A Little Fun

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They carried me in the house. Mom pointed to the couch and as soon as they laid me on the couch I got this surge of power and anger and attacked Justin. I grabbed him around the neck and heard his neck start to crack. Then I heard a crack and everything went black.

I realized what had happened earlier someone snapped my neck when i tried to kill Justin. When I woke I up I was feeling so angry. I saw chris and went to go snap his neck except as soon as I was close I was thrown back into the wall. Then I was thrown into another hallucination.


I was walking inside the house and saw my father laying on the floor with my mom knocked out and my brother holding a bloody knife in his hand. He was standing over our father's bloody dead body. I dropped to my knees crying and asking "Why? Why? Why?" Between sobs. "Scar listen to me I did it for you for us so we can be safe."

Then I snapped out of the flashback.

I woke up with no anger. I actually wasn't screaming in pain. Then all of the memories came flooding in for when I was under the poison.

Justin came in and started to ask " Are you fe-" but I cut him off "I'm sorry" and sped off upstairs and put a boudary spell on the doorway before he could follow me in. I sat in the corner and hugged my knees while crying.

I felt the boundary spell be taken down by Violet. Then I felt someone hug me and pull me into their chest. The person smelled like a werewolf but a little different. I knew that the person hugging me was Justin. I just said "I'm sorry". He just said "It's ok I'm not dead am I." "No" I replied and just sat there and listened to the beating of his heart.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sor-" I said but was cut off with a kiss. He kissed me slowly yet passionately. I kissed him back. he stopped and pulled away. He said something I never thought he would even say. "I love you Scarlett." "I love you too, Justin" I replied. "I want to be with you Scar" Justin said. "I want to be with you too Justin."

"So are we officially together" I asked Justin. "Yes, we are" Justin said. Nobody was really hungry after todays events, so we didn't cook any dinner. When Violet walked in she saw me and Justin kissing. "Awww is it finally official are you guys officially together" she asked. "Yes" me and Justin said together.

Next thing you know Violet is running downstairs and shouting that we are together. Then my mom yells "You two get down here now". We ran downstairs. But it was more along the lines of I grabbed Justin and vamp sped him downstairs. When we stopped it looked like he was dizzy. When he fell that answered my suspicion of him being dizzy.

He shot up and looked at my mom. My mom went all mama bear on him. "If you hurt my daughter in anyway I will kill you and it doesn't matter if your a family friend I will hurt you in ways you can't even imagine. Do you got it?" Justin just shook his head and he just looked down right petrified.

Everyone just laughed except him. He just looked confused. We laughed at his facial expression.

After Justin relaxed we all headed to bed. Me and Violet practiced a quick spell together for a little, sister hang out time. We did a spell that let's us control the other person we are linked too so I helped her link to Chris.

She made him suck his thumb and slap himself. Then he finally said quit it out I would like to go to bed so we let him. I just wanted to have a little fun. So we unlined Vi and Chris. Then we went to sleep.

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