Going to Olympus

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Everyone meet at the boarder. We all were dressed beautiful. Leo walked up to me.
"You look beautiful." Leo said.
"Thanks." I said. Leo smiled. I looked at him he was wearing black jeans. Gold shirt.
"Nice outfit huh?" Leo asked.
"Yea." I said. Nico and hazel brought us to Olympus. We walked in the empire state building. I walked up to the counter.
"Floor 600" I said.
"Their is no floor 600 miss." The guy behind the desk said without looking up. I cleared my throat. He looked up. I Smiled at him.
"Now about floor 600" I asked.
"So sorry miss. Here you go." He said. I walked over to the elevated. We all got in and went to floor 600 or Olympus. We all stepped out of the elevator when the doors opened. We slowly walked up all the stairs. We got their and bowed to our parents.
"Rise." Zeus said. We all stood up. Dad looked at me. Then Zeus said. "Savannah Jackson daughter of Poseidon. God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses step forward!" His voice bombed. I walked forward. I bowed to Zeus then faced my dad. I bowed to dad.
"Rise my sweet daughter." Dad said. I raised.
"For all that you have done. For saving the world and all our life's we have granted you one wish. Any wish as long as we can grant it. And yes if you want you can be immortal. And become a Goddess. You can be by your father's side for all eternity." Zeus said.
"Can I have time to decide on my wish?" I asked.
"Yes." Dad said.
"Thank you." I said and bowed. My dad told my to rise.
"Savannah. I absolutely love you in that dress. And the way you did you hair and makeup beautiful." Aphrodite said.
"Thank you my lady." I said and bowed. She told me to rise.
"Perseus Jackson. Son of Poseidon God of the sea,earthquakes,and horses. Rise and come forward." Zeus said. Percy walked and bowed to Zeus then turn to dad and bowed. Dad told him to rise and he did.
"You get to same option as you sister. You can become immortal or you can stay mortal and age." Dad said.
"Sorry but I dint want immortality. Not that it would be awesome but I want to grow up. Hang out with my friends, siblings, and girlfriend. Maybe start a family when I'm older." Percy said.
"Then what do you wish for." Dad asked.
"I don't know. Can I have time to think about it." Percy asked.
"Of course." Dad said. Percy came and stood by me.
"Tyson the Cyclops. Son of Poseidon. God of the sea,earthquakes, and horses. one of the big three step forward." Zeus said. Tyson got up and did what me and Percy did.
"Rise." Dad said.
"Sadly we cannot make you a God. But we can make you immortal. You can be leader of the Cyclops. They will obey your every command. Is that what you wish for?" Zeus asked. Tyson looked at me and Percy. I Smiled encouraging him. It was his choice not mine. Percy looked at me and did the same thing.
"Yes Lord Zeus. I would like to be immortal and leader of the Cyclops as long as I get to visit my siblings when ever I want." Tyson said.
"I don't know." Zeus said.
"All in favor of trains decision raise your hands!" I said loud and raised my hand. Percy and Tyson raised their. Then dad raised his. Soon everyone but Zeus and hera was raising their hands.
"So it's decided Tyson gets his wish." Dad said. Tyson smiled. The gods made him immortal. Tyson walked over and hugged me and Percy.
"Ok. Jason Grace son of Jupiter. God of God's. God of the sky's. Rise and come forward." Zeus said. Jason came and bowed to his father. "Rise." Zeus said. "You get one wish as well." Zeus said.
"I wish that I got to see my older sister more." Jason said.
"I can grant that wish for you." Artemis said.
"Thank you lady Artemis." Jason said bowing to her. He rose and walked to us.
"Vanessa Rose. Daughter of Zeus. God of the gods. God of the sky's rise and come forward." Zeus said. Vanessa walked forward and bowed to her father.
"Rise. You have the same option. Do you wish to be immortal and become a Goddess. Be by my side forever?" Zeus asked.
"I can't unless Savannah does. I promised never to leave her. If I become a Goddess I would never get see her. Sorry." Vanessa said.
"Then what do you wish for." Zeus asked.
"I know my wish. I wish that the gods would see their children more. You set up here and watch us but you never come and talk to us." Vanessa said.
"Are you sure about your wish?" Zeus asked.
"Yes father that is my wish. I wish God's see their children more." Vanessa said.
"Who's all in favor of Vanessa's wish." Zeus asked. All the God and goddesses hands go up. "So be it. Your wish is granted." Zeus said.
"Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt but I know what my wish is." I said.
"What is it Savannah?" Dad asked. Everyone was staring at me. I cleared my throat.
"You know how Artemis groups walk and slay monsters. They go everywhere....." I said but Zeus interrupted me.
"So you want to join her group. Talk to Artemis about that." Zeus said.
"I would love savannah to join my girls but I know that's not what she was going to say. She has a boyfriend. What were you going to say Savannah." Artemis said.
"Like I was saying. Nit that I wouldn't love to be in Artemis's group I couldn't leave Leo or my brothers. Anyways I want to travel all over and help demigods get to camp. Like the orphans who are demigods like I was. I want to help them before something bad happens to them like it did me." I said.
"That's what you wish for." Dad asked.
"Yes but I need stuff to do it. Like a tracker to tell me where the demigods are. And a way to get them. And weapons to give them and protect them with." I said.
"I think that's a big wish." Zeus said.
"Yes but it can help a lot of your children. Remember Lord Zeus I saved your daughter from getting raped. I didn't have to do that but I did. No one saved me." I said.
"I do not need your sas demigod. Remember you place." Zeus said.
"Do not speak to my daughter like that brother. Savannah methods are good. You should grant her wish. All I favor to grant the wish." Dad said. He raised his hand. Artemis and Athena raised their hands next. Everybody raised their hands. Even hera. Zeus was out numbered.
"Fine. But do not bring up how you saved my daughter again." Zeus said.
"But she did save you daughter. More then once. And she suffered not your daughter." Dad said.
"I said don't bring it up. Your wish is granted." Zeus said.
"Thank you Lord." I said. Coldly. "Thank you father." I said and bowed. I walked back to my brother.
"Rise daughter of Athena. Goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Annabeth Chase." Zeus said. Annabeth walked forward. She bowed to Zeus and her mother.
"You get the same one wish." Athena said.
"I already know my wish. I wish to help Savannah." Annabeth said.
"Annabeth you don't have to wish for that. I had planed on asking all of you if you wanted to help." I said.
"Ok so what else do you wish for." Athena asked.
"I wish to redesign camp half blood. We have to have room for all the cabins. And plus some of the cabins need to be bigger. The Hermes cabin. Still has some unclaimed demigods so it needs to be bigger." Annabeth said.
"All in favor." Athena said. Everyone raised their hands.
"Wish granted. All you have to do is ask for the supplies you want and they will appear. And if you need help. Someone will help you." Zeus said. Annabeth bowed to her mother then came and held Percy's hand.
"Leo Valdez. Son of hephestasus. God of forges, fire, technology, craftsmen, sculptors, volcanoes, and blacksmiths. Rise and step forward." Zeus said. Leo stood up. Walked bowed to Zeus then bowed to his father.
"What is your wish my son." Hephestasus asked.
"I wish that anytime the hephestasus cabin needed to build something all they had to do is think of it and they would have the material. So we could have an easier time making things." Leo said.
"All in favor of my son's wish." Hephestasus said raising his hand. Dad raised his hand. Then everyone did. The rest of the kids raised their hands and made their wishes. Hazel wished for a new sword that will never break and that she could never lose. Nico wished for visitation with his late sister whenever he wanted. Piper wished that she would have space away from all the make up and all that stuff. Which didn't make her mother very happy. Mystery wished to be in her mother's group but also to be able to live a normal teenage girl life and be able to see her friends slot. Frank's wish is that he was the best in the mars cabin and the Ares cabin so he never got made fun of anymore.They all got granted.
"When ever the rest of you want to make a wish you can." Dad said.
"I think it's just Percy. Do you have anything in mind." I asked.
"Yea actually I do." Percy said.
"I wish you would claim your kids. All the God and goddess have cabins. Even the lower God and goddess that don't have cabins. Which means we need more room. So I wish for a bigger camp as well." Percy said.
"All in favor." Dad said. They raised there hands.
"Wish granted." Zeus said.
"Savannah! Leo! Can you stay here. We need to to you two." Dad said. Me and Leo walked back to the thrones while everyone else left. All the gods and goddess left except my dad, Leo's dad, Athena, Ares, Hades, Aphrodite, Atemis, and Zeus.
"Yes father." I said as I bowed. Leo bowed to.
"Rise. Aphrodite loves your love story. I just wanted to tell you that me and hephestasus have talked and we aprove of your relationship." Dad said.
"Thanks dad." I said.
"Your welcome. Now Leo do you mind. We need to talk to my daughter alone." Dad said. Leo looked at me.
"Wait in the lobby. I won't be long ok." I said and smiled. Leo smiled back. He kissed my cheek then walked away.
"Yes father." I asked.
"Savannah. You are the strongest of all of our kids. We need you to protect them." Zeus said.
"I have to protect them. I'm the strongest. How is that possible." I asked.
"Because Savannah. You mother is a Goddess. I cannot tell you who. We made you go to you earth mother which is Sally. You actually have three parents and they will tell you in due time but for now just wait. You are the strongest of you group. Of anyone at camp. So we want you to protect them. The group that is with you will all agree to go and do your wish. We just ask you to protect them. And yourself." Dad said.
"Wait so I'm almost a God." I asked.
"Yes. And later on in life you can become a God. But right now your a priestess. You can become a high priestess but only in due time. We all have blessed you. That's why you have so many powers. But don't try and use you powers unless you have to because it will drain you. You will have to rest. A lot." Zeus said.
"Ok. This is a lot to process. I promise to protect everyone. But the rest I need time please. Now may I join my friends please." I asked.
"Yes. Goodbye Savannah." Dad said.
"Bye dad." I said. I walked out and meet up with my friends.
"Savannah. Are you ok." Vanessa asked.
"Yea. I just want to go home." I said.
"Come on." Nico said. We all grabbed hands and went back to camp.
" I'm gonna go to bed. I'll talk to you later." I said. I walked to my bed. I changed and went to bed.

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