Movie night

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After all the fighting in the yard we had dinner. During dinner there was an uncomfortable silence that no one wanted to break. I felt that something was being hidden from me. "What are you guys hiding from me? And what was said in the room earlier that Justin and Mom won't tell me about?"

I could tell my mom was hiding something. "Mom please tell me what happened in the room earlier. I'm a part of this family too." "Scarlett I don't know how to tell you this-"mom started to say but was cut off by Violet "Your brother is in town and looking for you." "Wait a second ur saying my birth mom wants me dead and my blood related brother is looking for me why?" I said.

"You already know who your blood brother is, but he doesn't know who you are." My mom said."The only new person in town besides Justin is Lucas." I gasped when realization hit me that Lucas was my brother. "Wait he tried to kiss me if he was my brother than why would he try that unless he doesn't know I'm his sister". As I was answering my own questions Justin looked a little to suspicious. "So, Justin is there anything you want to say, feel free to chime in at any time." "Alright do you really want to know what me and your mom were talking about in the room when we got home from school. I told her about your mom looking for you and how your brother is here looking for his sister, you, so he can kill you." He shouted out in frustration.

I shot up from my chair and walked away and sat on the couch. I heard everyone clean up dinner and Justin came into the living room and stood by the couch. "If you came looking for an apology Justin you're not gonna get one so save your breath." I stood up and went to go walk upstairs. My arm was grabbed and he spun me around. He looked intensely into my eyes with so much emotion while I looked into his eyes with only one emotion. I was breathless and my heart was pounding. I'm so glad he couldn't hear my heart. But I heard his it was pounding like a sledgehammer. Then before I could move he grabbed my head with his hands and our lips crashed together.

Our kiss was interrupted by my brother walking in and clearing his throat. It felt like forever but in reality it was only a few minutes. So when the kiss broke we just stared deeply into each others eyes. I didn't know if he liked me but the kiss just confirmed my suspicions.

My mom walked in. She suggested "Why don't we watch a movie tonight" "Yes but which one?" My brother and sister said at the exact same time. It was kind of freaky. "Why don't we watch Furious 7" Chris said hopefully. Justin was the only other one that wanted to watch it. "Or we could watch Thor 2: The Dark World" my sister said. Me and my mom automatically agreed. So since it was 3 to 2 we watched Thor 2. Justin sat next to me and Chris sat on the other side of me so he could make sure nothing was going to happen between me and Justin. My sister sat on the recliner while my mom sat on the love seat.

My sister Hal made popcorn but nobody wanted any so she kept it all to her self.

About 10 minutes into the movie I laid down with my head on Justins lap and my legs on Chris. After about another 15 minutes I started to drift off to sleep.

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