After I had argued with Percy about my outfit I ran to where we skateboard. Vanessa had mine and her skateboard. Dean and Clare had some of my old ones. I walked over to them.
"Hey guys." I said.
"Hey Savannah." They said.
"Here's your skateboard." Vanessa said handing me my skateboard. "Now can you show us that trick." Vanessa asked.
"Yea do you want me to do the trick then step by step or just step by step. Or what?" I asked.
"Step by step." Vanessa and Dean said.
"Alright cool. First all you have to get a lot of speed. It there's not enough room then your gonna go in circles. Then after you have your speed find a ramp that's gonna send you high in the air. After that once you are in the air bend down which ever direction you want to spin. I want to spin left so I'm gonna center my weight and grab the left side of my board. Then just shift your weight slightly. And your spinning. Then when you get close to landing. Still hold your board but just center your weight once your up right. You might have to lean back and forth till you get it. Then after you land just stand up and skate. You might be dizzy though." I said.
"Cool now can you show us again. It was really cool." Clare asked.
"Sure." I said.
"Savannah are you sure." Vanessa asked.
"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I said. I took off.
"Savannah stop." Someone screamed. I turned to see who it was and went flying off my board. I panicked and quickly used water to grab me and my board.
"Savannah are you ok." Vanessa asked.
"Yea. Who screamed?" I asked.
"What do you mean by scream. You just looked back and lost control." Vanessa said.
"No someone screamed. They yelled at me to stop." I said.
"Savannah no one screamed." Dean said.
"Savannah are you ok. I saw you fall." Leo said.
"Yea I caught myself. Did you here that scream." I asked.
"Savannah no one screamed." Leo said.
"I swear guys someone screamed at me to stop. That's why I looked back. And messed up." I said.
"Savannah there was no one. I was here the whole time watching." Vanessa said.
"I need to talk to someone. Maybe it was that creature." I said.
"Savannah we fried it ." Vanessa said
"It talked tome remember. Maybe it's still there somehow." I said.
"Lets talk to your dad." Leo said.
"Alright." I said. Dad showed up and I told him.
"That is weird. Savannah I'm gonna have a creature bond with you but this one won't hurt you. It will protect you. It will be a tattoo but it can come off and protect you." Dad said. I was scared.
"Let me talk to it first. Then I'll decide if it's ok or not." I said.
"Alright." Dad said. He whistled. This creature showed up. It looked like a seahorses. It was adorable. It was electrified. I jumped into the water. It stopped in front of me. I reached out to touch it. It moved.
"It's ok. I won't hurt you." I said. It looked at me. I Smiled. I walked toward it. It swam back. I held my hand out and it electrified. I closed my eyes and pushed my hand toward the creature.
"Savannah it gonna shock you. Your in water don't touch it." Leo said. I didn't listen. I finally touch it. I opened my eyes. It had its eyes closed. I pit my other hand on it and started petting it. I walked around it. I tried to get on but was to short. It helped me on its back. I rode on it for a while.
"Hi my name is Savannah Jackson. My dad wants us to bond. Is that ok with you?" I said.
"Yes my lady. I would be honored to bond with you. I was just afraid earlier." A voice said in my head. I gasped.
"What's wrong." Leo asked.
"I can hear his voice in my head." I said.
"Who's voice?" Leo asked. I pointed toward the creature.
"So what's your name boy?" I asked.
"You get to name me. I have no name. It has been baby for my whole life." It said.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"15." It said.
"That's how old I am." I said.
"I am as old as you. I was born when you were born. That is why we are perfect for bonding." It said.
"I think I will name you Rebel. Do you like that name?" I asked.
"Yea. I like that name." Rebel said.
"Cool come on rebel. I think we're suppost to bond. Do you know how cause I don't." I said.
"Of course Savannah. Just get some water in your hand and make a Speer. Where do you wish for me to stay?" Rebel said.
"Is my shoulder ok with you."I asked.
"Yea. Now just put the water on you shoulder and hold it there then rub my head." Rebel said. I did as he said. I glowed and floated. I dropped into the water. After a few minutes I came back up. I went to the shore. Leo hugged me.
"Are you ok?" Leo asked.
"Yea babe I'm fine. Why?" I asked.
"You just fell in the water." Leo said.
"Daughter of Poseidon. Can drown babe." I said. He laughed.
"I forgot. So where is it this time." Leo asked.
"Right here. His name is rebel. I got to name him. He was born when I was. He just now got named." I said.
"Cool so now you have another tattoo." Leo said.
"Yea but this one doesn't have to get zapped off." I said.
"What about your other tattoos Savannah. We never got to talk about them." Dad said.
"Savannah come on hurry." Vanessa said. I ran to Vanessa. Leo followed me.
"What's wrong." I asked.
"I kissed him and he fell. I don't know what I did." Vanessa said. I Looked down and seen Dean. I laughed. I got water and splashed his face. He shot up.
"Hi." I said.
"Hi Savannah." Dean said.
"So you fainted when my best friend kissed you. This will be fun. You do know you won't live this down right." I said.
"Ugh sisters." Dean said.
"Get use to it. I'm with ya forever bro." I said. I helped him up.
"So what did your dad say." Vanessa asked.
"He didn't know. I got a new tattoo. It's my bonded creature. His name is rebel. He will protect me and I will protect him." I said.
"Cool. Can I see." Vanessa asked. I Raised up my sleeve. She touched him. He moved.
"That's so cool. He moves." Dean said.
"Yea. And when I need him I just have to call him." I said.
"I want one." Vanessa said.
"Maybe you will get one later." I said.
"Hopefully." Vanessa said.
"Savannah Jackson!!!" Dad said. I turned and him and Percy was there. "About these tattoos." Dad said
"Dad there not bad. There small. And you can't even see them." I said.
"Where are them and when did you get them." Dad said.
"My leg and ankle." I said.
"Ok. How big." Dad asked.
"This big and this big." I said. They were really small. You couldn't really see them.
"Fine." Dad said.
"Savannah can you help me in bunker 9" Leo asked.
"Yea Leo. Bye dad, Percy, Vanessa, Dean, and Clare." I said. I ran to Leo. We walked to bunker 9.
"Can I see you tattoos?" Leo asked.
"Which one?" I asked.
"Leg. Then ankle." Leo said.
"I need to change to show you the one on my leg." I said.
"You can borrow some of my cloths. Do you want shorts." Leo asked.
"Yea." I said. He handed me a pair of shorts I went and changed. I came back.
"So where is it at?" Leo asked. I Raised up the shorts.
"Here one. It's just a shotgun with wings and a halo. You know angle with a shotgun. Yea. Then on my ankle is a skateboard with my initials." I said. I showed him. "Do you like them?" I asked.
"Yea I like them. There cool. And it makes you look really sexy knowing you have tattoos."Leo said. He kissed me. I Smiled. We laid down on the couch. He was on top of me. I had my arms wrapped around his neck. He rubbed my leg. It made me smile. He moved to my neck while I played with his hair. He found my sweet spot as I tangled my fingers in his hair. We made out for a while and it got a little heated. Then someone knocked on the door. Leo got off and put his shirt back on. I fixed my hair and cloths. So did Leo. He opened the door. It was my friends and siblings.
"Yea. What's wrong?" I asked.
"Savannah. There's someone here that you need to see." Percy said.
"Ok I'm good with new people I guess." I said.
"Savannah you won't like this person. At all." Vanessa said. I frowned Vanessa knew me more then anyone. I swallowed a knot in my throat. I grabbed Leo's hand and we walked out.

Daughter of Poseidon
FanficSavannah Jackson is 14 years old. She has been in the system her whole life. She has watched some of her friends die. She has been alone her whole life. She doesn't know anything about her family. Savannah goes to Rector High School were she gets ha...