When I woke up it was 3:30PM. I kissed Leo who was still sleeping and left the bunker. I walked back to my cabin. Clare and Percy had came back last night. Vanessa was still in my cabin cuddled up with Dean. I took my monster proof phone and took a picture of them. I grabbed a CHB tee shirt and Levi short shorts. I changed and put my hair in a pony tail. I walked out of the cabin and decided to train. I dragged some dummys out and started slashing at them. This boy walked over to me.
"Hi my name is butch walker. I'm a son of Iris goddess of the rainbow. May I train with you?" A boy with shaved hair asked me.
"Umm sure I guess. What do you wanna fight with?" I asked.
"Sword is fine. That's what you were training with anyways." Butch said.
"Ok." I said.
"Oh I never caught you name." Butch said.
"Oh sorry that was rude of me. My name is Savannah Jackson. Daughter of Poseidon." I said.
"Nice to meet you Savannah." Butch said.
"Shall we fight?" I asked.
"We shall." Butch said as he slashed at me with his sword. We spent about an hour fighting. We finally got tired and sat down.
"Would you like a water?" I asked.
"Yea that would be nice." Butch said.
"Watch this." I said. I made to water bottles come to me. Something even Percy couldn't do.
"Thanks." Butch said.
"Your welcome." I said. I side hugged butch.
"Ahh rainbow boy. What are you doing hugging my girl." Someone familiar said behind me. I turned and seen Leo.
"Leo I hugged him it's no big deal. Don't worry." I said. Leo glared at butch.
"Sorry Savannah didn't know you were skrawnies girl. Otherwise I would have left you alone." Butch said.
"No. Leo we just trained. Butch and I talked a little and that's it." I said. Leo was still mad. He stepped away from me and went to butch. He got in his face.
"You better leave my girlfriend alone." Leo growled. Their was a sharp pain and I couldn't breathe.
"L-leo...." I whispered and fell.
"Savannah!!!" Leo yelled. Then everything went black.

Daughter of Poseidon
FanfictionSavannah Jackson is 14 years old. She has been in the system her whole life. She has watched some of her friends die. She has been alone her whole life. She doesn't know anything about her family. Savannah goes to Rector High School were she gets ha...