The Private Chat

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We walked into the lunch room and guess who was at the table next to ours. Yup you guessed it right it was the new boy Lucas. When Justin saw him I told him not worry and calm down and he listened. All Violet did was gossip about Brad then she suddenly stopped and ran away in tears. I was so confused I looked over the room and saw Brad making out with a blond chic. So I went over and said "How is Violet you know your girlfriend?" He was shocked and turned around and the blonde chic slapped him and kneed him in his nuts. I just laughed then he pushed me up against the wall. I kneed him in his nuts and slapped him in his face. I told him "Go rot in hell. You broke my sisters heart and I suggest you walk away before I break you." He walked away and I'm guessing to the nurse since he was holding his nuts.

After I got Violet calmed down and back in the lunch room there was about 15 minutes left in lunch so we went and sat down. We talked for the rest of the time.

We left lunch and went to our next classes and just talked for the rest of the day. My head started hurting about the beginning of 7th period.  So I laid my head down on the desk. I had Spanish that period and we had a substitute and we didn't have anything to do, just a word search. All of us were in the same Spanish class because my brother failed this class last year. We all sat in the same row. It was Chris, Violet, me and Justin in the row.

The bell rang and I got up and headed to the door to leave except  someone stepped into front of me. I looked up to see Justin. "Would you like to ride with me home from school?" He asked. "Sure I would love that" I replied and I could feel my face get red and hot. He just nodded his head in agreement.

Once we got into the car he turned on the radio. I was singing and dancing to the music. We were about 5 minutes from home he shut of the music. I responded "Hey". I was so sad. He just chuckled.

"Hey can I ask you something, Scar?"
"Yeah, sure. Whatcha need to know."
"Do you like me or am I more of a brother to you?"
"Um...I uh...I like you more then just a brother or a friend."
He just smiled and nodded. That just broke my heart a little, he didnt say he liked me or anything. Then we pulled in the driveway. We got out and walked into the house.

Once we made it in the house I explained what happened today to mom and she didn't say anything. She just sat there in shock. But that all changed after Justin asked to speak with her privately. So I'm guessing it was something about me because he asked my sister to burn some sage. If you burn sage it's supposed to act as a blocking spell so no one can here what people are saying inside the room where the sage is being burned.

My sister and brother already knows what's going on by the way they hurried me upstairs.

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