Another New Boy

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As we pulled up to school I looked out to see my best friend Charity standing by the school door. I looked over and thanked Justin as I opened the door and ran to see Charity. Since I never closed my door I used my magic to shut it. I looked over and saw Justin smile and I just blushed. I don't think he saw me blush though and can I say thank god.

Charity saw me blush and she nudged me. She said "Do you li-" but I covered her mouth and put my finger up to lips as a signal a quiet. Even though he probably couldn't hear us I just ed wanted to make sure.

As we were about to head inside we saw Chris and Violet pulling and we waved to them and headed off inside.

Once we got inside and started heading to homeroom I bumped into someone. I looked up to say sorry except no words came out. Instead I started feeling whoosie. When I bumped into him I felt this enormous wave of power and hatred come off of him. There was also something off about him like he wasn't human. Then I felt consciousness slip from my finger tips.

I woke up in an unfamiliar white bed. I looked around and saw white walls with a blue see through curtain down the room. I'm guessing it was to give me privacy. I sat up and stayed there for a minute so I didn't fall from being dizzy. Once the room stopped spinning I stood up and I looked out the open door and realized that I was in the school nurses office. I was really never in here because honestly I normally don't need or go to the nurse.

She saw me walking she rushed over to me and said "Are you feeling better?". I looked at her a little confused. I asked "My mind is a little foggy. Can you tell me what happened?". So she explained to me how I had fainted as I bumped into the new boy.

When the nurse said that all the memories from right before I fainted came flooding back in. I remember how I felt a wave of power and hatred come off of him. Also how he was not human.

I turned around and asked her what time it was. It turned out I had been unconscious for 4 hours. It was now 11am which means I am in 4th period which is English. So when I told her I wanted to go back to class and that I was fine the nurse filled me a pass.

All I could think about as I opened the door to leave the nurses office was the wave of power and hatred that came off the new boy.

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