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"Alright before we go train. You girls need to change." Percy said.
"Alright. I'll be back in a minute. I don't know where the training area is so?" I said.
"Don't worry. I'll wait till you change. I'll be right outside your cabin and then we can get Vanessa." Leo said.
"Alright." I said. Then I headed to my cabin and Vanessa headed toward hers. Leo followed. When we go their he stopped outside.
"You can come in. I can change in the bathroom." I said.
"It's against the rules for me to go in your cabin with you without your brother." Leo said. I reached out and grabbed his shirt pulling him in.
"To bad I need and opinion on a outfit and your the only one here." I said.
"Where's the outfit?" Leo asked.
"Just a second." I said. I bend over and go threw my drawers. I got out light blue shirt and some Levi short shorts. I threw them on my bed. I went and grabbed my sky blue converses.
"How's this outfit?" I asked Leo. He was in a daze. "Leo...Leo.." I walked over to him. I snapped my fingers in his face. I stood on my toes and said in his ear. "Leo!!!" I yelled. Nothing. I looked at him. I lightly smacked him. Nothing again. I went in the bathroom and changed. I came back and put my hair up. And I had my necklace on. Leo was still in a daze. I walked him over to my bed and he fell on his back. Still nothing. I crawled on top of him. I hit him and said his name. I felt a hand run up my leg. I looked and it was Leo. I turned back around. He still was in a daze.
"Gosh what do I have to do to get you up?" I asked. No response.
"This is all I can think of. Maybe, hopefully it gets you up so we can train." I said. I was on top of his. Him in between my legs laying on my bed. I leaned down and I kissed him on the lips. He kissed back. He wrapped his arms around my waist. It shocked me when he kissed back. I pulled away.
"Finally." I said. He laughed.
"Finally what. What are you doing on top of me. Not that I don't like it." Leo said.
"Look Leo I don't even know you. You don't know me. I had to get you out of your daze. I tried everything. I tried slapping you. Yelling at you. Everything." I said.
"So you kissed me." Leo said.
"It was the only thing I could think of." I said.
"So you like me?" Leo said. I didn't say anything. "You do like me." Leo said.
"I didn't say that." I said.
"You don't like me?" Leo asked.
"I didn't say that either." I said. Leo flipped us over. Now I was on the bed and Leo was on me.
"So what I'm hearing is that you like me." Leo said. I didn't say anything. "Good cause I like you to." Leo said. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back then we pulled apart. We got off the bed.
"So why did you go in that daze?" I asked.
"No r-reason." Leo stuttered.
"Valdez tell me." I said.
"You bend over in front of me. Your shorts. Are really short." Leo said.
"Oh. Sorry." I said.
"Don't be. I liked what I saw." Leo said.
"Perv." I said with a smile as I lightly hit him.
"I'm not a perv. I'm not a liar either." Leo said. I laughed.
"Come on. We need to get Vanessa. She's probably worried." I said. We walked off to the Zeus cabin.
"About time." Vanessa said. She was wearing a light grey shirt with love written on it in black letter. She had Levi short shorts like I did. And she had the same converses. Her hair was up in a pony tail to. And she was wearing her lightning bolt necklace. We walked to the training area.
"What took you so long?" Percy asked.
"Sorry couldn't find my hair bows. Or my shoes." I said.
"You couldn't find your shoes. You just got here how did you loose them that fast?" Percy asked.
"I don't know. Somehow they were under your bed." I said. It wasn't a lie.
"Oh that's strange." Percy said.
"Yea." I said.
"Alright let's train. Savannah first you'll go against Frank. Vanessa you'll go against hazel. The rest of us will watch." Percy said.
"Can we use our powers or no." I asked.
"Yes but only as defense. No attacking with them." Percy said.
"Alright let's go." I said. I grabbed my necklace and it transformed into a sword. Frank came up and had a sword and a shield.
"Why does he get a shield." I asked.
"He doesn't have powers like you do." Percy said.
"Ugh fine. Let's go." I said. Frank came at me. I blocked. I struck at him but he used his shield. He knocked me down. I got back up only to be knocked down by hazel. Hazel got off me and Frank put his sword to my throat. I looked around and decided if I rolled and grabbed my sword I'd only get cut a little bit. So I rolled and got my sword. My arm and neck got cut. But I just got up and went after Frank. He raised his shield and my sword got stuck. He threw me back. He put the sword really close to my throat. I looked around. I swept Frank's feet making him fall. I grab mine and his swords. I held it to his throat. He put his hands up in surrender. I looked and I had cut on my leg, arm, neck, and hand. I didn't care.
"Winner Savannah Jackson daughter of Poseidon." Percy announced. I turned and watched Vanessa and hazel fight. Vanessa flew up so hazel couldn't stab her. Hazel raised an army of the dead. Vanessa struck them with lightning. She flew down and struck hazel. Hazel fell and Vanessa knocked hazel sword out of her hand. Vanessa holds her sword to hazels throat.
"Vanessa Rose daughter of Zeus winner." Percy announces.
"Savannah you get to fight me next." Piper said.
"Alright let's go." I said.
"Vanessa you can rest and watch." Percy said. Me and piper started fighting. She had charm speak. And was very fast. She came at me. I brought water up as a shield. I let it down and slashed at her.
"Come on Savannah. Is that all you got." Piper taunted.
"Not even close piper." I said and struck her again. She knocked me down. My sword flew away from me. Piper came at me. I did 3 cartwheels out of the way and grabbed my sword. I turned and blocked another of papers attacks. People were chanting and owwing. I didn't care. Piper came at me again and I jumped over her. I did a front hand spring and came back up. I went after piper. Finally I got her down and both swords in my hand. Then out of no where Jason came at me. I panicked and brought a water shield up. He flew over it and down toward me. I did a somersault and got out of the way. I turned and attacked Jason. He flew up to get away. I looked up at him then the sun blinded me. Jason got behind me and held his sword to my throat. He knocked my sword out of my hand. I deadlegged him and threw him over me. I grabbed my sword and held down his hand with his sword in it with my foot. I put my sword to his throat. I was breathing heavily. Then hazel came at me. I jumped up and over her. She came at me again. She hit me in the face and on my stomach. I lost my sword so now I was doing tricks I learned in gymnastics to get away from her and find my sword. She swung her sword at my face. I did a back bend and her sword was an inch away from my eye. I finally seen my sword. I ran for it. I grabbed it and hazel knocked me to the ground. She had an army hold my hands down. I brought my feet up and landed them on the army. I did a backdrop and grabbed my sword. I went after hazel. I finally got her down to the ground. I felt like passing out. I fell to the ground on my knees breathing heavily.
"Ok. I can't take no more...... I'" I said breathing deeply in between words. Percy walked over to me.
"Do you want dome water?" Percy asked. Handing me a bottle of water. I drank half the bottle. Percy helped me up. I used my powers and poured some water on my head to cool me down and heal me. I healed Vanessa, hazel, Jason, and piper to. I was really tired so I just fell on the ground on my back and closed my eyes.
"Oh my gosh she died. Percy you worked her to hard." Piper said.
"Not dead down here. Just really tired." I said.
"Thank gods Percy didn't kill his sister." Annabeth said.
"So who am I fighting next?" I asked.
"Your ready to fight again?" Percy asked.
"Yea. So who am I going against now. I bet I can beat them." I said.
"Alright smarty pant. Wanna put your money where your mouth is?" Percy asked.
"Sure." I said.
"Alright me and you. 20 bucks winner take all." Percy said.
"Alright 20 for me." I said and threw my money in the hat I had earlier.
"And 20 for me. Do you guys want to join in on the beat and winners will split the money." Percy said.
"Sure. 20 for Savannah" Vanessa said and threw 20 in the hat.
"20 on Percy." Annabeth said. Piper, Jason, Hazel, and Frank threw 20 each in for Percy.
"Leo are you putting money in?" I asked.
"Yea 20 for Savannah." Leo said.
"Alright so that's 60 for me. And 120 for Percy. Let's see who wins." I said. Me and Percy walked in the middle.
"Remember baby sister we both can control water. And I have more experience. I also have better experience in fighting." Percy said.
"Blah blah blah. Come at me chatter box." I said.
"Let's go Savannah. Kick his butt." Vanessa rooted. Percy came at me. I blocked. He came at me again. I shot up. Percy took control of the water and I was falling. I landed on my feet and one hand on the ground. Percy came at me and I rolled out of the way. I stood up and Percy tackled me. We rolled down the hill. We both lost out swords. Percy threw a punch. I blocked it with my arms. He aimed for my face but I blocked it and he hit my arms. I swept his feet. He fell to the ground and I ran for my sword. Percy wrapped water around me and threw me to the ground. I growned in pain. Then Percy came at me with his sword. I rolled out of the way and searched for my sword. I couldn't find it. And I couldn't use the water cause Percy would take control. Percy came at me and I yelped. I jumped out of the way. I tackled him to the ground. We wrestled. Then Percy was on top of me with a sword to my throat. I wrapped my legs around his neck and made it where I was sitting on his back. I held his legs and took the sword. I held it to his throat.
"I win." I said. Percy groaned. He tapped out and I got up. I helped him up and handed him his sword.
"Percy you lost. To your younger sister." Jason said while laughing at Percy. Annabeth handed me the money and I gave Vanessa and Leo their 20 back. I handed everyone their money back.
"Eh y didn't you take it. You won." Percy said.
"I didn't want the money. I wanted to show people not to under estimate me. And they did. Vanessa knew what I could. Leo I don't know lucky guess. The rest picked you. They've known you longer. Knew you could do it. They didn't think I could." I said.
"Yea why did you pick her Vanessa. How did you know she could do it?" Jason asked.
"Please. Me and Savannah have been protecting each other our entire lives. Bullies. Beatings. Savannah's been threw a lot. She taught me to fight so I could protect myself. She's had to fight her whole life." Vanessa said.
"Why did you have to fight all the time?" Percy asked.
"Bullies. Abusive foster parents. Perverted boys. People have never liked me. They thought I was a punching bag. Well this punching bag hits back." I said. Percy hugged me.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go threw all you did." Percy said.
"Hey not your fault. And besides it made me that much stronger. I've been shot, stabbed, and beat. Just makes me stronger. Then I taught Vanessa how to fight in case I wasn't their." I said. Percy hugged me again
"You shouldn't of gone threw that. You were innocent." Percy said.
"No Percy actually I'm not that innocent. Yea I've never done anything really bad. But I've almost. I would rather get hurt then to see anyone else get hurt. Like that night when that happened. They were going after Vanessa to. And I knew it. I taught them off long enough for her to get away. I knew we both couldn't get away. And I knew what they were going to do. I didn't want Vanessa going threw that so I did instead.I taught as much as I could but their was to many. But I didn't care. I knew Vanessa was safe from them. Like they started running after her and I tackled them. That's how they got me. But I knew if they got her. She would be scared like I am now. I couldn't let that happen." I said. Vanessa came and hugged me.
"Besides. Like I said I'm stronger now. And with this training I can make it where no one ever hurt any of my friends ever." I said.
"Well I'm going to go heal. And change I think my cloths kinda got ripped." I said.
"Yea sorry about that." Piper said.
"Hey no problem. A little sowing and I have a new crop top." I said and laughed. They all laughed to. I headed to my cabin to change shirts.
Vanessa's POV
"Hey Vanessa I got to ask you some questions about my sister." Percy said.
"Ok what do you wanna know." I asked.

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