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   "Irene! Up and at 'em!" Jack called knocking on her door.
   "Dad," Irene moaned, "What's going on?"
   "Come on! I want to go out on the Honey Fitz!"
   "Alright. Just give me a minute." Irene slipped into a pair of long khakis with a white long sleeved boatneck shirt. She threw on a pair of sandals and walked down the stairs. "Alright, let's go."
   The second she stepped outside the warm spring air hit her in the face, "See, isn't it gorgeous out?" Jack questioned.
   "It is," Irene sighed, "Too bad we have to leave again on Monday."
   "I know it's hell, Irene, but I really appreciate you sticking with me through all of this."
   "Daddy, I love you and I'll be with you through everything."
   "Irene," Jack sighed, "Can you take Caroline over to Pop-Pop's and Grandma's tonight by yourself?"
   "Sure. Why?"
   "Your mom and I need to discuss some things."
   "Like what?"
   He sighed.
   "Dad, I'm a grown woman now. You can tell me."
   "Your mom thinks that... Oh Christ. I don't know how to even say this. She thinks I'm cheating on her during the campaign. You know the press has been saying things."
   "Dad, it's impossible. We share a room."
   "I know that and you know that, but your mom doesn't realize..."
   "So I suppose Mom and Caroline aren't going on the Honey Fitz with us."
   "Hell no. We had a huge fight last night."
   "Dad, I can tell her..."
   "No. I'll take care of it myself. You don't need to get involved."
   Irene nodded as the wind blew through her long soft pinup curls. Jack and her sailed all morning and partly into the afternoon.
   Jack held Irene's hand as they walked back to the house. When they got inside, Irene went to take a shower and Jack went to rest his back. After Irene dressed in a floral patterned dress, she found Caroline and left for the main house.
   "So, Buttons, what have you been up to?" Irene asked as she carried Caroline on her hip. 
   "I make new friend at swim cwass," Caroline giggled.
   "That's good and what's her name?"
   "Cassie," Caroline responded.
   Irene continually asked her questions until they arrived at the main house, "Hello!" Irene called walking in.
   "He-Wo!" Caroline echoed.
   "In here!" Joe's voice responded.
   Irene put Caroline down and together they walking into the living room, "Where's Gram?"
   "Working on dinner. No Mom and Dad?"
   "Well, more of Grandma's stuffed chicken for us then!" Joe said as Caroline climbed onto his lap.
    "I'll go see if she needs any help."
    "Alrighty," Joe nodded.
    Irene walked into the kitchen, "Hi, Gram."
    "Hi, kiddo," she said intently focused on what she was seasoning, "How are you?"
    "I'm well. Mom and Dad aren't coming."
    "I know. Jack called me just a little while ago."
    "Oh, alright. Do you need any help?"
    "Sure," she smiled looking up, "Sorry, I had to get that perfect."
    "It's no problem."
     Irene and Rose finished dinner and then the four of them ate. After sitting and chatting awhile, Irene and Caroline headed home. When they got home, Irene heard yelling. She quickly put Caroline in bed and closed the door. Irene found Jack and Jackie in the kitchen arguing. "Everything alright?"
     "No! Irene, I need you to tell me the truth. Is your father having an affair?"
     "No way."
     "How do you know for sure?"
     "Mom, we share a room. I think that'd be kind of... Ah... Unethical?"
      "Oh dear God. Jack, why didn't you just come right out and say that."
     "Damn it, Jackie! I shouldn't have to say it. We're married! We should trust one another!" Jack yelled and stormed out of the house.

Irene Fitzgerald KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now