So after we a 'll got back to camp we had a free day.
"Hey Savannah. Do you want to go on a date with me outside of camp?" Leo asked.
"Leo you know that Percy, annabeth, Vanessa, Clare, Nico, Dean, Frank , Hazel, and will are not going to let me leave camp without them. Otherwise I would say yes. What if we go on dates with them. Like double dating but all of us." I said.
"Ok let's go asked them. Who do you wanna ask first?" Leo asked.
"Vanessa." We both said and laughed.
"You and her I swear." Leo said.
"She has been my friend my entire life ok. She's my sister." I said.
"I know. Let's go." Leo said. We walked to cabin 1 and knocked. Jason answered the door. No shirt on and hair all messed up.
"Ugh what do you want." Jason said.
"Well hello to you to Jason." Leo said.
"Is Vanessa here." I asked.
"No she is with your brother. I think in your cabin." Jason said.
"Ok. Do you know where piper is." I said with an evil smile.
"N-no I h-haven't seen p-piper all day." Jason said.
"Hi piper. I know your in there. I know what you and Jason did. Just remember protection is the key. I do not want little jiper babies to look after yet. Anyways I need to talk to you later." I said.
"Ok Savannah. And there will be no jiper babies yet. Their better not be any Seo(sorry about the really bad combo.) Babies anytime soon neither. We can talk in an hour if that's ok." Piper said.
"Alright love you. Have fun you two. But not to much fun." I said and walked toward my cabin with Leo. Leo wrapped his arm around my waist. He kissed my neck.
"Leo wait till we get to the bunker later ok." I said.
"Alright." He said. He moved his arm and grabbed my hand instead. I walked in my cabin and walked right back out.
"I did not need to see that. Gosh I need to bleach my eyes 100 times before I get that out of my mind. Can you guys hurry up so I can come in my cabin please." I said.
"I told you to lock the door stupid." Vanessa said.
"Ok Savannah you can come back in." Dean said.
"I'm gonna kill you." I said to Dean as I walked in with Leo.
"Dis you have the same idea I did Savannah?" Vanessa asked.
"No if I did we would go to Leo's room or bunker 9." I said.
"Oh." Vanessa said.
"Why. I will always see that now. Ugh. What was I going to ask you." I said.
"I got this babe. Ok I asked Savannah on a date outside of camp and she knew nobody would let he'd go since she just died and came back so we were wondering if you wanted to come with us." Leo said.
"Oh yea. That." I said.
"Sure we would love to. Sorry again s a Savannah." Vanessa said
"Next time. Do it somewhere else. Please. Vanessa your like my sister I didn't need to see that and Dean I defiantly didn't need to see my brother like that." I said.
"Sorry. Should have knocked." Dean said.
"This was my cabin first." I said.
"Ok let's go ask everyone else so we can go on our date. Unless you want to just go to bunker 9." Leo said wiggling his eyebrows. I playfully hit him and thought about it.
"Lets go on our date lover boy." I said."So you dont want to go to bunker 9?" Leo asked.
"Maybe later." I said.
"Ill keep that in mind. Now lets go get everyone else so we can go on the date." Leo said. We got everyone else but will and Nico. Everyone was making out. Then we all went to cabin 13. I knocked on the door.
"Go away!" Nico said.
"Nico it's Savannah." I said.
"Just a second." Nico said. Their was a big thump. Then the door opened.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey what's wrong. Did that guy hurt you. I swear I will kill him." Nico said.
"No nico it's not him. I'm not hurt. I just wanted to ask you and will if you wanted to come with us out of camp on like a huge double date." I said.
"Umm let me ask will." Nico said. "Savannah come with me." Nico said and dragged me in the cabin. He shut the door. We walked to will laying on the bed.
"Hey Savannah." Will said.
"Sup William." I said.
"That's not my name." Will said.
"Willy." I said.
"Nope just will." Will said.
"Ugh that's no fun anyways I was wondering if you two wanted to go on a huge double date with all our friends. What do ya say. Cause I know you won't let just me and Leo go." I said.
"Dang right you ain't going alone. Anyways I don't care. We can go if nico wants to." Will said.
"Well I can't let you go alone and if someone tries to hurt you I can get everyone out of their fast so yea let's go." Nico said.
"Thank you." I said and hugged nico.
"You know your the only one he hugs back besides me right." Will said.
"Jealous." I said.
"No." Will said.
"Yea you are." Me and Nico said and laughed.
"Whatever. Why do you hug her though just curious." Will said.
"You know what. I don't know. It's like she's my sister and I known he forever but not. I guess I see her kinda like my sister." Nico said.
"Yep. My bro here." I said and laughed. We walked out of the cabin me still laughing.
"What did you do to my girlfriend?" Leo asked.
"We just were talking and now she won't shut up." Nico said.
"You... know... You... love... me..." I said between laughs.
"Savannah breathe your asthma is going to act up." Vanessa said.
"I..... can'" I said.
"Dean go run to the cabin. On Savannah's table beside the bed is a little blue pump looking thing grab it and run back." Vanessa said. Dean took off. Cleaned against Leo.
"Savannah try and calm down." Percy said.
"I.....can't..... I....... Don't......know......why...." I said. Dean ran back. He handed the inhaler to Vanessa.
"Savannah open." Vanessa said. I did as I was told she shot two squirts in my mouth when I went to breathe in. I started to get where I could breathe.
"Thanks Vanessa. I don't know what happened." I said.
"Your welcome. I don't either. Just try not to laugh ok. Leo hold her inhaler just in case." Vanessa said handing it to Leo.
"Ok but what if it does happen." Leo asked.
"Tell me to open my mouth and when I breathe in pump it once. Then let me exhale. Then do it again. Then I will calm down." I said.
"Ok. Anything else I need to know." Leo asked.
"No that's it. Now let's go on this huge date." Vanessa said. We all walked toward the boarder to leave camp.Sorry guys that I didn't update yesterday. And I probably won't get to update a lot cause I have some family business. We're putting my aunt up at the grave yard tomorrow and I don't know how it's going to effect people. Sorry it's late. I will try and update soon. Thanks for understanding.

Daughter of Poseidon
FanfictionSavannah Jackson is 14 years old. She has been in the system her whole life. She has watched some of her friends die. She has been alone her whole life. She doesn't know anything about her family. Savannah goes to Rector High School were she gets ha...