I grabbed Leo's hand and we walked out of bunker 9. Everyone got in front of us. They stopped.
"Savannah brace yourself." Vanessa said. I squeezed Leo's hand. Everyone moved. I seen a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked up. I recognized him. He was one of the boys that raped me. I backed up into Leo. I started shaking. Vanessa came over to me and tried to calm me down. The boy came toward us. Everyone was trying to calm me down and didn't see him. He grabbed me. He jerked me out. I tripped and fell.
"Hey babe miss me." He said. I crawled back as he walked toward me. Clare jumped in front of me. I knew that he would slap her. My eyes got wide. I jumped up and pushed her out of the way. He slapped me to the ground.
"Savannah!!!!" Clare said.
"B***h should have stayed down." He said. Leo came forward. I stopped him.
"Don't you lay a finger on my family." I said.
"Oh look. The b***h is fighting back again. Didn't I teach you your lesson already." He said. He threw me to the ground. He went toward Clare.I grabbed my sword. I got up and protected my friends and family.
"I told you don't touch my family." I said.
"Your an orphan. You have no family stupid. Now step aside. This pretty girl needs to know my name." He said stepping closer to Clare.
"Leave my sister alone prick." I said. He slapped me.
"Don't call me a prick. And your an orphan no family idiot. Now you." He said. He grabbed Clare. "You can come and stay with me tonight." He said. I got up and pulled Clare away from him. I punched him in the face.
"Touch my sister or any family or friends I have here again. I will kill you. I'm not afraid of you anymore. And I am stronger now. And don't you lay a finger on me again." I said and knocked him out. Clare hugged me.
"Thank you." She said.
"Your my sister. He will not do to you what he did to me. He won't ever do that to anybody again." I said.
"What did he do." Dean asked.
"Something very bad that she doesn't like talking about." Vanessa said.
"Him and 9 other boys raped me." I said. Dean got mad.
"When." Dean asked angry.
"Doesn't matter. It's over and done with now. Promise me you will stay away from him Dean. Promise me." I said.
"I promise I won't go near him if he doesn't come near any of you." Dean said.
"If he comes near me don't worry ok. I can handle it. No one else needs to get hurt." I said.
"Sorry Savannah. I didn't want you to get grabbed by him alone." Vanessa said.
"No Vanessa you did the right thing. And he will try. But don't worry. He won't do it again. To any of you. I want sword or daggers with you at all times. And try and have someone with you always. I know what this creep is capable of. You girls don't. Spread what he does threw camp. If they ask how you know tell them a friend. Don't let him touch you. If you let him get you down. Your screwed. We will train tomorrow to protect ourselves ok. Boys were gonna need you help. And now that he's a demigod I don't know what to do. Let's hope he doesn't have powers like us. If so that's bad." I said.THE NEXT MORNING
"Percy wake up. We need to start training and i need your help to get everyone up." I said. Percy didnt move. "Annabeth is in a bikini and luke is flirting with her." I said. he moved. "Oh my gosh he slaped her butt!!!" I yelled. Percy jumped out of bed and ran outside.
"Savannah that was not cool. I thought that really happened." Percy said.
"It was the only way to wake you up." I said. "Now help me wake everyone else up." I said.
"Alright." Percy said. We went different directions i got the girls up while percy got the guys. We all meeted up infront of cabin 3.
"Ok guys if we are going to protect ourselves we need to train." I said.
"Ok whos first?" Vanessa asked.
"I will go first. I need a boy to attack me please so whos gonna do it?" I asked.
"Leo tell your girlfriend not to kill me but i will savannah." Jason said.
"Dont kill my brother savannah." Vanessa said.
"Ill try not to. Just attack me like you would really be attackiing someone. I will have no weapon. You can have a weapon if you want. And if anyone gets hurt i will heal them." I said.
"Ok just try not to kill me." Jason said.
"Alright jason go get in a hiding spot. Everyone else dont tell me where he is hiding and dont try to help." I said. "Rebel get off so i have no help please." i said. Rebel got off and got in the water. "remember no helping at all." I said.
"Ok is he ready?" Percy asked.
"Yea." Vanessa said. I started walking. I didnt have my necklace or anything. Jason came behind me and tackled me. He was on top of me on the ground. I flipped us over so i was on him and made a run for it. Jason came at me again. this time with his sword. I jumped out of the way. Jason came at me. He put the sword to my throat. I knocked his sword out of his hand and got hit in the face by the blade. I touched the cut. I was bleeding right under my eye. Jason looked scared then he came at me. We faught hand to hand. I finally got jason down where he couldnt move and had my arm on his throat. I got off of him and healed him. I healed myself.
"Ok whos next. Sorry jason for hurting you." I said.
"I hurt you. I cut your face." Jason said.
"And i broke your nose." I said.
"Even." Jason said.
"I want to go next." Vanessa said.
"Who do you want to attack you?" I asked.
"I want percy to attack me." Vanessa said.
"Ok i will attack vanessa." Percy said.
"Percy no holding back. Vanessa dont hurt my brother to much plaease." I said.
"Ill try not to but no promises." Vanessa said.
"OK percy go hide." I said. Vanessa started walking and percy attacked her. Vanessa won pretty fast. Everyone else trained.
"Ok now I want all of you to have at least another person with you just in case. When you go to the bathroom have people guard cause he doesn't care he will walking. And allow with your sword. You won't have to do this for long. I will get this stopped. No matter what I have to do." I said.
"Savannah don't do something stupid." Vanessa said. "We can protect each other." She said.
"And I promised I would protect all of you. Now I'm going to go take a nap cause I'm tired. Remember to stay together. Yell if you need me." I said. I started walking to my cabin.
"Savannah wait up!!!" Leo said.
"Yea Leo." I said turning around.
"You broke your rule. Your alone. I guess I'll have to go with you." Leo said.
"Leo I was talking about them. He can't hurt me more then he already has. I mean we can't even really do anything cause what he did. He can't make it worse." I said.
"I still want to go with you. Clare and Dean are with Vanessa and everyone is with there boyfriends. Mystery is with Jason." Leo said.
"Leo I'm just laying down." I said.
"Then I'll lay down with you." Leo said.
"Alright come on." I said and sighed. We walked to bunker 9. We walked to the bedroom. I laid down and snuggled into Leo. He kissed the top of my head.
"I love you Savannah." Leo said.
"I love you to Leo." I said. I turned and looked at him. He kissed me. I pulled away and snuggled my head into his chest. I fell asleep with Leo rubbing my back and kissing my neck softly.

Daughter of Poseidon
FanfictionSavannah Jackson is 14 years old. She has been in the system her whole life. She has watched some of her friends die. She has been alone her whole life. She doesn't know anything about her family. Savannah goes to Rector High School were she gets ha...