Just the Two of Us

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M 1. What is the genre?

X Fanfiction

M 2. What is it about?

X Emma and Niall broke up a year ago, and Emma now works for a television show and Niall is dating Taylor Swift. They suddenly meet again when One Direction and Taylor Swift are the guests on the show she works at.

M 3. Where did you get the idea?

X Just my own imagination!

M 4. Why is your story unique?

X Because most stories are about a girl meeting them and falling in love with one of them. But mines about a girl who already dated one of them, so I think that's kinda unique.

M 5. Why do you write?

X I absolutely love writing. I first was kinda afraid to upload my story here, because I'm Dutch so I find English sometimes a little hard, but yeah I try my best!

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