ground.
"Hey Savannah." Leo said.
"Hi Leo. Thanks for calling me pretty." I said. Then I said to the little girl.
"Your welcome." She said and walked away.
"She adorable." I said.
"Yea that's my little half sister." Leo said.
"So what did you want to do today?" I asked.
"Oh I wanted to go and show you something at bunker 9." Leo said.
"Alright let me tell annabeth incase she needs us. Or if Percy needs us." I said.
"Why don't you tell Percy?" Leo asked.
"He's still asleep." I said. Leo laughed.
"Alright let's go tell annabeth." Leo said. We walked out. We walked to cabin 6. I knocked on the door. A little boy answered the door.
"Hey who are you. I'm malcom (act like he's really young. In this story he's 5 and so is the little girl who answered the door in cabin 9 ok.)" The little boy said. I bend down.
"I'm Savannah. This is Leo. We're looking for annabeth." I said.
"Cool. Just a second. Anna. There's a cute girl and a boy looking for you." He said. I Smiled. He turned around d and winked at me. I messed up his hair.
"Adorable." I said. Annabeth walked to the doorway. She smiled at me.
"Malcom this is Percy's sister. And this is her boyfriend." Annabeth said.
"I don't care." He said and winked at me again.
"Seriously you little kids are really cute. I want a little sibling." I said.
"It's not cute. I'm hot." Malcom said.
"Oh sorry. Your cuteness is just so unbearable." I said. I ruffled his hair.
"What did you need guys?" Annabeth asked.
"We are going to bunker 9. I didn't want Percy thinking I ran away or anything. He's asleep and I figured you would be awake." I said.
"Alright I'll tell him but only if he ask. I'll try and distract him so you can talk alone." Annabeth said.
"I don't think you will have to try that hard. Just do what I do. Wear short shorts. Every time." I said. I wiggled my eyebrows.
"I'll have to try that Savannah. Does it really work?" Annabeth asked.
"Watch and see. Leo don't get mad." I said. I seen some guys. I walked over to them.
"Hey guys.... I was wondering..... Can I have you guys do that homework for Chiron for me.." I said. The boys kept staring at my legs as I walked around them flirting and getting what I wanted.
"Sure....I'll do it.." one boy said.
"No ill do it.." the other one said.
"Thanks guys. Counting on you." I said and walked back over to annabeth.
"What did you do." Annabeth asked.
"Wear short shorts. And walk. They like staring at your legs. Some boys do. Not all the time will it work but I know it will on Percy. Sometimes if it's not working then bend down and pick something up. Or wear a v neck." I said.
"And why are you ok with this?" Leo said.
"I'm using what my momma gave me. You should see it when I use to dance. That's when I got a lot of stuff. And besides. They aren't gonna touch me. It's just a little flirting to get things." I said.
"Still." Leo said and crossed his arms.
"Come on Leo. You already know that I love you." I said.
"I think it worked to good." Annabeth said laughing.
"What?" I asked. She pointed to malcom. I laughed.
"Woops. Sorry. Just a second I got it. I splashed malcom with water.
"Hot!!" He shouted. He looked up at me and blushed.
"Aww so cute. Come on Leo lets go. Remember annabeth. Remember what I taught you." I said. Me and Leo walked off.
"You got to dance for me." Leo said.
"I haven't danced in years." I said.
"Has Vanessa seen you dance." Leo asked.
"Yes." I said.
"We are gonna talk to Vanessa for a minute." Leo said. He dragged me to cabin one. He knocked on the door. Jason answered the door.
"Leo what do you want." Jason asked.
"We need to talk to Vanessa." Leo said.
"Come in." Vanessa called. Leo dragged me in.
"Leo! Savannah!? What's wrong?" Vanessa asked.
"Does Savannah know how to dance?" Leo asked.
"Yea but she hasn't danced in years." Vanessa said.
"Is she good?" Leo asked.
"She's amazing." Vanessa said.
"Ok thanks." Leo said. He dragged us out.
"Leo what are you gonna make her do?" Vanessa asked.
"I gonna have her dance." Leo said.
"Sorry Savannah." Vanessa said.
"Thanks a lot Vanessa." I said. Leo dragged me to bunker 9. He opened the door and we went in.
"Ok I want to see you dance." Leo said.
"Come on Leo I haven't danced in years." I said. He pouted. I walked and sat on his lap.
"Please." Leo said.
"How about something different." I said.
"What could be better then you dancing." Leo said.
"I don't know maybe this."I said and I got up. I sat on Leo's lap my legs on both sides of him. I kissed him. He kissed back. He wrapped his arms around my waist. Leo poaked at my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allowed him. He roamed every inch of my mouth. I did to him to. He pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around neck. I pulled on his hair a little. After about 5 minutes we had to stop for air. We pulled away.
"That was better. I still want to see you dance thou." Leo said.
"Maybe later. Let's go check on the others and hang out." I said. Then there was a knocked on the door.
"Leo! Savannah! I know your in their. I don't know what your doing but Chiron needs to talk to you!" Percy yelled. I got up. Leo opened the door. We walked back to camp.
"You need to see us Chiron." I Said.
"Yes. All of you actually. Savannah, Percy, Tyson, Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Vanessa, Mystery, Piper, Frank, Hazel, and Nico. Go dress fancy. They want to see you in 2 hours. All of you get ready." Chiron said.The next few chapters are going to be short just showing you what the girls are wearing. Ok thanks.

Daughter of Poseidon
FanficSavannah Jackson is 14 years old. She has been in the system her whole life. She has watched some of her friends die. She has been alone her whole life. She doesn't know anything about her family. Savannah goes to Rector High School were she gets ha...