Special Poison?

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We pulled up to school and found Chris and Violet hanging out with Lucas my "brother".

So we walked over to them and started talking to Lucas. He kept eyeing me like he knew something. So finally I walked away by myself. I headed to class but stopped off at my locker. My best friend Charity was sick last night so she stayed home today. I went to walk into homeroom only to run into an obstacle. After I got my self balanced I looked up to see Lucas.

"What the hell are you doing here? This isn't your homeroom." I said. "Well actually I came to talk to you" he pulled me away from the door and to a deserted part of the hallway.

"I know that you know that I'm your brother considering I'm Jackies son. But the truth is I'm your big brother. Our dad is a hybrid and I should of been a special, rare hybrid like you. Except I didn't get mom's witch gene but that doesn't  make me jealous. I will help you remember" he injected me with the only mixture that can send me into agonizing pain.

He injected me with wolfsbane, and silver. The wolfsbane messes with my wolf side causing me to hallucinate and the silver weakens my vampire side . All this makes my witch side useless. He flashes away.

The first thing I think of doing is calling mom. The phone rings. As I enter the bathroom mom picks up. "Hey Scar aren't you suppose to be in class?" "I need you to pick me up now before I hurt anyone" "Why what happened" "Mom, Lucas injected me with wolfsbane and silver." I groan out in pain as I fell the poison start to take affect. "Mom just get home I will get Chris to take me home" with that I hung up and texted Chris

*hey chris I NEED you to take me home NOW I was injected with wolfsbane and silver. And it is already taking effect*

*Scar get out to my car and get Justin and Violet too*

*Ok I will text them I will tell the office I'm sick and tell them you will take me home and tell them that Justin needs to drive Violet home right now and tell them that's it is an emergency.*

I walk into the office and tell them to get Justin to drive Violet home now and that I'm sick and going home with my brother. She nodded and called Justin and Violet over the intercom "Justin and Violet to the main office you are leaving"

I walked out to my brothers car and almost didn't make it to the car before I started feeling more of the effects. I got in the car. Justin and Violet came out and saw me not looking to good "What's wrong with her" Justin and Vi asked in unison. Chris yelled back "Mom will explain when we get to the house".

We pulled into the driveway when I started to hallucinate I started screaming and crying "Why are you leavin, mom. Mom come back I love you". In the hallucination I turned to my brother Lucas and said before he left with mom "It's all your fault that mom is leaving me I hate you and will never forgive you for what you have done. You have killed our father and said it was me I hate you. I will never forget that you did this to me Lucas." In hallucination Lucas turns and leaves with mom (Jackie).

Vi, Chris and Justin all see me screaming and crying. They pick me up since I can't stand, due to the pain, and carry me into the house.

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