We're Kennedys

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    "Irene, go home and get some sleep. You look awful," Jackie said patting her hand, "You're no good to any of us if you're burned out. You can't help with Caroline, you can't help with your father, and you can't help Bobby with the campaign."

"Are you sure?" Irene hesitated.

"I'm sure," Jackie sighed hugging her.

"Tell Dad I'll be back later," Irene murmured looking upon her sleeping father.

Jackie nodded and kissed Irene goodbye. Ted was going to stay at the hospital and Bobby was taking Irene home. On the ride home, they began to discuss the campaign.

"What are we going to do?" Irene asked.

"He's only going to be out for two weeks which means we only have five appearances. I was thinking. Why don't you bring Caroline along. The people will like her. What do you say?"

"How are we going to hide all of his health problems?"


"Uncle Bobby, let's think about this. Do you think FDR would've been elected four times if everyone had known he had polio?"

"Probably not. It would've been a sign of weakness."

"Right. We can't let them see Dad's Addison's, back problems, or this high blood pressure thing."

"You're right, Irene," Bobby sighed.

They pulled into the driveway and Irene climbed out of the car and slowly made her way into the house. "How's Jack?" Joan asked.

"He's alright. Just a touch of high blood pressure and dehydration."

Joan nodded, "I'll just stay because she'll be up soon and you need some rest, Irene."

"Thank you, Aunt Joansie."

She kissed Irene's cheek and Irene went to bed. She slept for four hours. After her nap, she went to shower and dressed in a pair of tan slacks with a brown shirt and tan flats. Irene made her way downstairs and grabbed a bagel. As she ripped the bagel apart and ate the pieces, Joan held Caroline on her lap. "How do you feel?"

"Better. A little bit of rest and a shower went a long way. Hi, Caroline," she smiled stealing her off of Joan, "Do you want to come with me to see Daddy today?"

"Da-Da!" Caroline squealed.

"Let me eat my breakfast and then we'll get you all gussied up to go see Daddy."

Caroline smiled admiringly as Irene ate her bagel. After eating, Irene carried Caroline upstairs and dressed her in an orange sweater dress with brown boots, as a it had become cold through the night. "Okay, Buttons. Let's go see Mommy and Daddy."

Caroline smiled and nodded. They left the house and stopped at the florist to get flowers for Caroline to give to Jack. After picking out the perfect bouquet of carnations, they went to the hospital. Irene picked Caroline up after she had gotten her out of the car and carried her into the hospital. Irene walked towards their father's room as Caroline kept smelling the flowers, "Buttons, you're going to make yourself sneeze!" Irene said.

They walked into Jack's room to find him awake and alert. "You look so much better, Dad!" Irene exclaimed.

"Thank you. What have we here?" he asked taking Caroline into his arms.

"Flowers for you, Da-Da!" Caroline giggled.

"Thank you, Caroline! Thank you, Irene... For everything," he sighed.

Irene stared at him for a moment until Jackie snuck up behind her. "Hi, kiddo," she said sounding exhausted.

"Mom, go home. Take Caroline home in a few minutes and I'll stay with Dad."

"I won't argue. I'm so very tired." After Caroline talked to Jack for a little while, Jackie and Caroline left. When they were gone, Irene sat down on the chair next to her father's bed.

He grabbed her hand, "Hey, kiddo?"


"It's all going to be okay. Don't worry about me. I'm a Kennedy and so are you."

Irene Fitzgerald KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now