"Turn around." Someone said from the doorway. I turned around. There was this tall boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Leo pushed me behind him. Their was a army behind the guy.
"Luke stay away. You can't have her." Percy said.
"Luke.... he's the one I am going to fight?" I said quietly.
"Yes and your going to lose. But you know what. I'll give you time to save your daddy Savannah. Then I'll end you." Luke said then he disappeared.
"Dad. Dad's under the world. We have to go. Get everyone from the prophecy now hurry." I said. Everyone ran off. Leo stayed. He turned and looked at me.
"I love you." Leo said.
"I love you to." I said. Leo kissed me then we ran out to the boarder. Everyone was their.
"Everyone hold hands. Me and hazel on the sides." Some boy with black hair said.
"Wait. Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm nico. Son of Hades." He said.
"Cool. You already know me don't you." I asked. He nodded. " Ok we can go now." I said. I Held Leo's and Percy's hands. Everything went black. Then I seen our parents holding the earth up. It looks like they've been there for a while. I ran beside my dad. Percy and Tyson came beside me. I pushed my dad out.
"Savannah! Percy! Tyson! What are you doing. You can't hold the world. Your only demigods!" Dad yelled scared.
"Come on guys. It Says we have to unite. Get in and push your parents out but only when all the kids are under then push you parents." I said. Vanessa ran in with Jason beside her. They pushed Zeus out. Then hazel and Nico came and pushed Hades out. Mystery came and pushed Artemis out. Leo came and pushed hephestasus out. Annabeth came and pushed her mom out. Piper came and pushed her mom out. Frank came and pushed his dad out. We all screamed in pain. I used my powers and tried to get the world off us so much. Everyone quit screaming. I screamed again. Percy and Tyson helped me. Dad pushed atlas back under the world. Our parents pulled us all out. Me Percy and Tyson were really tired. Everyone got threw up against a wall and hand cuffed except me. I looked up and Luke was there.
"Your already tired. This will be easy. But first." Luke said. He snapped his fingers. Everyone from camp and all the gods were on the walls and handcuffed. I grabbed my sword and stood up. Luke looked at me.
"Pathedic. Your just like your brother. And you will lose just like he will later." Luke said.
"No I will not. You will not hurt them. Any of them." I said. Luke came at me. I used water as a defence.
"Silly girl. A little water won't hurt me. Now fight. Or surrender and help me kill them." Luke said.
"No. I would never betray them. Ever." I said as I ran at Luke. I cut his face.
"You will pay for that. Your gonna wish you were never born." Luke said and strikes me. I blocked. He did again. I blocked. I grabbed him with water. He threw a danger at me. I dodged but I dropped Luke. He came and tackled me. He punched me in the face. I grabbed his hand and flipped us. I punched him a couple times. He threw me off him. I slammed against the wall. I fell to the ground. Luke came at me. My eyes widened. I jumped out of the way. Luke ran into the wall. He fell to the ground. I made water grab him. I pointed my sword at his throat.
"Let them go Luke. It's over." I said.
"Not yet." Luke said. I got stabbed. I fell.
"Savannah!!!!!!!" Everyone yelled. Luke got up and laughed. He kicked me. I hit the ground. I tried to grab my sword.
"No no no Savannah. You won't need that. Not where your going." Luke said. I looked up at him. He had a sword and was about to stab me. I rolled and tripped him. He fell on his sword. Everyone was released. Leo threw a fireball at the person who stabbed me.
"That's for hurting my girlfriend." Leo yelled. Percy, dad, and Tyson ran to me. They surrounded me with water.
"Why isn't she healing. It should have healed her." Percy said.
"I don't know." Dad said.
"Leave her in the water. Apollo come here. Heal her." Zeus said. Apollo walked over. He touched to place I got stabbed. He tried healing me.
"It won't work. I'm sorry." Apollo said.
"No she can't die." Percy said tears running down his face.
"Percy.." I said quietly. He looked up. "I'm sorry." I said.
"Savannah don't say your sorry. Your not going to die. You can't let her die." Percy said.
"Percy.. there's nothing they can do. At least your safe." I said.
"No savannah. I'm your older brother. I was suppost to protect you." Percy said.
"I promised to protect you. All of you. I kept my promise." I said. My eyes were getting heavy.
"Savannah don't close your eyes." Vanessa said.
"I'm so sleepy." I said.
"Savannah stay awake. If you fall asleep your going to die." Piper said.
"I can't help it. I'm so tired." I said. Mystery walked over.
"Mom your suppost to protect woman right?" Mystery asked.
"Yes." Artemis said.
"Then I can do it to?" Mystery asked.
"Maybe." Artemis said.
"Good let's hope this works." My story said. Her hands glowed silver. She put her hands were I got stabbed. I got a silver glow around me. My eyes closed but I could still here.
"Come on little sister. Open your eyes. Come on work. You can't die." Mystery said.
"Savannah come on. You can't die." Vanessa said.
"Savannah come on." Mystery said.
"What are we going to do without you. We can't survive." Piper said.
"Come on Savannah. You made me a promise that after this we would do something. You never break you promises. Don't start now." Vanessa said.
"Will help mystery. Maybe if you work together it will work." Percy said. There was this gold and silver glow around me now.
"Come on Savannah. Wake up. I will buy you any skateboard you want. I will do anything." Vanessa said.
"...v.Vanessa" I said. I opened my eyes.
"She's awake. She's awake!!!!" Vanessa yelled. Everyone came and seen me.
"Your all healed now. It will still hurt though." Mystery said.
"Thank you." I said. Mystery hugged me.
"I couldn't let my little sister die." Mystery said. She let go. Vanessa ran and hugged me. I hugged her back.
"I'm so glad you didn't die. I wouldn't survive without you." Vanessa said.
"I keep my promises. Always." I said. She let go. I got hugged by my brothers.
"Don't you ever do that ever again." Percy said.
"Sissy's ok Sissy's ok." Tyson said.
"Don't worry I won't. Dying hurts." I said. They laughed.
"No dip Sherlock. That why they say it dying." Percy said. They let go. Piper, Annabeth, Hazel came and hugged me. Then the guys hugged me. Then Leo hugged me.
"Don't ever scare me like that again." Leo said. I kissed him.
"I won't. I'm not leaving." I said. He smiled and kissed me. We pulled apart. Everyone erupted in cheers that I saved everyone and that they were safe. Dad walked up to me.
"Hi dad." I said.
"That was stupid. You almost died." Dad said mad.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Don't not yell at her Poseidon. You daughter just saved us all." Hera said.
"She's my daughter. She's to young to be almost dying." Dad said.
"Dad. There was Times I wished I died then what I went threw. You know why cause you didn't protect me from it. And don't say well we can't help our kids. You could have stoped them boys last year." I yelled.
"No I couldn't Savannah. Rules are rules." Dad said.
"And family is your own flesh and blood." I yelled. "I'm done. Your welcome I saved your sorry butt father." I said and walked out. My friends came out with me.
"Savannah are you ok?" Percy asked.
"Yea I'm ok bro. Just had to get that out." I said.
"Lets go home and celebrate your birthday." Percy said.
"Ok." I said. We went back to camp and I had the best birthday.

Daughter of Poseidon
FanfictionSavannah Jackson is 14 years old. She has been in the system her whole life. She has watched some of her friends die. She has been alone her whole life. She doesn't know anything about her family. Savannah goes to Rector High School were she gets ha...